Lansăm barca pentru a explora Cathedral Caves of Rock Sound. După aceea, suntem fierbinți și transpirați, așa că sărim de pe o stâncă în Ocean Hole. Apoi ne este foame să ne îndreptăm spre barcă și să gătim un lot de tortilla. ~ Ben, Tambi și Molly | „SAILBOATSTORY” Nu uitați să vă ABONAți și alăturați-vă nouă în fiecare VINERI pentru un nou episod! * Dacă ai citit asta, folosește în mod creativ cuvintele TORTILLA & GERBIL într-un comentariu.
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First South Australia
Great vid! Learn something new everyday!
Ok I have to stop watching LOL I buying all these gadgets ,my wife is telling me I'm turning into a hoarder
For Great tortillas buy a bag of White Wings mix and just add water!!
You guy's are awesome! Even you Ben!
Be careful going into those caves in the Bahamas. My former employer lost a few guys working in one down by Nassau due to hydrogen sulfide.
Hi, nice video, as always…. You must consider to sail to Mexico. Here We teach you gays to make Tortillas with out science. Howdy
Why is Molly holding her nose? Learn to blow out during jumping in. Good luck!
It was great to meet you your videos
We use tortillas for everything when out. Just buy a couple packs and throw em in the freezer. Though sometimes in the freezer they stick together even when completely thawed out. The breadmaker has been a good addition to our boat, but I guess we will need to buy a tortilla maker. I already have a cast iron pan made for cooking tortillas. Might want to look that up for the next trip.
I recently found your channel and I like your content. You have a great family and it looks like you guys have a lot of fun ahead. Be safe!
I would bet that Molly's GERBIL would like your TORTILLAS ! So if you have a batch of TORTILLAS that doesn't come out just right you probably have a couple months supply of GERBIL food.
Hagan arepas! Same using corn flour
Lard is the secret to authentic tortillas. Just a small dollup for each batch.
Dude… when your editing is on…. it's ON… Makes me wish there were more thumbs up buttons.
Wait all week lately for interesting video and end up with a music video with annoying sounds and 3 minutes of talking ??
Love your videos, very fun to watch.
Why would you make them they are cheap and store flat and easier
Too hot to cooking all that on a hot day inside a boat
Lard….not oil for tortillas…..
We want to see more of Tamby in bathing suits
Nice work guys! Really fun to watch.
i love boobbys!!!
The first three minutes of video and sound would make a great opening for an Indiana Jones movie…just sayin…
Nice video, here’s the secret for making tortillas, all that you’re doing previously it’s correct specially the use of the hand press, but once you put the raw tortilla on the pan (need to be a hot pre heat one without any oil, and ad only one at time) need to let it cook it for around 30 second to one minute and see when it’s cooked by changing the color and texture, then flip it down and cook the other side for about another 30 sec, after that press it on the center and it starts to inflate by it self like a small ballon, after that flip it down once again and cook the first side for couple seconds, and your perfect tortilla it’s ready.
For store them separate each one and let them chill, once they’re cold you can make a tower and put in a plastic bag on the fridge, it’s important not store them warm on the cold immediately because it can break or became sticky and grow a fungus on it (that’s actually penicillin)
Looks pretty darn good. So do the tortillas…
As loving parents I assume you have warned your daughter of the potential problem of diving in a bikini?
Cool vedio guys