adevărul meu urât | Pasul 353

adevărul meu urât |  Pasul 353

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31 thoughts on “adevărul meu urât | Pasul 353

  1. Don't know y but I really enjoyed this step. I guess I've been self-meditating for years and didn't know it. I stop and smell the roses and relax. It satisfies my needs..
    Both of you are in such great physical shape which helps a lot. I suspect Kika is still silking for exercise but what's Dan doing?

  2. Great work guys, but…did you measure the hull/deck BEFORE the big rip out and after yo see if there is distortion (you did have trouble removing hefty Susan), even if it's it's minimal…
    Best of luck with the rebuild and look forward to the results…

  3. Thank you for coming out with ADHD. I have 2 children with this and have a perspective on what you go through. I recognise the frustrations and the desire to certain things. Just remember the end result of what your working towards is worth it. You got this. You are amazing. And together you could take on the avengers and win. 💪

  4. Kika, I am 59 years old, and knew I was ADHD since 1994. In December of 2021, I learned I was Autistic, and I have to tell you that was the minute I came home to myself. That is a whole other topic. Back to ADHD, I was never given any type of treatment for my ADHD till 2021, when I had a crazy thought that maybe it was the one thing that was totally F*cking up my life. Three weeks into treatment, my neuropsychologist said, we need to put the ADHD on the back burner and really look at the Autism. By the way, neither are disorders, but neurotypes, and they wouldn't disable us if we didn't live in a Neurotypical world. Having my brain wired as autistic and ADHD is the biggest blessing I could have. It can at times be the most frustrating thing also.

    Two months ago, I came to a crossroads, where it was decided by my doctors that I needed to take Adderall. A few years ago, I would have been, "Hell, NO!" but I have since studied a whole lot of neuropsychology and now understand how these meds work in an ADHD brain. For me, it was the most amazing and helpful thing. My brain actually slows down, and I can focus. Although I use a lot of guided meditation, as you know just sitting in silence and breathing as an ADHDer is not always remotely possible, it wasn't enough FOR me. I am able to finish things, and most importantly, the medicine has helped me to overcome an eating disorder that no amount of treatment could. I am not saying that medicine is for all of us ADHDers, and I don't think with your lifestyle you could use it because it is a controlled substance and God knows it is hard enough living on land to get it. But if you get to a point where you are really struggling, there are some non-stimulant medications for ADHD that are not controlled substances. I have never tried them, but have heard good things about them. Also, outside of the US, it may be easier to get my medicine, especially in the extended release that can't be abused as easily. I mean, not much fun in a drug that slowly leaks out its medicine. LOL

    Okay, here are some other extremely helpful, I mean extremely non-medicine therapies that you can find someone who can do online appointments with. They all include meditation/mindfulness. The first is called Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. The second is called Acceptance Commitment Therapy then as an accompaniment to one of both of those I highly recommend EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing. The first two give you a whole new assortment of healthier coping mechanisms, by the way, all of these are trauma therapies that happen to really work for neuro divergencies or being differently-brained that society accepts. The third one EMDR simply reprocesses thought processes across all the parts of the brain, helping you to overcome those thoughts. It is a quick fix and isn't a stand-alone fix. The first two are the main courses. They teach us to think with a wise mind instead of only thinking with emotions or logic. The wise mind is when you use both emotions and logic to solve your problems and gives you so many tools to use to stay in the wise mind and not get overwhelmed. It is amazing to have been given all these tools, and yes even with all these tools in my case I still needed to use medication, partially because of a shutdown that happened 3 years ago, and my brain needs to come back online for me, and partially because of an eating disorder. The medicine gives me the clarity and the self-control to not binge.

    Look into the symptoms of sensory overload, ADHD burnout, and shutting down. If it is the case that things have all of a sudden spiked to new levels you could be dealing with this. In my case, it was a company that was discriminating against me and harassing me. Which ended up in my taking a medical leave and them paying me to not work for the last three years because I went into full shutdown. There is a great channel called "How To ADHD" on YouTube and she is a world of information about ADHD. Also, just to make sure you might want to go online and do an assessment for autism (these do not diagnose but will give you an idea if you might want to look into it more. If it is the case that you are ASD on top of ADHD, that is not information you should share on your channel. You can share challenges you are having surrounding it, but DON'T announce it on your channel. In some countries, it is illegal to be autistic. For me, that just means I will never visit New Zealand or Australia, but for you, that could be a bad thing because you are working your way around the world. It nobodies business.) Just rule it out, I don't see it in you, but as women, we are really good at masking.

    Oh God, this is getting long, if you are not familiar with the term masking, then I highly recommend researching it a bit. With your channel, you probably feel the need to mask and not let people see your neurodivergent brain type. It is very common. If this is the case there are ways that you can slowly unmask, and you will find you have a lot more energy left over at the end of the day. You may know some of this because you are a hell of a lot younger than me, so probably got a lot more information when you got your ADHD recognition (I don't like the word disordered. I am freaking smarter than all my doctors, so if someone is broken it is the Neurotypicals).

    Sorry I have info dumped so much information here, but as another ND, I know what it is like to live in an NT world. Take and use as much of this information as is helpful and don't worry about the rest. All I know is the information I am sharing with you has created such a completely calm, positive world for me, sure there are still shit storms, but I don't melt down or react to them in the old ways. Hope something here can help you. As I said before, the medicine part while traveling around the world might be too much of a pain, but it is just part of my journey so I dug into it.

  5. One's own head is always a tricky beast to deal with. I had a really rough time with work last year and got into a downward spiral I didn't really notice – other than constantly not feeling well – until November or so. It suddnely hit me how vicious my inner monolog had become. Luckily that gave me enough pause, to be able to step out of that headspace a bit, to let go of the rather unproductive "This should be working!" attitude, and to get back to my usual calm divide&conquer approach.
    I'm still surprised though, how difficult it is not to fall back into that hole again. My mind has definitely become more difficult to navigate during the pandemic, but in time I'm sure I'll master it again. I wish you the same Kika!
    Btw. meditation doesn't have to mean sitting still. Bouldering is very meditative for me. Maybe that is also more your style, if you don't really like sitting still? Just something to try.

  6. Kika it’s not that you cannot do it without Dan, the same pertains to Dan as well. In summary, you complement each other which is the true essence of a team.
    Continue to join forces so that you can achieve more.
    Rappelle toi de la devise de ton pays d’origine:”L’union fait la force”.
    Good job guys and keep it up

  7. Hi Kika, great You talk about mental things like ADHD and somehow depression. I got diagnosed with 52 and run on Ritalin since then which helps me to fuck up less and get out of the downward spiral of negative thoughts/feelings and being ashamed of my failures. This gives me a chance to create new, more positive memories. Wish You all the best to keep it under control 🙂

  8. It's great to see you getting on with it. My roommate in college in the seventies did TM and it kept him energized through long school hours and work hours to pay for it.

  9. at 9:39 when you say you cannot sit still to meditate, i have to tell you when i work on a project from working on things to gardening i go on my amazon music and punch in meditation and listen to that while i do my gardening. its just very relaxing and kind of clears my mind and all i think about in that moment is digging in the garden but also keep in mind i have a Joint (I'm in a legal state) with me as well and zone out and do what project i have at hand.

  10. After building all kinds of boats from bright finished white water drift boats to 155' aluminum motor yachts and offshore sailboats for cape horn I "retired" to the mountains but can't help but doing an occasional ocean delivery and watching internet boat builders follow their dreams. You guys are in a different class altogether with all your ocean miles and architectural design backgrounds. Which makes me cringe when I see you going down paths that lead to dead ends..

    To begin with, your hull was built with polyester resin and heavy coarse roving. The resin was sprayed on with a gun, and even worse may have had chopped matt sprayed on between the roving layers. So it was a weak hull to begin with. All the interior was put into place with bubble gum, adding little to the structure. Then it was sailed across the North Atlantic and into the high Arctic, flexing all the time. ( a great testimony to your seamanship). But now it has micro fractures in the brittle resin from the years of flexing, and is far weaker than new.

    I understand as you do that making UMA into a proper ocean going sailboat makes no practical sense, but also know that she is an object of love as are all boats worthy of caring about.

    So when I see WEST mini-pumps sitting around and you trying to mix 5/1 epoxy with little thumb sized cups I see a project where amateurs try to stick furniture together with inadequate tabbing because they tire of the laborious process of mixing and measuring by hand and having runaway exothermic cures. The last wet layup project we did in my shop consumed a 50 gallon drum of West– mixed with a large gear pump . (WEST 5/1–An excellent resin designed for room temperature wood bonding, not fiberglass lamination.) I notice that other internet boat boat builders (Matt at Duracell and Aladino at Magic Carpet) have received some sponsor assistance from Total Boat. Worth checking out. Or better yet, use vinyl ester which is more than adequate for the interior of this project.

    Now is the time to tear out the last piece of interior and install a structural core to mate with the weak outer hull that is still in place. If UMA is to be your forever boat, make her your forever boat! Kika, when you watch the infusion resin flow through the entire interior of the core and laminate in a matter of a couple of hours you will find the stress flows away just like the best meditation ever!

  11. If you need containers I highly recommend a good will always has thousands of Tupperware stuff big huge small and tiny I use them to keep track of all my nuts and bolts mounted to my bench.

  12. Thinking with evry single item removal thier adding about a month and so for by my count thier looking at thre yrs to rebuild

  13. Meditation can be good. But raising a well trained dog actually lowers stress and blood pressure, increases good endocrins, and has been proven to increase mental health. And for some reason, they always wake up happy to start the new day. THAT'S the trick I want to learn.

  14. Last time I couldn't open a winow, because the OUTSIDE had been painted shut. One short trip and a four foot crowbar later…easy peasy.
    Worker smarter not harder.

  15. U not alone, many of us go trough things, maybe harder to see as u kinda isolated withing the boat advetures… and than other creators share similar… like magic carpet 2 crew where they restore thier new boat, and elema from vagabond… and than us viewers… be gentle to yourself… we all struggle… and counting the blessings helps me… big hug…

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