Cartea 3, Capitolul 1- BINE AȚI VENIT ÎN CARTEA 3 Săptămâna aceasta ne înregistrăm oficial în țara Mexicului! DE ABIA! Omule, ce proces a fost… De ce totul legat de barca trebuie să fie atât de dificil? Oricum, acum suntem aici și ne place. Rămâneți pe fază pentru mai multe aventuri! Noroc! -Kell & Chris PS Promitem că vom naviga mai mult. Urmărește-ne: Urmărește-ne pe IG: @sailing.adrift Nu uita de Facebook: Suntem și pe Patreon!
Legalizarea: traiul și navigația în Mexic (cap. 1)

17 thoughts on “Legalizarea: traiul și navigația în Mexic (cap. 1)”
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Makes me giggle, because not being from America, and listening to Trump and other’s, You would get the impression Mexico is a terrible place, full of criminals and drug dealers, so bad in fact apparently it needs a wall to keep everyone out!
Yet you watch sailing channels, and it looks like a pretty nice place.. maybe it’s just certain areas that are bad? Because “bad parts” of a country is exclusive a Mexican problem? 😂.
Your bird friend at the marina is a male Muscovy duck.
I can tell you are loving Mexico 😍
Thanks guys! 😊
3:00 That is a Muscovy Duck. If I am not mistaken.
Love seeing you guys in Mexico and sharing your experience checking in not only to the Marina but also the Country and your observations about the process are correct how it looks is more important than what it is. You guys were lucky to have met the people you did to help with translations but soon you will learn enough to get by. Looking forward to next weeks episode.
… you sure found some good looking food ….. thx for the share .. as always .. never stop dreaming, just dream bigger .. have fun be safe, save our oceans ….
Here wishing you both an enjoyable Mexico 🇲🇽
That Matt is sure a good looking guy 😅
Gotta love paperwork, and good for 10 years, wow! Enjoy the ride, cheers.
Congrats on your escape and hope you are enjoying mexico. Officially beginning to be jealous.
Muskogee duck
Mucovey duck
Alright, legal in Mexico. What a hoot.
Going south is epic fishing. Chase kelp paddies for Mahi, locals call them Dorado. Get a local to take you Yellow Tail fishing, great fight and great tasting. Plus you are entering some of the best yellow fin and albacore tuna fishing there is, they migrate up Baja every year and it is a free for all in season. Loved fishing down there.
What's with the ear phones Chris?
Why the ear muffs all the time?
I used to own a nautical, Chris you are not funny!