Visul imposibil: diverse moduri prin care poți realiza visul de a naviga în jurul lumii

Visul imposibil: diverse moduri prin care poți realiza visul de a naviga în jurul lumii

The Cruising Dream Mini Series – Episodul 5 Acesta este un mini serial special în care încerc să despart întrebările obișnuite pe care le primesc pentru oamenii care abia se încep să navigheze sau care sunt interesați de croaziere pe termen lung, dar au probleme în a găsi informații despre diverse aspecte a vietii. Dacă vă place canalul, vă rugăm să „Like” videoclipurilor și să vă abonați pentru a nu pierde niciun episod viitor. Dacă vi se pare că videoclipurile sunt utile sau distractive și doriți să contribui, puteți deveni Patron la: sau dacă preferați să faceți o contribuție o singură dată, o puteți trimite prin PAYPAL la jamesthesailorman Fair Winds, James ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI PATREON: Patreon: Site: Tracker: /Triteia Instagram: #fulltimecruising #circumnavigation


40 thoughts on “Visul imposibil: diverse moduri prin care poți realiza visul de a naviga în jurul lumii

  1. Isn't it amazing how that incident at sea after you and your girl broke up made your channel? LOL I remember watching that and thinking ,wow , he's gotta deal with all this at once?? It seems like it really made you strong, like it tempered you, right? I tell people that sailing is a martial art and I really believe that. I'm so glad you don't drink too. If you ever make it out to the East Coast I have my own 120ft pier that my son an I built on the ICW with two slips. I also have a place where the wild horses roam that's a 16 mile drive up a primative beach with no roads, signs or mail delivery. If you are ever in the area you have an open invitation. (;

  2. As a boatbuilder and a sailor (who had to abort some of the plans prematurely for health reasons) I can contribute two advices here: First, in doubt, better take the smaller boat, both because of overall costs and because of easier handling in deteriorating conditions. And second: Do. Not. Wait. Cheers James, and thanks for sharing.

  3. Your Intrepid! My sailing experience…Waitamata harbour and Islands therein. Sydney harbour. Fun excursions. That's it. I admire your tenacity.

  4. Lovely mini-series James. It is practical and very informative. Thank you very much for the clear ideas and all the hard work.

  5. Just bought my first sailboat, and I’ve spent all of my time work so far making it more comfortable for my wife. Seems like a fair compromise to me!

  6. As far as making money off of YouTube goes, I watch a lot of sailing channel videos but I only watch content from 5 different channels so….. I definitely would never consider that as a means as making real coin.

  7. 106k Subscribers now,..working your way up pretty quick. You hit 100k what, just a month or two ago?

    "Algorithm comment"

  8. I’m 48, solo mama (x3) working hard and taking my first steps towards my impossible dream. Signed up for a local RYA course. Tomorrow is a sailing lesson (3/6) in the morning (dingy) and a trip on a cat in the afternoon around the Jurassic coast. You’re right, just do it! I’m totally loving it ⛵️ one step at a time ….. I won’t be a free agent for a few more years so this is my commitment to my future dream.

  9. I appreciate you taking the time do these videos. You did touch on and answer many of the questions I've had for so long but like you , I could not find the answers. As you said making a living off of the YouTube channel is not very likely . So I do plan on having to earn a living in order to maintain a savings for regular expenses an unexpected emergencies , that said can you give any insight as to the difficulty I can expect to encounter in acquiring work in remote locations such as Fiji, Tonga ,and other South Pacific Islands while cruising . I've heard rumors that the authorities and the local communities frowned upon Cruisers showing up on the shores and seeking work . I appreciate what you are doing sometimes I feel as though speaking directly to my soul your passion for sailing shows through keep it up ,Fairwinds

  10. I’m going to patron for the first time to help with my 2 cents so you can have a even more blessed life!. God bless, thanks for the videos.

  11. Sensational mini series most of my knowledge I am gaining comes from you james and hopefully in the near future a reality….

  12. I usually just stop when I'm broke and get a job work in yard dock work , commercial fishing, wait tables do it all refitting my boat rn so working in a yard and deliver part time for a jeanneau dealer so still make trips

  13. Hi James I’m in Opua my boat is getting worked over to live on.Think the short series was very good enjoyed watching listening learning as we say in NZ Goodone😊

  14. Great little series with some very good information, Thank you Capt. James.
    Fair winds, following seas, safe travels and God Bless…

  15. Could yoiu maybe do a video on boat insurance and health insurance for boaters that might be a good one to do. I for one dont some what understand if you need to change insurances when you leave a certain countries. Does your health and boat insurance change as you leave to different areas. Thanks

  16. Thank you for sharing what you have learned. Realistically, I will never find a "practical" use for the information, but nonetheless, I always find you very entertaining and informative. My favorite part of your life, though, is when you are on passage – going anywhere.

  17. Awesome series, James. Thank you.
    You've given us so much great information and ideas.
    We love the laid back style of all your videos.
    We can't wait to get our amazing dream happening too.

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