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Un mare plus la barcă!

21 thoughts on “Un mare plus la barcă!”
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you both are doing an amazing job on everything!!!
Love your choice of music on this and other recent episodes.
"It's America…Big truck" Aladino.
Now why is Janni painting with a sweater rather than a painting shirt?
Looking very nice. Great surprise to have someone come into paint. Great video as always.
I noticed most YouTube boat repair people don't have pickup trucks! Why not? You are mastership rebuilders
"No we're not getting the truck!" – "I want a Czessna …" – "Tsessna they call it over here".
can't they …
You got that transportation conversation more than once before I reckon.
And chart-table Tetris, of course. Can't wait seeing it finished.
The battery-boat-people dropping by was a nice touch. Shared weird interests can go a long way
I´m so happy that things are moving forward for you guys again and your boat is going to be beautiful I'm sure
Couldn't you of got the chart table delivered? when the chart table is fitted are you having a chair / seat with it, I have a 2016 Beneteau 48 with it's chart table there is a seat but looking at your's there doesn't look too much room around it ?
More Windows
Your boat looks like it is really taking shape. Do you have a date to splash?
Hi Maya and Aladino, I got a quick Question. I saw this fancy Tool @theduracellproject for the mixing of epoxy in corret ratio. Why arent you two use such a "mixing station" like Matt does? Best regards from Germany. Kai
As a Whidbey Islander, I really appreciated the beautiful shots of Deception Pass and our bridge. It is good to remember what a beautiful place that I am fortunate enough to live in. I sailed through there on Saturday for the start of the Round Whidbey Race.
I enjoy watching the progress and attention to detail you insert into your build. I too enjoy the Duracell project videos. Thanks

What they do I did for a living, and it is true that no matter how much you love wooden boats, working head down in bilges looses its novelty and at a point it is just hard work.
I guess in their case they are also building their own boat, a channel, an income, a living space, an a dream adventure around the world.
I have issues with the bearing slides in the drawers I hope they are 100% stainless including the bearing balls casing which is not always the case, often the simplest way(flat wood or synthetic slides)
Great video as usual, loved the audio core with the women duo ( 8:50 )
Guys it’s looking amazing! Quick thought on the quarter birth mattress… can you template it using the doorskin method, and then buy a foam mattress that is bigger, and use a hot knife to cut it to the template… hey presto, fitted mattress! Keep up the good work!!
Hi, can you send me the links to your friends who came unexpectedly to visit the curacao project
Maya, as you learned, it IS a massive project. Certainly Aladino was much more prepared for that, and of course he LIKES doing this stuff. My wife and I (of 50 + years) have done multiple such projects. True, she leaves a lot for me to enjoy, and she finds the parts that SHE enjoys. She is an artist that is great at the visual design part. I'm a fine woodworker, that enjoys the challenge of construction. I subscribe to about 50 or more channels, yours being one of them. I have to say I look forward to your new posts more than any others. I enjoy the building solutions and quality that you both offer. But I admit that one of the things I MOST like about your channel…is the great music. You are a REALLY good videographer! Thanks so much.
Once again, a wonderful recap of a productive week. We especially liked the time you spent in Deception Pass. Beautiful shots in a beautiful place!