Aventuri palpitante: navigație în larg la Nazaré și parapantă pe stâncă! Cu @AndreBandarra1

Aventuri palpitante: navigație în larg la Nazaré și parapantă pe stâncă!  Cu @AndreBandarra1

Imbarcați-vă într-o aventură palpitantă în timp ce navigam în larg spre Nazaré și urcăm pe cer pentru a face parapanta pe stâncă. Pregătește-te pentru priveliști uluitoare, valuri care se prăbușesc și zboruri cu adrenalină. Experimentați armonia mării și a cerului în această escapadă alimentată de adrenalină, care vă va lăsa inspirat și vă va lăsa pofta de propriile voastre fapte îndrăznețe. Alăturați-vă nouă pentru o călătorie de neuitat în care entuziasmul nu are limite! Dacă vă plac videoclipurile și doriți să faceți o donație, linkurile pentru venmo, patreon sau paypal sunt mai jos: https://venmo.com/code?user_id=2372932546330624672 https://www.patreon.com/samholmes https://cash.app/$SamHolmesSailing https://www.paypal.me/soarsail Bitcoin: bc1q23xsnagqat94tcu6tr40zcj504njlzqq2hg39c Urmărește-mă pe instagram @SamHolmesSailing samholmessailing@gmail.com


48 thoughts on “Aventuri palpitante: navigație în larg la Nazaré și parapantă pe stâncă! Cu @AndreBandarra1

  1. Good point on the spinniker pole – keep it perpendicular to the wind and lifted so that the foot of the kite is as level as possible. They are effective downwind and very pretty. If you want to get rich, figure out a cleat that automatically plays out spinniker sheet as the boat heels excessively to avoid broaching.

  2. You are awesome …. channel should be called "Sam Holmes the Sky's the Limit Sailing Canvas and Wing" .. Too bad they didn't have bigger swells to look at while soaring? Oh well…Loved the episode.😊

  3. Love the flight and insta 360 footage! Also appreciate you brining in more dock handling and sailing notes of experience like flying the spinnaker. One of your best videos! Dean

  4. Nazaré is a Awsome place .. I think you should show the Lighthouse and the area of the Worlds Biggest waves … that is the Spot!

  5. I had sailboat all my life. But now I live in the North Carolina mountains, playing golf. You make me want to get back in the ocean!

  6. Very interesting – QUESTION – Starting to really like this concept of go-small go-now. How do you feel about a Cape Dory 28 vs getting the 36? Would you consider it a significant improvement to go for the 36 or, does it become irrelevant once you get into sailing for a while?? (same kind of comparison between an Alberg 30 and 37 – both such great boats but not clear which way to go).

  7. My favorite part about your sailing videos is you actually sail a great deal of the time. I often see sailing vessels motor up the second the wind dies.

    I totally understand the desire to get moving but I always enjoy your willingness to relax and enjoy the moment.

  8. This was great! I thoroughly enjoyed the paragliding and the differences between yours and Andre’s . His was like a race car compared with everyone else’s 4door sedan’s! Everyone should look great with it, although he’s like part bird …..I have a feeling you’ll have one of the lighter ones soon too, you looked like you were enjoying it.

  9. Naz is safe as anything in the summer… winter on the other hand is big wave surfing season. Glad you enjoyed it; we loved our winter there!

  10. Hey new to the channel. Have you ever sailed to wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 in the uk definitely a place I’d like to see you visit it beautiful 👍

  11. why are you not harnessed to the boat or rail when you are up on the deck taking pictures, especially when on the bow and reaching like you are?

  12. @samholmessailing what battery powered fridge have you been using recently? Seems to be working pretty well for you. I’m in the market. Thanks Sam!

  13. Hey Sam ,, what are you using to get those " away" look shots up off the bow ?
    It looks like your holding some type of tether ,, but I cant see what it us your using ,,,, thanks.

  14. When trimming a symmetrical spinnaker I like to trim the pole so that it is perpendicular to the Windex. This allows optimal flow to the sail and then you can ease and trim the sheet for performance. Something to try out if you are looking for different ways to trim the sail!

  15. Seems like you'd miss your own boat stepping off learning that trick

    Later with dolphins 🐬 as well

    Waveguide like radar perhaps with trough

    And then coming in at night to a new harbor.

    Cliff hanger wanted another round touch and gos

    Looked like fun

    Local knowledge as well thermals where to get the lift…

  16. I feel uneasy to point anything to a great sailor with so much experience but I have to: 4:30 Beware Sam do not let the pole rest on the forestay as the lateral force is translated in a much stronger longitudinal pull on the stray that could break it (or the pole).
    Might not be critical in your case but why tempt fate when so much sh%t can go wrong already.
    I know you knew, ,just absentmindedness I guess.
    Great video again and thank you for sharing your journey with us .
    PS:Dolphin#1 "human jumping in the water"
    Dolphin#2 "smells like asparagus, lets split"

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