Navigarea nu este doar soare și G&T, indiferent unde vă aflați în lume. Știm asta, dar este totuși un șoc atunci când procesul obișnuit relaxat de a călători încet, propulsat de vânt, devine ceva mai puțin decât senin! –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––- vfairisle –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––- ABONAȚI-VĂ – NU COSTĂ NIMIC ȘI NE AJUTĂ CU ALGORITMUL YOUTUBE –––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––- PATREON: Nu am putea realiza aceste videoclipuri fără sprijinul dumneavoastră, patronii noștri. Sunteți prima noastră linie de feedback, echipa noastră, sprijinul nostru și prietenii noștri. Suntem cu adevărat recunoscători și înseamnă că putem continua să vină videoclipurile! Dacă doriți să ni se alăture, puteți vedea (și comenta, ceea ce ne ajută cu adevărat) videoclipurile actuale fără reclame înainte de a fi lansate publicului. Există, de asemenea, o mulțime de videoclipuri suplimentare disponibile pe Patreon și ne puteți contacta direct la bord. Intreaba-ne orice! Avem sesiuni ZOOM regulate și un grup WhatsApp unde vorbim despre bărci, pasaje și viața la bord. Alăturaţi-ne! ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––- Codul SWELLPRO Puteți obține reducere oficială la magazinul Sailing10Fair. Am folosit foarte mult unitățile noastre Ecoflow, așa cum vor ști telespectatorii obișnuiți. Vor fi super utile în acest sezon. Dacă credeți că este ceva care ar putea funcționa și pentru dvs., consultați site-ul lor aici: Pentru o reducere de 10% la unitatea de apă potabilă Acuva pure /?di3 Insta360 X3: – vine cu un selfie stick invizibil gratuit Insta360 ONE RS: – vine cu o baterie de bază gratuită Insta360 GO/INRTU6: https://www.GOINRTU6: G – vine cu o protecție pentru lentilă gratuită Și, desigur, există acum versiunea de 1 inch pe care tocmai am revizuit-o…. –––––––––––––––––––––- –––––––––––––– FACEBOOK: Puteți urmări și pe facebook, unde actualizăm constant ce se întâmplă: Sailing Fair Isle –––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––- SITE WEB: Multe mai multe informații pe site; ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––- ––-
„Cea mai proastă zi de navigație vreodată!” | Ep93

39 thoughts on “„Cea mai proastă zi de navigație vreodată!” | Ep93”
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Diesel fumes and rolling about can set sea sickness off for me
Propper fenders you have
I could have sworn I heard you mention True Kit! 😂😂😂
Thanks Guys, your honesty is always refreshing; I think it would be easy to gloss over the challenges and just present a rose-tinted version of life at sea… And yes, it's easy to get complacent about towing the dinghy in the Med, isn't it; we've almost come a cropper a couple of times when the weather turned nasty, but we were still in "calm mode". I'm glad you enjoyed Alghero; it's a lively little town and seems to have just about everything you need. Hopefully, you've got plans to avoid the worst of the heat; I've been monitoring Cannigione (for our charter later in September), and I see predictions next week of 35, 36, and 38..! Not the best time to be without the fridge. And strangely, I've found bagged ice a little difficult to find in many of the smaller places through the Maddalena… Stay frosty..! I guess the solution will have to be more ice cream.
If ever a couple and a boat sell the sailing life it is you two! Sardinia is beautiful…laid back…and friendly. I love the difficult videos where the seas are rough and things go wrong….a cautionary reminder to all of us. Recently I sailed from Dublin to Belfast in uncomfortable waters where I didn’t feel well. Later that day I spoke to a sailer who had to do engine repairs in the bowels of his boat….on the same passage. That would be my worst nightmare! I am in the market for a dingy in the next year. Did you do a video on your dingy? Is it called True Fit? (I found True Fit online!)
Thank you always for such wonderful productions, so effortlessly told! ⛵️
I love Your videos and love to have with my breakfast! You are just the best representatives of what’s Best in England. You are the full package of manners so courteous and fun. A lovely combination! Thank you so much for making my breakfast time! ❤
Confessions of dinghy abusers.
hello judy quand venez vous in corsica…? vous devez avoir "faim" …de calins…!!! Steve nous filmera…! lol bernard Ajaccio
Saludos desde Montevideo Uruguay, es lindo verlos son uno para el otro 😊😊
Lovely. Are you able to recycle the old dinghy?
Hi,many years ago when I was a marine fitter, link belts were very common on the wooden anchor Seine netters for driving pumps and alternators.There was a formula for the number of links to taken out of a new belt being fitted to give the correct tension.I cannot remember what it is,but I think the name of the belt could be “Brammer”.thanks for a great film.cheers Roly 🇬🇧
I don't know how many times I have called you out for towing your dingy. If you tow it eventually you "will" get caught out. A simple davit will make it so easy you will always just lift it up. You have plenty of room for a single arm davit on your poop, guys.
Link belts – lots of experience in the heavy equipment business and most change back to “normal belts”. They break due to grime / dirt buildup between the links. Great to have on hand for emergencies though, as for some situations where more than one size of belt used, link belts can cover you on all fronts. Great episode! Love your show!
I bought a TrueKit after watching your review a few years ago and we love it. Great little boat and excellent customer service. What inflatable kayak do you have? Do you recommend it?
I am looking forward to Majorca as I called it home for a few years. specifically, Llucmajor so that will bring back some great memories. Love your videos.
I learnt the hard way to hoist the dinghy regardless each trip! As it passed us surfing down 15 foot waves, flipped over, digging the transom in to act as a sea anchor reducing our SOW to 1.5 knots.
I didn't want to cut it free, leaving it behind for someone to raise an alarm, so took us two hours to get into sheltered water, by which time it had ripped out two of the 3 D-rings, totalling the dinghy.
Worst day sailing….. 😂 I will never forget a double knockdown in my Uncle's 55ft Atlantic Ketch in the early 70s just entering the Firth of Clyde near Pladda. That was fun, but only once we reached Greenock. 😱 😬
Since when is ice-cream not protein ?????? Honestly Steve, catch a wakeup 🙂
How did it compare to your crossing of the Bay of Biscay?
Hi, thanks for the great video! Links belt is good for maximum profits for manufacturers but the worst for consumers as they are not reliable as traditional ones. You never know when they will break. I never in my life experience the breaking of a traditional belt, you just have to know when to change them. You don't have 10 differents belts on your diesel so having share ones should not be an issue. New technology is not always better but the search for max profit is ON!
Sorry to say im cancelling subscription as im get fed up with people promoting rubbish products insta 360 is only fit for the bin.
Over the past few years we have replaced all of our sails with Precision sails. Great company to work with and we appreciate the fact you can upgrade your sail based on use, i.e. day, coastal or offshore sailing. If you haven’t seen it yet, the owner has a YouTube channel, I Dream of Dinghy, where he takes a large RIB all the way from Victoria, BC, to La Cruz, Mexico, to deliver new sails to Parlay Revival, another you tuber.
Thank you Judy and Steve. The entire team at Precision Sails loves working on your sail projects. The new mainsail will be ready soon. Can't wait to see her flying on Fair Isle!
It's ALGHERO, not alhero……..!!!!!!!
I enjoy watching your videos. In the last two or three, your audio and video has been out of sync
They are only really temporary belts to be fair. I guess if you mention the dinghy enough they might give you one?
I stayed near there for a few months i always loved the weekends when you could get a massive stauner !! Just wonderful.
And the middle windscreen wiper is toast too!😢
The reality of weather forecasts, so often not as predicted! That looked like a horrible swell🤢
Another lovely video. I always enjoy them so much. Thank you, not only for your generosity but also for the hundreds of unseen editing hours. You're both incredible (but please stay away from those cliff edges, Steve)!
Well… "Punch and Judy"… sedate video. Interesting travel vlog.
I've read your Bios before but didn't watch many of your vids.
Subbed. Will be catching up on things of interest to me.
Are you planning on going to Caribbean any time soon? South Pacific?
I see that you follow Adam and Khiara and Mads and Eva.
I enjoy both of those channels. A and K are currently heading to Iceland. AD venturous!
Eu e milhares de outros consumidores deste lindo tipo de programa com Veleiros carecemos da falta de opções das legendas em Português e ou Espanhol.
Todos perdemos com informações de produtos marítimos e vocês também em propaganda.
Tenham sempre opções de legendas principalmente o português.
I love your videos! So happy to hear you get a new Dingy… safe travels!
Great video guys!
Thanks for another great video. Very much looking forward to your future adventures.Hope it's not too hot for you at present and that you get your fridge fixed soon. All the best from Eastbourne.
Great channel, thanks. Friendly advice, lose any hand jewellery/rings
Binged watched 85 episodes over a couple of weeks – now caught up with last few and can only really echo others – presentation, content and just lovely personalities are what shine through and make the viewer not only want to try this lifestyle but actually feel that they could. Just become a silver patreon as small price for the joy these Vlogs bring.
One of my all time favorite videos of yours, felt different, I'll have to think about exactly what made it refreshing, maybe a hint of vulnerability, or maybe just a little less produced, not sure. I would have taken the bite of ice cream with cookie, just saying, but setting a good example with discipline and will power is food for thought. Thanks for sharing!