Cu puțin peste 12 luni în urmă, am realizat un videoclip „în construcție” despre carena numărul unu al iahtului de explorare de croi cu rază lungă de acțiune Arksen 85, 7.000 NM (defilați în jos pentru linkul către videoclipul respectiv), așa că este grozav să o văd pe ea. apă! Rămâneți pe fază pentru turul COMPLET de iaht! ►Videoclipul Arksen 85 „în construcție”: ► Deveniți membru al „equipajului meu virtual”: ► Verificați magazinele mele nautice pe Amazon: Magazinul din SUA: Magazinul din Marea Britanie: Magazinul din Marea Britanie: pe Instagram: ► Pentru întrebări de afaceri: sau DM pe Instagram ► Al doilea canal:
ARKSEN 85 Long-Range Croabord ALL SEASON Explorer Yacht!

30 thoughts on “ARKSEN 85 Long-Range Croabord ALL SEASON Explorer Yacht!”
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What kind of crew accommodation is offered
Looking forward for future updates
Am I seeing the actual welds on the bow while its going through the water?
I'm so stoked to finally see her in real footage, underway. These types of boats, to me, are just epic. This, the Circa Marine 24, and the Steve Dashew designed FPB series, the grandaddy designs of this type. Love them all.
I've worked on a FPV 64, love the boats but the deck space is cluttered and not very user friendly for exterior activities , this seems to be a better usable stern design, whilst probably compromising some of the downwind/following seas performance of the FPV series,
coastal explorer, maybe. looks to be an offshoot of the FPB design. how would the bow ride through an north Alantic storm?
Does anyone know what the two poles that are jutting out from the roof are for ?
Wonder how many would choose this over Berings yacht
Nice rig. But I still feel Steve Dashew was the best of the best with his FSB series. He designed and lived in his boats for years fine-tuning every single point possible. So sad that the partnership went tits up.
Fantastic looking boat, one of the few makers who have taken the concept of FPB and made it their own, adding their own flair.
The range is respectable but not at the speed of those sea trails. Any idea what her speed was when those were taken, looks like it's flying along?
It’s missing a couple of 5m fishing tenders
She's a fabulous looking boat a mix of practical safety and comfort.
I did wonder if Arksan would every put equipment that could send back scientific data to scientists.
Anyway looking forwards to the next vidio of hull number 1. Thanks for updating us on her progress.
I see what appears solar power ? Is there lithium ion batteries ? Do they power everything without using the generator?
FPB wannebe
They should show the price up front!
I would love to see a Portuguese Bridge on that boat. My immediate concern was big storm conditions and waves breaking over the bow directly into the glass. A Portuguese Bridge would be much better to protect against that. On that front Nordhavn have got it right, although this boat looks superior in other regards, Steel construction, much better range at higher speed etc.
Omg i love this yacht it is built solid and has class I wish i had the money to explore
Does anyone know how much this would/could cost?
So cute!
Still a big, Big fan of this yacht and it's nice to see her out on trials!!
If you like the arksen then you should look up the FPB boats(Functional Power Boat) wich is the predessesors.
Ah just beautiful 😍 my dog me and the sea 💙
One of the best designs out there. Love it!
Better than blueprints,maybe a video walk through
These Arksen vessels are a representation and continuation of Steve Dashew’s revolutionary FPB design. Since the Dashew’s stop production of FPB’s in 2018 it left a void in the market for a true family operated safe long distance ocean cruiser.
From the looks of it, they've taken more than just one page from Dashew's design parameters for the FPB's. Biggest difference, at a glance is the width. This one is much "beamier"
ive seen so many layouts its not the same as a walkthrough tour. Cant wait for haul #1
superboat but in the beginning of the video you see an Xo or perhaps Axopar (not quite sure) . That will be enough for me……and safe a lot of (virtual) money
I’ve been really curious about the Arksen 65 for canal/Great Loop cruising.