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Construim barca noastră de vis! Planking Progress And Viewers Q&A – Ep. 354 RAN Sailing

36 thoughts on “Construim barca noastră de vis! Planking Progress And Viewers Q&A – Ep. 354 RAN Sailing”
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I have another question, for one of your Q and A sessions: what kind of fire prevention/protection do you have in the barn? I shudder to think of a fire starting in there, and all your superb work (and future dreams) going up in flames.
You just keep getting better !
What a great team you both make ! You both bring so many abilities and knowledge to this wonderful project Your efforts by both sure bring your followers much new knowledge and enjoyment eve at 80 years of living! FWCS. Fair Winds Calm Seas ⛵️
Fantastic progress you guys. Well done
Always like seeing the boat build. But the explanation of your editing process this week was very interesting!
Thanks very much
Yes the NorthWest passage would be really cool,perhaps even sub zero.
The Carbon fibre idea would make good sense if youre going to icy areas!…..Youll be aware of your Scandinavian neighbour currently in an aluminium yacht in Alaska….His hairstyle is a little unusual but he is capturing some spectacular photographs!!…..(Finnish).
Just a thought, carbon fiber is actually not a good way to go when it is bonded to a material that does not have the same expansion and contraction coefficient. Take a look at the high end racing bicycle industry. For years they built carbon frames with aluminum bottom brackets and rear dropouts. Those frames eventually had cracks in the carbon where it was joined to the aluminum with epoxy. Over time the expansion characteristics of the aluminum caused the non-expanding carbon fiber to fail. This may not matter with carbon sandwiched between fiberglass, but then again fiberglass has more flex than carbon. For longevity, I personally would stay away from using carbon to mate with items like gudgeons and pintles or carbon rudder shaft tubes bonded to metallic bearings. This might be something to explore more fully… I thoroughly enjoy your videos and admire your work ethics. I wish you great success with your build, and look forward to the day she splashes… Cheers!
Don't add carbon fiber. It probably won't make the hull stronger. Talk to the naval architect or another naval architect with experience in laminate design. And if a naval architect disagrees with me the naval architect is right. But don't just think adding carbon will make the fiberglass stronger. That is not how it works. You can use carbon instead of glass, but not as a supplement.
You have the neatest boat yard I have ever seen.
Are you impregnating the timber with Epoxy, similar to the WEST system. Essential it becomes TRP, Timber Reinforced Plastic. My uncle was a Pioneer of that in Australia. He didn't use all the safety equipment then and is now really sensitive, or allergic to epoxy. He built dinghies, Flying Durchman, for the Olympics and used to race them.
Such an interesting build, almost a shame to cover the cedar in fibreglass. I have followed your adventures for a while and never knew how much work goes into a Final Cut. Thanks for sharing
Very interesting mix of content this week. Build, Q&A, and video editing. Your videos are always dense in information compare to other channels with lengthy videos… it’s much appreciated and please don’t feel pressure because the content my become recurrent done weeks. It’s part of the massive project you’ve taken commuting yourself to produce weekly relevant videos. It’s always so interesting to see you guys working anyways. Thank you and all the best for the list of to do things this summer! 👍
Looking good guys
Looking good! When I was working on my boat i used ladders and step stools and sawhorses with planks between them as a cheap and easy scaffold.
My question concerns replacement of temporary frames with permanent structural bulkheads. What is the plan for bulkheads?
The lighting at your desk and the objects on the desk and shelve remind me of a Vermeer painting .
Have you considered adding some kevlar to the outer layers? Considering you want to go into icy waters. Kevlar/Carbon mix?
Really enjoying this boat build journey.
very intrested video, about your work and your Plans. THX hope you will never fall from the Hull
There are sailors & there are boatbuilders I hope you are still a sailor when this mammoth project is completed.
Mon anglais n'est pas assez bon pour exprimer toute mon admiration pour le travail effectué. Continuez, vous etes sur la bonne voie. Et si un jour vous nous permettez de monter à bord, je ferai bien un voyage avec vous. Bon été
Stilts buddy , I want to see you on stilts!
What about a keel timber? Internal ballast?
I have two 46 foot long hulls stripped, glassed with epoyy
So watching you talk about the scaffolding brought to mind a method used by contractors doing siding. You make several supports out of 2X6 timber planks. Use a center 2 by with another couple of boards forming an “A” . Then a support piece from the “A” frame about 3 feet long with a pad of carpet or whatever at the end. To use this method you would lean the frames onto the boat. Then run two planks between the frames. Hope you are following my crazy explanation. This way you can just walk along the side of the boat doing your work. This method is easy to build, put up and reposition as well as being cheap.
❤ I have an ice rated, fully insulated corten steel Van De Stadt and when I bought her the idea was always to do a complete North to South circumnavigation of the America's via the Northwest passage and the Horn. Whether it ever happens I don't know but I don't think too many people have ever done it in one trip on a yacht, the Northwest passage is a lottery and the make or break part of the trip. Good luck, great videos
It's great seeing the hull coming together, but I don't envy you the endless mixing and application of epoxy. It's strong stuff but I don't enjoy the process of working with it. You probably know this already but most of the puncture resistence of your hull will come from the fibre reinforced plastic layers on the inside of the hull rather than the outside. When there's an impact which threatens to puncture the hull, the local area is displaced inwards, and the inboard wood grains will fail in a tensile fracture mode and it's this which initiates the puncture 🙂 The outside is necessary for abrasion though. Your plan sounds like a good one, but you're going to spend a lot of money on epoxy 😀
Kolla in Sven Yrvinds tester med kolfiber på insidan kontra utsidan av skrovet. Väldigt intressant. Då är fokus på att tåla slag mot skrovet från utsidan och inte styvhet. Väl värt att fundera på om ni ska prioritera kolfiber på någon del av båten
Your videos are so good in so many ways it's hard to know where to begin to tell you how much we appreciate them . Ran sailing is a great story with great people to watch . Boat building ? We never get tired of watching the planking or seeing your beautiful countryside or listening to your excellent sound track . thank you for sharing . San Diego , Ca USA
You guys are great, I have been watching you for a few years. I am an old man (non sailor) in California and wishing you the very best. You guys are inspiring, keep it up.
Love the details of hull layers in this episode. I’m curious that carbon is still considered when it appears you have plenty of stiffness built into your layup schedule. The thickness of cedar, and the sheathing inside and out will make this extremely strong and stiff. Carbon won’t add any critical level to that. But if crunching through ice layers is of concern, Kevlar is the impact and abrasion resistance you are looking for. Hull bottom to around 20cm above DWL should be all you need. 😁
as far as I,m aware , fatigue is not an issue wih fibre glass of any type providing the applied load is the normal fraction of the failure load
RAN3 is looking good!!
She is just a beautiful vessel to start with let alone a two person build is amazing unto itself .
Catch you next week .
Thank you for sharing this mammoth build you are undertaking, I am certainly enjoying the way you are building your dream boat. From Australia thanks!