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What was your favorite part of this video? -BTM
Keep safe guys
That is one beautiful, extremely well maintained and nicely equipped rig with a great crew on board! Enjoy and be SAFE….Hello from SA TX!
your boat is so majestic compaired to your old one of coures so much better.
Ben, really enjoyed the sailing footage this week… John, Ontario, Canada
Awesome video guys
This beautiful sail boat really seems to just force herself through the swells rather than be pushed around by them! Love that the tiny stay sail does such a great job! The Bonnie did its magic for your girls as well, making for a quiet sail for the Captain!
I'm glad you are finding "solutions" to help make your passages more comfortable and your sailing experience more efficient. It is amazing to watch you improvise for all the situations that arise. "Captain Wisdom" to the rescue
. I hope Tambi will get more comfortable with faster sailing in the near future. I can just imagine the thrill of feeling a big boat really running hard . Happy Sailing my favorite extended family 

I thought for a while these girl's sadly don't like sailing too much looking miserable and desperate to get back on terra firma . But it's because of seasickness, I know when you get it you just want to curl up and die….

Love seeing the sails in action and hearing your informative explanations as to what job they are doing! The personal touches are fun, too
Molly, try just 1/4 of a tablet of the motion sickness. That’s what worked for me and without side effects, no doziness.
I love and enjoy y'all's videos… The only problem is sometimes they're to short… LOL… I love you kids and do look forward to your videos… Molly just seems to be just getting cuitter I don't understand how she does it… You are a blessed man to be able to sail the sea with two beautiful young ladies… LOL..
I must say that I feel y'all are so much safer out there on a bigger boat. I've always believed that the bigger the better as long as you can handle it…
So with much love and mand many prayers, y'all be blessed in Jesus name…
Been watching from the beginning love your channel can't wait to see happens next

I would like to Smell the GOURMET dinner… At least could you show it in the video…. As always… A great video. The scenary at the beginning is so beautiful… The sin and the boat…
Some like the devil's lettuce against sea sickness but I believe Molly is a bit to young for that. Nice to see you back in the ocean
That's a cool looking tye dye hoodie molly has on in the intro
Bonine is the BEST!!!
Relief band works well for my wife’s sea sickness. What is that device you attach to your drone to catch it? Definitely will save your fingers!!
I take bonine when I go on a cruise
Love your videos, humor is always good.
As a non-sailor I enjoyed seeing all the rigging and what it does under sail.
Good old Georgia dinner. Glad you are in good clear water . Enjoy.
My favorite part of this video was Tamby in a bathing suit.
That vang would be a real kicker in the UK.
Im not sure if you have heard or tried using ginger for sea sickness. For a day or two before going out eat anything you like that has ginger. Including gingerbread cookies. I've tried it and it helps without all the medications. Supposedly it affects the liquids in your middle ear so its less sensitive. Also if it doesn't work all you are out is a few cookies. (I know, "darn it that guy forced us to eat cookies")lol peace guys and congrats on being out there again
I may be a little biased..but…when you upgraded to Sea Rat I thought.."Ooh, they're going to love that boat! And you all did the right (and hard) things to get her back in shape..Wise move on the hull to deck joint….hard job, but worth it….
Thought confirmed….Enjoy!!!
Thumbnail is hot. She’s smokin