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Urcarea riscantă pe catarg Solo în larg în timp ce navighezi și explorezi mai multe peșteri marine.

20 thoughts on “Urcarea riscantă pe catarg Solo în larg în timp ce navighezi și explorezi mai multe peșteri marine.”
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Loved the song
12:17 The rocks are talking through the medium of water
Digging the song!
Dang Sam, U never cease 2 amaze me! Solo sailor goes up the mast on a 28’ boat while under sail! WTF! R U kiddin me! U r an inspiration! Thanx 4 the years of awesome videos! 👍❤️
Brummel Hook …
It is like a scene from Narnia. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
thanks Sam always fun to watch
You're living the dream, my friend!
080723 Thankyou for your video Sam 🎶🎵
You are one of ‘the tourists’…
Go in the Albufeira marina….I haven’t been there is 12 years when it was being built
Those caves are the coolest in the entire universe!! Pickle in a pickle, be careful you goof ball!!! You are such a lazy jack, jack!!
Linseed oil your wood, I did and it rejuvenated all my teak easily peaseley.
Time for a fresh haircut to go with those groceries later, maybe
Looks like Lagos area of Algarve. I'll bet it was a little chilly swimming!
Momma Holmes is going to love this one….
P.S. looked like that anchor line tried to get ya !
I love to follow your adventures. Hope you stay clear of the Orca's.