BARCA mea se scufundă în PARADIS [ep 72]

BARCA mea se scufundă în PARADIS [ep 72]

DACĂ ai o barcă, UITAȚI LA ASTA!!!! Mulți marinari învață pe măsură ce mergem și pe măsură ce lucrurile se rup… acesta este doar un lucru pe care speram că nu va fi o problemă prea mare. Garnitura mea a început să curgă… iar pompele de santină au încetat să funcționeze. DAR după ce a fost gestionat, a fost încă o săptămână frumoasă de pescuit cu băieții de pescuit de la Spanish Wells. S-au creat atât de multe amintiri și relații frumoase și sper să vă placă. Îi mulțumesc enorm lui Banner cu @Flyingzola pentru tot ajutorul său Dacă vă îndreptați spre Spanish Wells și aveți nevoie de un ghid de excursie/pescuit; Instagram-urile lor sunt mai jos: @flying_fish_bahamas @musbedreamincharters @spanishwellsbonefishing @pastduefishing Oferă puțin sprijin suplimentar 💞 Circumnavigarea abia începe… tot ajutorul tău se îndreaptă către mai multe echipamente pentru a face videoclipurile puțin mai bune și barca mai sigură și mai funcțională pentru eu ca o singură mână (și poate un răsfăț suplimentar pentru Mako) COMUNITATEA PATREON: Paypal: Venmo: https://account Mako Treats: Marfa: Lista de dorințe: /wishlist/ls/WT5UKPG3ITDP/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_3 Lucruri pe care le folosesc și pe care le iubesc (acestea sunt link-uri afiliate și mă ajută puțin): Cremă de protecție solară: cod „laurenalanders” Îmbrăcăminte: cod Cafea „Lauren Landers Sailing”: Amazon: Groceries prin calitatea de membru Thrive: http :// Chiuvetă cu filtru de apă: Instagram


24 thoughts on “BARCA mea se scufundă în PARADIS [ep 72]

  1. That's a very expensive way to learn that if your bilge pump is running for much more than about 5 minutes you need to immediately find out why! Nice keeping calm in a crisis but that crisis wouldn't have existed with a stitch in time.

  2. Glad that you are working out these problems … scary to think your boat was in danger … hind sight is 20/20 … I would invest into backup parts and bilge pumps … 😢😮😅😊🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤

  3. I knew about stuffing boxes, but I never know about the bellows system on the prop shaft. I learned a lot in this video and you explained it so well. Interestingly, the warning system of this problem was a failing inverter, but a float switch coupled with a beep of some kind could be a good idea. Excellent video. I like videos like this where the systems of the boat is shown and discussed.

  4. This girl does not have the brains to captain a boat, What sort of genius locates all the boats electronics in the bilge, Would some guy marry this dumb bunny before she ends up as fish food!!!

  5. HI Lauren, just now catching 72. Sorry for the issues, but boats are in constant need, hope these items help you out a bit. Spent a huge amount of time in the Bahmas over the past 35 years on my boats, and understand the trials and tribulations of older vessels! Good luck and look forward to your future vids.

  6. Thanks for the good video really enjoyed your sharing all your ups and downs John Sailing instructor the video editor in the School Bus trailer from Kansas City

  7. Just subscribed after watching a few of your episodes. I admire your problem solving in remote situations and I find peace in the sailing parts. I know squat about sailing except when my sister was learning and couldn't tack to save our lives!😂 Your music choices are great as well!👍🙏

  8. Had same experience. I put one of my spare shaft zinc against the rotor. That way you don't have to depend totally on the set screws.

  9. You had a few recommendations for redundant pumps and Small = Drip Pump with a BIG = Emergency Pump. And an addition of a Bilge Water alarm (Which you ordered.). My only input is that I saw you using Bucket for getting water out however I did not see any mention of using a MANUAL PUMP! It is probably a MUST HAVE ON BOARD backup for situations just like the one you had! SO, I”d recommend adding a FIXED Install Manual Emergency Bilge Pump (And potentially also a PORTABLE MANUAL Emergency Bilge Pump, if you have the room to store it.) And you already know that there is no room for electronics and electrical systems in the Bilge so hopefully you’ll take action on this soon.

    Good Luck, Efraim.

  10. Hello! sorry if this question has been asked before but how do you avoid hitting coral reefs or rocks if you're in water you can't really see through, or maybe at night? Accepting answers from anyone. Thanks! I'll be in the market for a boat soon and will be prepping for a year or so after and I'm trying to think of some questions now.

  11. I love sailing on them perfect days. But the rest of the days are like being in a washing machine. For every 30 days of washing machine sailing, you get 1 day of perfect sailing . At least the last time I went . Not for me.

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