Londonezii trimit nava cu vele al Marinei mexicane în timp ce pleacă din turul european

Londonezii trimit nava cu vele al Marinei mexicane în timp ce pleacă din turul european

Londonezii au dezlănțuit vineri (23 iunie) o navă antrenament a Marinei mexicane, după ce a fost ancorată în zonele portuare ale orașului timp de trei zile, ca parte a turneului său prin America și Europa. Membrii echipajului au stat în formație pe tachelajul ARM Cuauhtémoc, în timp ce acesta trecea pe lângă mulțimi de privitori în ceea ce este acum unul dintre cartierele de afaceri ale Londrei. Printre cei care au văzut-o au fost surorile Lilia și Susi Hernandez, care erau din Mexico City și studiau la Londra. Vorbind după ce și-a luat rămas bun de la navă, Susi a spus că vărul lor era de așteptat să fie la bordul Cuauhtémoc anul viitor. Nava cu pânze se află într-un turneu de pregătire și bunăvoință de nouă luni, care a dus-o și în Cuba, Statele Unite, Spania și Franța. Acum va călători în Turcia, Italia, Portugalia, Columbia, Panama, Guatemala și Ecuador, potrivit rapoartelor presei. Ziarul The Sun vă oferă cele mai recente videoclipuri de știri de ultimă oră și explicații din Marea Britanie și din întreaga lume. Sun pe Facebook: Urmăriți The Sun pe Twitter: Abonați-vă la The Sun pe Snapchat: The_Sun/1633225139 #mexico #navy #london


19 thoughts on “Londonezii trimit nava cu vele al Marinei mexicane în timp ce pleacă din turul european

  1. It is a school ship, MX has actual modern ships, LOL. This one is actually a treasure from the past and considered a sailing museum. Sailing across the globe on an ancient ship is supposed to proove that if you can do it with tech of the 1800's, you'll do it with a modern ship. I never got to do it because I was ground armed marine, still looked like a fun thing to do. FUERZA MARINA.

  2. 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗔𝗿𝗲 𝗦𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗧𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗠𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗔𝗻𝘅𝗶𝗲𝘁𝘆?
    We can overcome stress and anxiety by developing more and more positive connection, friendship and closeness to each other. Otherwise, these and other negative sensations will increasingly disturb us.
    If we create small societies in which we develop connections of mutual consideration and support, then we can get rid of fears, illnesses, insomnia and absolutely everything that imposes the stress and anxiety of life upon us.
    The more we experience negative sensations like stress and anxiety, the closer we come to understand the need for friendship, cooperation, mutual support and care. Likewise, we will reach the understanding of the need to create societies that will emphasize such values. Otherwise, we will continue developing by accumulating more and more negative sensations over a very long period of time until we eventually wake up to the need for the aforementioned values.

  3. How Human Nature Works

    Human nature is the desire to receive, also called “desire to enjoy,” and it functions by receiving what is beneficial to itself and rejecting what is harmful. Everything in our lives is built upon this calculation where we first try to distance ourselves from harm, and then seek how to draw ourselves closer to what is beneficial.

    Human nature also includes a multilayering of systems that work simultaneously on still, vegetative, animate and human levels. One of those systems is our bodily one, which operates involuntarily. If our bodies are healthy, then they know what is good for them and draw that goodness to themselves. After the bodily system, there is the emotional system, which also functions relatively according to instinct. From the emotional system, we move to the mind, and from the mind to the intellect, and so on. That is, we have systems over systems that concurrently work on receiving what is beneficial and rejecting what is harmful.

    Such is human nature and the essence of our lives. Our every desire, thought and action operates according to the calculation, “How can we receive what is most beneficial to us and reject what is harmful?”

  4. Thank you for some lighter news of international cooperation. Very warm received after all the other dark stuff.

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