Ne-am cumpărat o barcă cu vele! Un concurs din 1972 38. Acesta este începutul călătoriei noastre. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce facem primul pas în procesul nostru de refit – livrarea ambarcațiunii! Împreună cu ajutorul minunatului nostru căpitan Tom, am putut să ne îmbarcăm într-o livrare de 3 zile de succes (de asemenea, prima dată pentru Ellie pe o barcă cu vele) de la Portland Marina la Burnham-on-Crouch. Plin de dramă cu motor și o mulțime de echipe de santină, sperăm să vă bucurați de primul dintre multele episoade care urmează! Ellie și Ben xx – SPRIJĂȚI-NE Dacă doriți să susțineți micul nostru proiect și să ne ajutați chiar și puțin la crearea casei noastre de vis, ce ziceți să ne cumpărați o cafea: URMARĂ Urmăriți-ne pe Instagram pentru mai multe actualizări live : CITEȘTE ÎN MAI MULTE Pe măsură ce ne construim încet conținutul și ne dezvoltăm mai mult în design, vrem să ne construim site-ul web undeva unde să citim mai multe despre proiectele pe care le realizăm, despre design și despre cum urmează, mai multe informații despre Rum Punch etc. Accesați pentru a citi despre CREDITE MUZICALE Muzică de Ben Sound | | Benjamin Tissot Inspire – Cod de licență: QJLHTCE4RSBNLKTU Hei – Cod de licență: 193CK1XHNYCJ8CTA Adventure – Cod de licență: 7L0LEHCTY4PVLTUD Acoustic Breeze – Cod de licență: JNHAD7FCJY6OJTRM Elevate – Cod de licență: VL0LEHCTY4PVLTIUPPAVLS3IVLS3 QDQ Music by Purple Planet – Entreprise – www.purple- ART CREDITS SRP Logo – Raj Rai @the_._art_._life
Ep 1 | Aducând-o acasă | Livrarea barca cu vele nou cumpărată

25 thoughts on “Ep 1 | Aducând-o acasă | Livrarea barca cu vele nou cumpărată”
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My god the audacity of that stinkboat captain overtaking you
no jokes aside just found you on youtube good luck fair winds Cheers n beers Marty Australia
Great first video guys! Looking forward to watching more. Please tell us more about yourselves and the boat
, getting the freedom to go places, my opinion get her out to work on the shortcomings your home is with before spreading her wings
Please please please….Keep this YT channel CLASSY. So many of these channels start using their wife's bikkini and cleavage on video thumbnails…I don't watch those channels, out of respect for my wife.
Superb editing and of course the cinematography was absolutely breath taking. So nice of Tom to lend a hand. We are truly looking forward to the next adventure. Thank you so much for sharing!
Oh my god, I LOVE RUM PUNCH!!… and also sailing!!
Another YouTube channel launched! Best o luck…got a plan? Money? Sailing experience? Did I say money ?
A learning curve = bilge
Best wishes for your re fit! Watching from New Zealand
Good luck to you! Let’s see how this goes.
Well done, hope to see a lot more. Keep it up. I saw 3 ads during your first episode so that’s going Allright
Great first episode guys
I’ve given it the thumbs up and subscribed, looking forward to future episodes,
Its Great a new adventure,, for you and I !!
Now get the best Bulge pump that is electric you can and decent separated Battery for the pump and alarm. Make sure the battery can be charged by solar to keep it topped up. Always safety first latest life raft safe place for passport cards spare phone and other things in an easy to carry emergency waterproof pack.
Good luck, looking forward to your adventure, trials, tribulations, highs, lows and everything else.
From a new subscriber in South Africa
Yay, finally seen this now, enjoyed following you on insta for a while now

Finally a channel about young couple buying a boat and sailing.
Congratulations on the best thing you have ever chosen to do
No Info… no subscription… no one likes to feel manipulated… enjoy your ???
Oh that’s right, you chose not to tell us… GOOD BUY
Already liked and subscribed. Be assured I will be following your every adventure! I'm 73yo now and in a wheelchair but I love to watch young people being happy together!
Looks like you're going to be fully occupied for quite some time there me hearties! Seawater in the bilge? I would suspect the thru – hulls first, then maybe the stern gland. Thru – hulls may be a little easier to replace. I've only watched stern glands being done and a lot seems to depend on the type. Nevermind, you'll find the problem and fix it I'm sure!
Have subbed & will be interesting to follow your experience. Seems like some ocean skippering skills will be first on the list? Congratulations. Good luck & fair winds going forward. Regards

S. Africa)
Great episode. You're both good in front of the camera, so your channel will hopefully sail merrily onwards. As you've already discovered, every boat needs a Naval 'Tiffy' like Tom, to keep it ship-shape. I would suggest you find yourself an Engineering Evening Class, to get some in-depth knowledge about your Diesel engine, before you start sailing seriously, even if only to learn how to service it correctly. It might be worth having it overhauled, whilst you are doing the rest of your refurb. Fair Winds. Russ. Pompey.
Sounds gross but you were right, you need to taste your bilge water, dip your fingers in and see if it is salty…..if it's salty then you have a leak somewhere, if it is not salty then either it is a build up of condensation over time or a leak in your fresh water system or you have a deck-leak and it is rain water…..don't need much of a leak for rain water to quickly accumulate, check your through hull fittings
so excited for you and looking forward to your adventures….hoping to see you in Scotland soon. Loved the footage of your beautiful boat sailing but can I issue a plea that you invest in lifejackets as accidents can and do happen.
Looking forward to seeing more of your travels