Povestea tragică a Isabellei Hellmann | Documentar despre crime adevărate

Povestea tragică a Isabellei Hellmann |  Documentar despre crime adevărate

Evenimentele descrise în acest videoclip au avut loc în urmă cu șase ani. Pe 15 mai 2017, în jurul orei 1 dimineața, Garda de Coastă din Florida a primit un apel de urgență. Raportul spunea că un iaht care călătorea din stațiunea cubaneză Varadero până în Florida s-a ciocnit de ceva și a început să se scufunde. Inițial erau două persoane la bordul navei, iar când salvatorii au găsit doar unul dintre ei, mulți au început să se întrebe dacă lucrurile erau într-adevăr așa cum păreau? Isabella Hellmann. #truecrime #truecrimedocumentary #rezolvate


34 thoughts on “Povestea tragică a Isabellei Hellmann | Documentar despre crime adevărate

  1. No justice for this family. Absolutely tragic. This low life husband got away with murder. My thoughts go to the victim and her family ❤.

  2. Its funny reading comments. They mimic each other.. 😅
    If anyone was paying attention. He made a plea to manslaughter. Hence , the eight years.
    Talk to the family court judge in " Florida " about why his family got custody.
    I wondered why they didn't send out a larger craft to try to save the vessel.

  3. They're going to throw him out of Australia correct? Just like the UK throws out non British born criminals so does Australia and he was born in the UK

  4. I believe that Isabella was dead before she ever even got wet. I think he tossed her body overboard and staged everything else. He and his family should lose all contact with Amelia. That poor little girl. He deserves so much worse! Ugh! 😡

  5. Love all the photos.. VERY GOOD. SOMEPEOPLE just talk and show the same 2 photos.. over and over so nice JOB!

  6. HOWWWW?!?!?! I’m disgusted… this was absolutely calculated. I hope vigilante justice catches/caught up with him in prison. THAT WAS NOT ENOUGH TIME. He should have a life sentence… everyone else has one… fuck that judge…

  7. Why was she still using her ex-husband's name, Hellmann, after getting married to Bennett and having a child with him before they got married?

  8. In re to the child, I too think she should have gone to the mother’s family, however, we have no idea on their situation. I’m not throwing assertions as to their situation but it’s something to consider based on the court’s decision on where to place the child.

  9. I think he killed her on the boat, my guess is he strangled her and then realized he needed to cover it up. Amelia should be with her mother's family.

  10. A sleazy shady dude whose parents cover for him. Which means they most likely contributed to his psychopathy. And they're the ones raising the child.

  11. This piece of trash will be released and move on to a new woman. I hope and pray she does a background check first. Narcissists do NOT change… ever!!

  12. This is a lesson to all the females out there that have dickbag boyfriends or dickbag husbands that they can't trust that are stalking them or trying to get back with them even though they don't even want to be in a relationship because nobody treats you like shit when they love you there doing it because you can provide something a resource for them and that is exactly what this was I knew right away that she's a woman that had the money she was the breadwinner not him he's a fucking gutter trash piece of shit she should never gone with him but that's the thing every woman think she could fix somebody but you can't you can't fix a piece of shit you know that's just the way it is that's what I mechanic told me one time about my car he said you can't fix a piece of shit it's that easy plus if you're in a situation in a relationship that you don't want to be in and your you feel like you're being bullied into submission somehow and they decide suddenly out of nowhere to go on a vacation and they tell you let's take a boat ride baby you say fuck no I'm not going on a fucking boat ride with you I don't trust you and why would I ever do that or maybe don't even tell him but tell him I don't want to go on a boat I don't like boats and that's it you know because they're trying to kill you it's just like snorkeling is not a good idea to go snorkeling with a psychopath when you're in a shithole relationship with this person you don't feel safe with that person you just don't do certain things you don't do certain things like that she don't go snorkeling unicorn but you don't do that you just don't do that cuz you're putting yourself at risk and they're looking for ways to dispose of you that's the way it works

  13. I call this a miscarriage of Justice that's what I would call this I don't know what the relationship is between the judge and this little dickbag but maybe he gave him some gold coins maybe he slipped him some extra gold coins maybe that's how he was able to con his way through this fucking bullshit and get himself a fucking manslaughter charge eight fucking years from murder of this beautiful female because she had fucking money she was a breadwinner and he was a fucking loser that's why are you serious manslaughter a fucking years that's it that is fucking disgusting that's got to be something to that I don't know what it is I guess there is a close personal relationship between him and a judge it has to be right I would look into that I would get a retrial fuck that shit that is bullshit premeditation he is the girl from me from from saying how well he got he got me was fortunate to get he was supposed to get second-degree murder bitch he was supposed to get premeditation he was supposed to get life in prison he was not supposed to get fucking manslaughter manslaughter sending them been on the table that's fucking bananas you know that it was premeditated he had gold coins with him he had planned this shit she even said so much as this is an unsafe environment I don't feel safe with this this person I mean what the fuck do you need this got to be an investigation into that if I were that family I would have a retrial I would fucking demanded this is crazy

  14. But for some reason he didn't use his prior knowledge what do you think the reason was people he wanted his wife dead he wanted her money. What the fuck else you think it could be use your fucking head is that a joke I was I hope that was sarcasm that they were using in the courtroom when they said he had training but for some reason he didn't use that training so I can understand dad for some reason he didn't do that why do you suppose that is I I really hope that was a joke

  15. How the fuck is Amelia and his custody at all what is that about this is what I mean get into it get just get a detective out there find out what's going on this don't make sense just don't make sense it sounds like he paid somebody in the court of law to help him at him help his ass out that's what it sounds like it sounds like something sneaky going on if I were her their family I would never let this shit go until I found out what it was

  16. EVP ALERTZ we can hear his wife in the background and you also hear a couple other Spirits giving her advice and all that I've typed it up below you know you you can believe me you don't have to believe me I don't give a fuck but I'm just letting you know what was being said what I could hear anyway it wasn't much but it's something and there it is I've typed it up right below if you have trouble hearing at turn up your volume put on your headphones and played in slow-motion if you have to

    5:12 5:13 5:14 5:15

    5:16 5:17 5:18

    5:19 5:20 5:21 5:22 5:23

    5:24 5:25

    5:26/5:27 "YOU'RE A MRDERER!"

    5:27 " I LOVE HOW YOUR SISTER IS STANDING UP FOR YOU!" (basically, she has the nerve to ehh to call him out!)






    5:32 "CAN YOU HEAR ME?!"


  17. Isabella's parents should have had full custosy of their granddaughter. I don't understand why parents who have killed their spouses are allowed to keep custody of their children. Imagine being rised by the man or woman who killed your mom or dad. So unfair.

  18. I would love to see the look on his face when his daughter grows up and asks him “ dad, did you kill my mom”?. I’d love to be a fly on the wall and hear what he has to say then.

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