În cele din urmă, traversăm Canalul Panama cu catamaranul nostru de performanță și lăsăm Oceanul Pacific în apele mai calde ale Caraibelor. Suntem pregătiți să luăm Caribbean Sailing și toată această parte a lumii are de oferit. #sailing #boatlife #panamacanal Ajutați-vă ca aventurile să vină și verificați Patreon-ul nostru pentru câteva avantaje exclusive! https://www.patreon.com/lavidagypsea
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Listele mele de redare
Sea of Cortez ( Baja California Sur): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fza2cL1WRxw&list=PLU-l_xNaPVKt0yY-wlSKyqSf9mdqqsGU8
Pacificul de Sud Mexic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4OvR2oQ_2Q&list=PLU -l_xNaPVKvMGrX2w8EXlH6vSgWx_34p
Alte videoclipuri pe care ați putea fi interesat să le vizionați:
EXPUNEREA TOTUL | Părți cu navigație pe croaia | Sailing La Vida Gypsea – Ep: 48 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_qjvO8yusg&t=146s
IN CELE DIN URMA! Tranzitând CANALUL PANAMA pe CATAMARANUL nostru | EP – 80 – Sailing La Vida Gypsea

7 thoughts on “IN CELE DIN URMA! Tranzitând CANALUL PANAMA pe CATAMARANUL nostru | EP – 80 – Sailing La Vida Gypsea”
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Love, love, LOVVVVE this episode!!! Everything about it!!! Compared to other crossings I’ve watched from Delos, Calico Skies, One Life, and some others, your crossing was considerably easier, yay for you guys!! I’m so stoked for the San Blas vids, and everything thereafter! I’m just stoked for you guys in general, and what new adventures lie ahead!
keep on keepin on!!! Thanks for sharing your lil slice o the world with us….fair winds
Well for the first time I watch transiting the Panama canal from the Pacific towards the Atlantic… guess as an European I felt more attracted to that other direction…. anyway: I will not stop following you so I can learn about the Caraïbian – fair winds!
Congratulations on a smooth canal passage! Look forward to seeing your next adventures!
Congrats on a successful crossing! Maybe we'll see you guys in the Bahamas?!
I grew up there. If I don't go through the canal again, I'm ok. Paddled through the canal as well. Took 3 days to paddle a cayuka from the Atlantic to the Pacific. You guys hit the Chagres River? Speared and fished in there alot. San Blas was alot of fun there too. Dad grew up with the Kuna's. Had a little island they would let him stay at when he took us down. They call it barbeque island now, back then it was quiet. Sure miss the Canal Zone. Nice vid.
Time to enjoy shallow waters …
Glad everything went smoothly! Looking forward to the next adventure!