A trebuit să scoatem din nou

A trebuit să scoatem din nou

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33 thoughts on “A trebuit să scoatem din nou

  1. My cheat hint for dryers at laundromats. If you come along and are using a dryer immediately after someone else. If they have just taken out their stuff. Put your stuff in and just leave it sit and absorb the residual heat from the previous cycle. I always did this to give my clothes some free drying especially if you have lots of clothes and it may save you having to pay for extra time. Often I leave my clothes in the dryer afterwards too so they can absorb all the heat you paid for.

  2. We were working on ours in a marina next to a power trawler. The owner showed up carrying a replacement fuel tank (and a grim look on his face) and summed it up nicely: “Boats, boats, boats” he said. Hang in there.

  3. why didn't y'all show your time in Cape Town? doing a city walk and such? I enjoy your content beyond just the boat centric nature of the channel.

  4. I installed a vacuum pump to my gearboxes and it took care of the airiation,mine are direct drive inputs,but the process is the same.slight vacuum to it provides a way for the fluid to remain fluid,no bubbles.

  5. THE NUMBER ONE reason to NOT HAVE A SAIL DRIVE, give me a straight shaft drive any day. What a WONDERFUL MECHANIC , you should REALLY MENTION HIM BY NAME AND BUSINESS. Everyone traveling thru and living there should know and give him their work. CHEERS AND FAIR WINDS Steve h.

  6. Ben. I know I’m going to be punched in the face here. But the oil change probably not necessary. As soon as the saildrive spins up with the engine, it introduces both air and expands with heat. For instance, go pull that dipstick after several hours of running and you’ll go “whoa!”. Critical points are don’t over fill to allow for the designed expansion and if after cooling it’s where you left it, then you’re good. It’s always milky under load from air entrapment. Bang! Ok there goes my nose. Ha! Sometime risky business to comment……lol. Love the vids… thanks for sharing..😎

  7. I use a vaccum pump to change the oil in all my various rigs – from dry sump, high performance engines to work truck engines and automatic transmissions to beta marine diesels and gear boxes, etc. – have you looked into that for your sail drives? A haulout is pretty pricey…. especially if you can do it all with a $150 pump.

  8. Kids that age are special times. I remember thinking I can’t wait till they get older but as they got older I couldn’t help but think slow down.

  9. When using grinder, please wear safety glasses and mask. I had a blade break on me and if i wasn't wear safety glasses, i would have lost an eye.

  10. Anyone who says they haven’t made a mistake have either never done anything or are lying. You don’t want either ever working on your things

  11. How do you learn where specific trades are good at something? i.e. diesel mechanics in South Africa, or canvas in Florida, etc…

  12. Are you still with this falling apart boat it’s dangerous you need to buy new one maybe monohull

  13. Great video. Love your channel.
    Here is my take as a surveyor, I would have refused the boat to be lifted with that crane.
    This puts an enormous amount of stress on the hulls/ama and pontoon beams.
    As a reference rule-of-thumb pass 4M you do not haul a boat on a 2 point crane. You want a 4 point or a square crane.
    And if you did I would have walked-away.
    A thing you do not mention about the bubbles is that they are in a confined, pressured environment and when the explode they create damage.

    There are books about what things are and tolerances and standards, …instead of 'Advices'.
    Trust my be is nowhere meeting all these standards but a good guess is to aim for them instead of for 'advices'.

  14. With your new boat look into a V-Drive transmission. Thats what we do on the latest Balance 526
    It will save living space and less maintenance.

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