În interiorul unui iaht de 14 milioane de dolari: afacerea superyachturilor de lux | Costuri de operare WSJ

În interiorul unui iaht de 14 milioane de dolari: afacerea superyachturilor de lux |  Costuri de operare WSJ

Super iahturile sunt ca niște mini orașe plutitoare, echipate cu o centrală electrică, un centru de tratare a apei și motoare diesel masive. Există costuri uriașe pentru întreținerea navei – doar combustibilul poate costa 350.000 USD pe an. WSJ explorează de ce proprietarii de superyacht-uri trebuie să cheltuiască mai mult de 10% din valoarea navei în fiecare an în întreținere și alte costuri de operare. 0:00 Cât costă să ții un superyacht de lux pe linia de plutire? 0:41 Costuri de andocare 1:20 Costuri de combustibil 1:58 Costuri de întreținere 3:19 Costuri de echipaj 4:00 Costuri diverse #Superyacht #Lux #WSJ


24 thoughts on “În interiorul unui iaht de 14 milioane de dolari: afacerea superyachturilor de lux | Costuri de operare WSJ

  1. Seems like they are ripping the rich people off. Well thats what happens when you dont have knowledge/skill of what you are dealing with

  2. I will forever be indebted to you you've changed my whole life contiune to preach about your name for the world to hear you've saved me from a huge financial debt with just little investment thanks so much Mrs Christine Reynolds

  3. Wow I'm impressed how somebody can afford this I get it if you have money why not live to luxury life you know but I'll look on the other side of all this business where people can barely afford a sandwich on their table people like me for example working two jobs having to live paycheck-to-paycheck and still can't afford anything while having family in college and trying to live life a little bit which is almost impossible these days it is really sad to see where rich people put their money while other people are starving. Maybe they can give me like 10% of the money so I can at least pay my bills because I can't afford anything really anymore what a shame😮.Maybe send me a million so I do not have to cry anymore!

  4. We, the 'normal' people are told to turn of lights in our houses to save energy but the rich run yachts that consume huge amount of energy. Not to mention their big houses that need a lot of heating or cooling, plus the heated swimming pools etc. etc. The rich may enjoy their wealth, they earned it, but polluting our air and wasting our energy is wrong.
    That's wrong.

  5. A dollar bill does go a long way, even enough to care if you ate today. The hard earn dollar bill shouldn't mind getting you the food you need, and not be a fool who love for money is a greed. Thank goodness the dollar bill can afford a yacht too.

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