Urmăriți cel mai recent flux live de întrebări și răspunsuri! Pe acest flux, ni s-au alăturat modurile Ayiza, Elena și Husky, care au răspuns la întrebările dvs. despre Spațiul de recompensă Sailing! Dacă aveți ceva ce ați dori să întrebați J-Mod-urile săptămâna viitoare, lăsați-le în comentarii de mai jos! 00:00:00 – Introducere și anunțuri 00:04:41 – Colaborări cu creatorii comunității 00:12:26 – Care ar fi o idee pentru avantajul abilității de navigare? 00:14:21 – Navigația va include un animal de companie priceput în recompensele sale? 00:15:50 – Ar fi ghiulele de tun o ghiulea de tun separată de cea folosită de Multitunul Pitic? 00:19:13 – Poate tunul de mână de pe vremuri să fie o recompensă atinsă din navigație? 00:23:58 – Vom putea ataca monștrii din bărcile noastre cu ranged/mag în plus față de tunuri? 00:29:15 – Cum va funcționa XP pentru toate activitățile pe mare? 00:30:49 – Dacă vânăm monștri Slayer pe mare, toți cei de pe barcă au experiență Slayer? Șefii care vin cu această nouă abilitate vor avea cerința Slayer? – Dacă se adaugă o navă magică într-o sticlă, atunci putem obține un afișaj care să o plaseze în POH-urile noastre? 00:38:41 – Dacă avem formularul de articol „Navă într-o sticlă”, am putea să ne îmbarcăm oriunde sau ne-am putea limita la porturi? 00:41:39 – Este echipa deschisă să ia unele dintre cele mai ciudate recompense (anumiți membri ai echipajului, navă în sticlă, poate Mako’s Sail) și să le adauge mai târziu ca recompense pentru Quest? – Cum plănuiți să păstrați noile resurse valoroase pe măsură ce timpul trece? 00:52:03 – Noile lemne (tacabile) pot fi arse sau transformate în săgeți? 00:56:15 – Va exista un spațiu de design pentru membrii unici ai echipajului, în care membrii echipajului diferiți (pe care i-ați primit ca recompense din conținut diferit) sunt mai mult sau mai puțin utili pentru diferite întâlniri? 00:59:37 – Creații jucători 01:03:00 – Outro Obțineți un abonament gratuit pentru o lună plus Purple Skin cu Twitch Prime! https://osrs.game/TwitchPrimeYT În fiecare săptămână, echipa Old School RuneScape vă răspunde în direct la întrebări. Puneți întrebările și prezentați-vă propunerile, urmăriți-ne în direct în fiecare joi la osrs.game/Watch Old School RuneScape este o versiune de joc retro a RuneScape din 2007, pe care am returnat-o la cererea comunității. Comunitatea controlează direcția de dezvoltare a Old School RuneScape votând ce actualizări ar dori să primească. Cel mai mare și mai popular MMORPG din lume, Old School RuneScape a fost jucat de peste 260 de milioane de jucători de la lansarea RuneScape în 2001. Old School RuneScape unește mecanica complicată a MMO-urilor moderne cu jocul nostalgic de tip „point-and-click” al jocurilor de rol timpurii. #OSRSMobile #OldSchoolRS #OldSchoolRuneScape #OSRS #RuneScape
Sailing Reward Space! | OSRS Q&A Livestream 6 iulie

49 thoughts on “Sailing Reward Space! | OSRS Q&A Livestream 6 iulie”
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mod elena… I just cant
I understand it may require additional development time, but if NPC crew members have set stats then a meta will develop around what the best combination is. If that ends up being the case, there will be little reason in even designing these NPCs with different art designs, personality, whatever. If you want players to be able to choose crew members based on who they enjoy, they can't have hard set stats tied to them.
very impressed with how the team is handling sailing, actually looks fun
I think it will be wonky if you can’t use magic or range attacks at sea. As demonstrated already, we’ll have freedom to walk around the ship, to move the ship with clicks off ship, and to interact with ship facilities. That’s a high level of freedom that will be immediately contrasted with a restriction of no mage/range attacks and will be jarring.
You guys are doing a great job handling this new skill process! I too work in the Tech space and wish many more companies took this approach.
Nice work and keep it up! Thanks
I can't wait for this skill!!! I've never been so excited in 15 years of playing!! Let's just hope we can come together and beat the trolls in the polls
parrot pet maybe
I want to be able to make sushi as a way to cook fish at sea without a cooking range. Rice and seaweed are watery crops anyway, so it makes sense
I want a dwarven steam ship loaded with Dwarven multi cannons all over the ship terrorizing all nearby enemies….
LOOOL "Teleport ship to me." Why sail when you can just teleport. Super goofy.
So to me it seems like sailing is just a hurdle to unlock ways to train other skills
20:00 but we already have loads of pirates in RS, Mos Le'Harmless is an entire island port ran by pirates. Pirates have been around for centuries and didn't start using guns till the 1400s. I don't see why we can't have more pirate themed sailing content.
Sailing should have a skilling pet named "Boaty"
Sailing is going to be so fun. If yall scrap this, ya gonna get scrapped!
Can we get some more bank space….?
I’d like a option in settings for mobile , so to be able to activate a hold option icon for dropping(something like a most convenient location I’m thinking by the chat or even a little above the left options bar-something out the way but that is usually intentionally clicked , also with that I’d like it so it has a warning for preset , so like not to drop valuable items ) with one finger (left thumb)and be able when I activate a click while holding that icon down to drop stuff in inventory (right thumb) automatically without having to go into settings tap to drop and revert… This would have been so helpful in some grinds I’ve done, but that said I can probably do gauntlet fairly fun on mobile this way , it probably has other uses like getting easy clues from thieving from H.A.M member …. Anyways thank you for your consideration I hope you decide if it is something that should be in settings to create a option for mobile.
fishing shouldnt give sailing xp, moving your ship should give 1 xp per game tick of movement, and completing instanced islands should give a multipleir to ur stacked xp.
Thank you to Elena and Husky only
seagull or albatross make the most sense for a sailing pet imo. as for the shared or not shared XP question i think it should come down to anyone manning a station or actively doing a ship duty could maybe share XP, but ofc poeople just AFK dont get any XP kinda like the forestry events. Also i like the idea of non sailing content locked behind sailing (slayer task areas/ hunter ares/raid/boss) sounds like a good way to bring skills together and add more meaning to them. Ship in a bottle sounds cool, maybe the sailing raid or high tier bosses could drop unique ships that when u see somone sailing that boat youre like "wow whata chad".
hi Runescape team, i love the game and thanks for all the effords you put in to these streeams and content. <3
vote no for sailing. dont want every new boss and skilling meta to be locked behind sailing. just make a pirate game if yall want it so bad. sailing isnt old school rs
it would be really cool to incorporate the sunfish and other fish into a craftable poh aqaurium with the coral and even add a coral theme to the pet menagerie.
Husky so right, I just wanna be comfy. you dont as a fish if they like the mountainside
A gryphon, more like a gry-phony
During the hand cannon section: I think even without bringing in too much tech, though we do have trains from dwarvertown to downtown goblitown, that potentially just more of these new sets or items can make combat styles feel more sailing related (like pirates being melee theme, mermaids having mage stuff) that cosmetically wont matter if they arent a musket if they look good
sailing skill cape could store your ship(s) on your back as well as giving your current selected ship's buffs to whatever ship youre currently standing on encouraging more co-op friendly ideas for the skill. Also add a slayer master of the sea he could be the some legendary slayer master duradel tells you about having defeated every monster both land and sea he could have his own island in treacherous seas he took from some mythic monster requiring a sailing lvl to make it there and like the wilderness slayer let it be a separate task streak and let him assign boss tasks and sea monsters only making whatever his sailing req is more lucrative you could also give him the option to trade in unique untradeable boss drops like heads as proof of your valor for slayer points or some reward to give them more uses than just recolors and prayer xp. also allow him to assign "group tasks" as well for bigger tasks and the ability to partner slayer again only through sailing. as for my ideas just throw a whip and a money bag together on a sail for me – reformed dueling addict whip2b
pet karamuthu from summoning for sailing pet plz
So I know it is a skill, but we are gaining many new world locations accessible by sea. What regions will these places fall under and will there be an associated achievement diary?
Here adopt my child
*the turtle gave you a turtle pet
Dont you have a dalivery board or something
Maybe you can have the slayer masters putting task request on the board signed from the slayer master?
"Guns feel like a different age" I say as I set up my automated machine canon.
at the 20 minute mark, isn't actually historical plate armor fairly bullet proof for the time guns in time ? sort of like a bullet proof vest today.
who says they hate summer?!@?!? omg
I hope we can optionally integrate pvp somehow to sailing. What do y’all think about being able to raid other peoples ships (only if you’re able to pk them and the power of your ship can affect how much food/potions they have while you raid em) and completing the raid would allow you to capture the other players crew members. Maybe holding them hostage for a fee or something along those lines and while you have them captured they help work on your own ship to make it operate more efficiently somehow
Canon balls should all be the same.
23:00 Elena made a great point
Don't think Husky realized when the question was asked about where you can deploy the ship in a bottle, the player meant "can it be deployed anywhere on the coast? Or just ports?" Not in random places like the warden…
So long OSRS, it was a good run.
I'm trying to maintain cautious optimism, but overall Sailing looks rather dull. It unlocks new areas as a primary reward outside the skill, but fails to excite me as it stands. I can't help but feel it only won because it's been a meme for so long. I'm not sure people really thought through how Sailing would work as a skill when voting
Everyone look out for botted comments that follow the same template; “I was skeptical of Sailing at first but now it looks good.” Been seeing a lot of them on every sailing video from OSRS channel.
No shot Ayiza isnt stoned during this
Sailing cape effect = more wind in your sails.
I want a pet for all skills but sailing pet would be interesting
Hi Devs, we need to incorporate a survival mechanic – similar to the Wildy in the seas. Monsters become more difficult the deeper you go, rarer loot, but it scales exponentially so it eventually becomes impossible to survive so players can test their ship crews abilities and also gain access to materials or loot that is inaccessible anywhere else. This can be done to improve cosmetics to the ship too, so people can see how brave you were and also offer buffs when gathering on islands. Also introducing a new quest line that allows players unlock unique NPC crew members who assist in sailing PVP and PVM.
Also we need to have an Island in the sailing wilderness, called Treasure Island or something where you can find a billion gold but it is so elusive and rare and the chances of stumbling on it fit accordingly but it is also a random event occurrence that anyone can find while doing the skill as kind of a passive lottery going on.
Also with ability to access new herbs we also need to be able to access to craft different poisons that directly effect PVP. Every poison requires a certain and new anti poison.
We also need access to a custom barbershop that gives different styles on the Ship or boat. Also we need pets like a parrot that offers perks when’s he’s with you and scout passively when you are not sailing, so you’ll be doing something’s completely unrelated and then all of a sudden he comes back with a message in a bottle. It’s a map; that takes you on an ocean clue scroll where you can find buried treasure. But they can also be created by players who also have a parrot to initiate a battle (similar combat levels) and you end up on a PVP island where you fight but prior to disembarking, you are told this is a dangerous island and you may lose items etc. so you never know if it’s a gathering scroll or a fake one to and end up having to fight for your life.
The race to 200m will be interesting for all the insane players trying to claim #1.
If the multiply by 10 is in the final draft for sea monsters HP will be a straight no vote, to much EoC vibes