După ce am terminat charterul, am vrut să „merc cu vântul” și să explorez. Având în vedere direcția vântului, opțiunile mele erau limitate, dar am decis să ies din drumurile bătute. Aceasta este doar prima jumătate a săptămânii mele, dar a fost una dintre cele mai bune săptămâni din viața mea și sper să vă bucurați de ea alături de mine. Oferă puțin sprijin suplimentar 💞 Circumnavigația abia începe… tot ajutorul tău se îndreaptă către mai mult echipament pentru a face videoclipurile puțin mai bune și barca mai sigură și mai funcțională pentru mine ca o singură mână (și poate un răsfăț suplimentar pentru Mako ) COMUNITATEA PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/laurenlanders Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/souldelamar Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/souldelamar Mako Treats: https: //www.buymeacoffee.com/laurenalanR Marfa: https://www.soudelamar.com/shop/ Lista de dorințe: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/WT5UKPG3ITDP/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_3 Lucruri pe care le folosesc & dragoste (acestea sunt link-uri afiliate și mă ajută puțin): Cremă de protecție solară: cod www.Stream2Sea.com: „laurenalanders” Îmbrăcăminte: cod www.thesilkco.com: Cafea „Lauren Landers Sailing”: https://shareasale. com/r.cfm?b=1765969&u=3110145&m=110103&urllink=&afftrack= Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/_laurenlanders Bacănii prin abonament Thrive: http://thrv.me/WzJrbh Chiuvetă cu filtru de apă: https ://www.acuvatech.com/shop/?ref=laurenlanders Instagram instagram.com/laurenlanders instagram.com/makoatsea


43 thoughts on “FATA CARE SINGURĂ OFF-GRID [ep 70]

  1. Give a little extra support 💞 The circumnavigation is JUST beginning… all of your help goes towards more gear to make the videos a bit better and the boat safer and more functional for myself as a single hand (and maybe an extra treat for Mako)

    PATREON COMMUNITY: https://www.patreon.com/laurenlanders
    Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/souldelamar
    Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/souldelamar
    Mako Treats: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/laurenalanR

  2. The water was absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing your journey with us Captain, and so glad your windless is working well. What is the best way to help fund you new auto-pilot Lauren?

  3. Maybe You No
    Other Women With

    And They Are Ready 4 Freddie

    Get Top Notch Sailer
    Hit The Sheets


    Fletcher did not bring Enough Women
    Strait Out
    The Golden Breed

  4. Reef Gold
    Runs East n West
    Veins Parallel no mire than 120 ft apart

    Snakes up n down from surface

    Most The Gold on Earth
    In The Southern Hemisphere

    Scopes Show
    Nuggets as Big As a Car
    They are Driving Roads
    And Setting up

    But it's Bloody Hot
    2 on & 2 off
    Drinking gator aid all day
    Until you shit yourself

  5. Are there places in Florida near Ft. Lauderdale, WPB, Miami where you can rent a sailboat or catamaran (without a captain)? I was searching and could not find ANYTHING. My one friend in Australia got certified captain training and rented some nice catamarans in Queensland for weeks at a time and then also just rented one for a month in Greece.. I can't seem to find anything similar in Florida though

  6. I have a Solar Floppy on my
    Bike cart
    I pack 80 lbs
    It has 12 volt & 110
    Charge 1.5 lithium Bike battery on its bank
    I use e wok panini maker air fryer rice maker water boiler & hot plate
    All mini
    Runs Security
    Pure Sine wave 1000watts

  7. Hello from Sweden! A couple of questions: Why did you you choose the boat you did and what what pros and cons about your boat? 2nd: When will you sail to Norway? =)

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