Este o săptămână mare.

Este o săptămână mare.

O zi de naștere, o actualizare cu barca, un oraș frumos și un sex cu melci… ce îți poți dori mai mult? Obțineți o sursă de vitamina D pentru 1 an + 5 pachete individuale de călătorie GRATUIT la prima achiziție, accesați ❤ Alăturați-vă echipajului nostru! ❤ Pentru conținut exclusiv, în culise și întrebări și răspunsuri: ☝Ofertă completă pe blog 📷 Echipament foto și video 📷 https://www. 📱 ACTUALIZĂRI pe Social 📱 INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: 📧Notificări prin E-MAIL, ca să nu ratezi niciun videoclip 🍦 🎶 MUZICA pentru videoclipuri. 2 luni gratuit: Artiști – Marc Robillard, Be Still the Earth, Rex Banner, SoundKeeper, Russo & Weinberg, Annie Zhou 🎨 Elemente creative pentru videoclipuri (SFX, șabloane și presetări): – 🎽PUNEȚI SWAG-UL: 💯Modalități GRATUITE de a susține producțiile noastre – ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––– SUNTEM JASON ȘI NIKKI WYNN. Câțiva documentaristi moderni, călători perpetui și căutători de povești înalte. Ne urmărim curiozitatea în jurul lumii pe roți și chile din 2011. De ce? Pentru că curiozitatea este cheia pentru deblocarea vieții. Ne împinge în afara zonei noastre de confort, ne înmoaie presupunerile și ne ajută să îmbrățișăm marele necunoscut. Cu cât ne lăsăm mai mult curiozitatea să ne conducă, cu atât descoperim mai mult despre noi înșine și despre lumea din jurul nostru. Casa noastră este și mijlocul nostru de transport și petrecem săptămâni departe de civilizație și uneori de pământ. Încrederea în sine și un stil de viață durabil sunt o necesitate. Totul este să ne gestionăm resursele și căutăm mereu modalități noi și mai bune de a face acest lucru. Trăim în afara rețelei de peste 10 ani în orice, de la o dubiță la RV până la o barcă cu pânze. Și de-a lungul timpului am învățat multe despre energia regenerabilă, crearea apei potabile sigure și gestionarea deșeurilor noastre. Călătoria noastră este în continuă evoluție, dar misiunea rămâne aceeași: #Cultivate Curiosity Timestamp-uri dacă doriți să săriți în jur: 00:00 Rutina de dimineață fără scuze 03:11 Apartamentul nostru la hotel din Xiamen 04:09 Faceți cunoștință cu fondatorul Hudson Wang HH 07:31 Actualizarea noastră de instalare solară HH44 (Ziua de naștere a lui Jason) 09:50 Turul Binbei Xiamen 11:53 Îmbătrânirea Simți ca??? 14:10 Un oraș construit într-un parc 15:13 Vârsta mijlocie, căsătorie și sănătate 19:11 Un parc insular în interiorul orașului 21:46 Cea mai bună mâncare chinezească din Xiamen 24:22 Drumeții și sex cu melci 26:06 Cele mai bune vederi din Xiamen 27:43 Conduceți sau călătoriți în China? 29:31 Excursie pe munte la un templu budist 31:32 Templul Xiamen Tianzhuyan 32:37 Prima experiență cu ceai chinezesc 34:37 ​​Obiective turistice ale unui templu budist de munte ––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––- #BoatLife #Catamaran #TravelVlog #DigitalNomad #LifeStyle #Sailboats © Gone With the Wynns 2023


48 thoughts on “Este o săptămână mare.

  1. Wow! How timely… I watched this episode a few days late as I was in the Hospital receiving a Pacemaker. Talk about learning how Old you are… You kids have Miles to go. With a pacemaker, I don't know yet if I'll ever be able to sail again. In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, you can't just dial up 9-1-1 if something goes wrong with the device… Watch your health. If your bodies start changing, like becoming excessively tired for no reason, see your Doctor. In my case, the top part of my heart was not communicating with the bottom. However, that's not the only thing to watch out for. Bottom line, you'll learn how Old you are when you get sick… Your daily supplement is a great place to start. Keep it up and if possible eat mainly, "Organic" food. I love you kids 🙂 Oh! Happy Birthday. Mine is July 5 🙂

  2. 42 – the answer to life, the universe and everythiing… You will come to learn this in time – long after your 42nd year. Happy Anniversary and may you both be blessed with many more.

  3. I love your show! Nice boat! The slapping in the park might be for lymph node drainage . And the color of the boat is fantastic! Take care y’all!!!

  4. You're the second sailing channel today who I'm ready to quit. AG1 is not only overpriced out of most people's budgets…if you're not sponsored, there are better, less expensive products on the market. Plus, AG1 isn't forthcoming with all of the ingredients in their product. Do your research. AG1 isn't what sailing channels make it out to be. 😔

  5. Happy Birthday, belatedly! You are officially part of the ‘ache of the week club’.😮
    Your excitement for the build is palpable. 👍

  6. 40 was a moment for me too. Every 10 yrs since is just 10 yrs. to me. Stop the worry and live life to your fullest. 40's are so young. No reason to panic. Your less tethered and thankfully have no control and control does not matter. Living your dreams do.

  7. Nikki and Jason – Congrats on hitting the big 42. I just turned 70 a few weeks ago, and basically, had the same conversation with myself, as you guys did. I too, have always appeared to others to be about 10 years younger than I am, just as I had you guys pegged for about 32.

    I actually didn't like that until I hit 50 and looked 40, which was still a respectable enough age to not be considered 'a kid', regarding, well, grown-up things (business, contracts, etc). Finally, I got to sit at the 'adults' table, at holiday meals. I do often sit at the kid's table, even now, but just because a bunch a kids, are usually a lot more fun to sit and dine with, than a bunch of grown-ups.

    As with you guys (or so it appears), I too have been fortunate in basically, being healthy throughout it. I did have a ruptured appendix, a sports hernia and I passed a kidney stone once, but all of that was between my ages of 14 and 17, with no further issues, or kidney stones, since.

    I still have all my teeth, minus the two upper wisdom teeth, as I see my Dentist 3 times a year, and have done, for the last 30 years. I still have most of my hair (slightly thinning) and upon close inspection, I do have a few gray hairs on my head, barely noticeable, but with many more in my salt and pepper beard. I've never had stitches, but for surgeries, and I've only broken one bone in my life, an ankle, when I was 53. I have had a few spinal injuries, all sailing related, and with proper exercise, they are under control, and don't cause me any serious issues.

    To celebrate turning 70, and since it had been 20 years, I decided to (and did), find a recommended Doctor, to get a proper 'Annual' Physical. I passed with flying colors, as much as can be determined with that sort of physical, and blood work, but for one thing.

    The Doctor detected a slight heart murmur (that I've had since birth). All the Doctors I've been examined by before, who knew enough to notice it, have all said, at this point (being in the past), 'It's not a problem now, but it could become one, in the future'.

    I told this to my current Doctor, and he agreed with that, and altho he too, didn't see it as a problem of the 'now', and as I told him that I haven't experienced any problem with it, he said, 'Yeah, but you've never been 70 before, so let's take a look at it'.

    Once I had an idea of what was involved, to the surprise of everyone who knows me, including myself, I agreed to do it. Basically, I handed myself over to the medical profession, for an amazingly extended battery of tests. Oddly, to me, only requiring one needle, and all the while, no one ever wanted to see me naked, which I thought kinda odd. Am I that reprehensible? Where has my beauty gone?

    For whatever reason, the bill for this 'exam', of all exams, has totaled at least $30,000 (actually, a bit more), of which my co-pay is $0, for anything. Even the parking was free. All it cost me, was to give myself over, and the gas to get there. True. as I told them, I wouldn't do it any otherwise. That's just how it is.

    Having painted myself into this corner of giving advice, do as you're doing. Live, eat, work and play well. Pay attention to yourself, as I know you already do, and if you sense something wrong, and normal remedies don't cure it, go see a Doctor. Of course, as well, if extreme, get a second opinion, even if only WebMD.

    Remember, you hire Doctors for their expertise, for their skills, as well, for their insights and opinions. Not meant to say that you want them to make up your mind for you, which many Doctors, often suppose you do, but rather you should remind them, they are only the third opinion, at best.

    Keep on your toes, and your Doctor's toes, as well.

    Point being, after all the MRIs, CAT scans, and just plain old-fashioned X-rays, EKGs, Echo Cardiograms, and extraordinary blood work (with only one needle, I might add), they had thoroughly inspected my body, inside and out, upside and down, and wrote in their report, minute details, that only I would know.

    Stuff that gets by standard Doctors, in standard physicals, such as a slightly herniated naval (just another boat wound), being not obvious by sight. Nor was it a problem to me, other than I am aware of it, but, it was picked up on by them, and noted on, to my surprise. Thru this extensive physical exam, they had exact measurements of every opening and closing, every orifice of my body, being there some others more, that I never even knew I had.

    Basically, if I had any cancer or something other, brewing in me, it would have been picked up, which is why I agreed to go thru it, forget about the heart murmur. I feared they might either find my colon clogged by tumors or my liver and kidneys, fighting it out, the winner yet to be determined.

    I gave them (the medical profession), every chance in hell, to find something wrong with me, and other than for the heart murmur, and slightly herniated navel, they found nothing. I'd be lying, if I told you that did calm me, as I was convinced I was going to need open-heart surgery, if not open ass, more or worse.

    Sorry, I'm rambling. The point is, what you are experiencing now at 42, is going to continue to happen, hopefully, going forward. The idea of getting your Annual Physical more frequently than once every 20 years, is probably a good one, but what you guys are doing, in terms of physical exercise (as even just sleeping on a boat, is, but also), eating well, and not shooting too many Martinis, or heroin, is probably a good choice, barring a need of extreme prevarication.

    I'll shut up now, but PS – the snail footage was amazing

  8. Happy Anniversary and happy birthday bro 🥳🎂🎁🎈🎉🎊☕️☕️☕️☕️🍷🍷🍷🍷⛵️⛵️⛵️⛵️

  9. Happy birthday, Jason! What a magical place to be in to celebrate. Nikki, I went to South Korea in 2018 and I think we went to every single Buddhist temple that we could get to in and around the island. They’re always at the top of the mountains and usually have streams or water nearby. They were absolutely magical. Some of the tablets that we saw were thousands of years old. The temples themselves were hundreds of years old. It was just phenomenal. And to be able to go in and pray in the temple was such an exciting experience. I’ll never forget. Definitely get a book. I would check the museums they’ve got to have them. The intricate painting on each of the pillars is really some thing. And it looks like Thailand is the same. Oh I think you guys are gonna enjoy Phuket. From what I’ve seen it’s really a cool place. Great nightlife, beautiful beaches. I’m excited for you. Happy anniversary too. You guys are just the cutest couple. If you’re like mom and dad they were married 70 years before they both passed. That’s a long time to be with one person. Let’s hope you can reach that goal. This was really a fun video. And the editing was off the charts. I love those sky walkways that was really cool. It seems like Asia has some really wicked architecture in that way honoring mother earth. And also most of the places, at least in South Korea you go to that are outside. There are little vignettes that you can hop on and do exercising on Equipment that is permanently set up for people to use while they’re on a walk around the lake or whatever. I think the states could take notes. And everything is so clean and if you forget and leave your purse or your camera or phone sitting somewhere you can go by two hours later and it will still be there. Theft is almost nonexistent. Including homelessness and graffiti. There just isn’t any so refreshing OK I’ve rambled on. Thank you. Sending love from California. Your solar system looks awesome!!💜🫶🤗😎⛵️🇺🇸


  11. Interesting: I’m from China, lying in a Hunter 326 in Hay Bay in Lake Ontario, as I’m learning sailing, inspired by you guys- and now I’m watching you guys enjoy the life in Xiamen, China:) hop on the high speed rail to unleash your Curiosity on other cities in China, and share your experiences- I haven’t been back to China for quite some time and wish to re-explore it with you guys!

  12. Happy Anniversary from the Great White North, eh and Happy Birthday Jason. My wife and I are just 10yrs older and man does time go by fast. The older we get the harder it is to get back in shape. So stick with it and I am sure everyone is right about getting those, blah blah blah appointments and check ups. We really enjoy the two of you and whatever you are up to. We just bought our 1st boat 3 yrs ago. It’s an older monohull but we love her. So looking forward to your new sailing adventures on ‘sweet & sexy’. My plug for the new name. Not an inappropriate comment about Nicky. Have fun and thanks for the videos.

  13. Don't worry about missing annual checkups and what not. My cousin passed away at 42 last year and he just had his annual checkup 2 weeks prior. They said he was in perfect health (his wife is a nurse and made sure he got his checkups). He had no known issues, works out regularly, eats healthy. It's good you are living your lives. I'm only a year older and I noticed all the same things at the same time as you guys; ear, nose, eyebrow hair getting wild. Even one of my eyes is getting blurry suddenly while reading close up!!! oh well. Enjoy it while you can. Love the show

  14. Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday! I enjoy watching your channel, as living and travelling on a boat is something I aspire to. I am surprised you are in China as Canadians, given the political rifts, and history of the two Michaels. Have you had any uncomfortable or scary situations? Can you even answer this while in China?

  15. You guys have been such an inspiration for us! Great travel videos since day one! Enjoy your time in Asia, this is without a doubt a top bucket list item for us. Happy Birthday Jason🎉 and Happy Anniversary to the both of you🎊

  16. Happy birthday! I've been following your videos since your RV days! I'm looking forward to seeing your new home on the water!

  17. Im turning 50 in a few weeks.. its another whole level of messing with me. I never cared about big birthdays after 21.. but this one is just hitting different. Every year new things change.. im glad to be able to toss all those off me and just live my kooky life still.. Happy Birthday!!

  18. Since you guys are starting to think about "how much life is catching up to you" have you thought about having kids? The biological clock is probably starting to wind down. Just wondering how you would manage a baby on the boat. All the best.

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