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Un tânăr cuplu reconstruiește o navă cu pânze de 105 picioare! | Reinstalarea Flying Coney Ep.37

28 thoughts on “Un tânăr cuplu reconstruiește o navă cu pânze de 105 picioare! | Reinstalarea Flying Coney Ep.37”
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Schooner or Tops'l Schooner? While Flying Coney was a sailing ship she had a tops'l schooner rig. That means she had square sails on the forward mast. Although this rig is very beautiful and gives more speed while sailing downwind, it's also more expensive and it's more difficult to handle. So a gaff schooner rig is probably more reasonable. It's also possible to start with a schooner rig and later on add the yards for the topsail's. What do you think?
With all those sails, I assume you’ll need a crew? I can’t imagine just the two of you doing it 👍👍👍
Great job, Memphis TN USA
I think we are going to see a whole lot of bandaids on gaping wounds.
One of you two need to learn to weld. To save money and to be prepared for repairs when a shipyard isn't near by. There is enough work to practice on.
What is the Urk
Marine depth?
Looking Good
Hello Flying Coney, you're doing a good job! I'm following you're project from the beginning and i think I've a good advice for you. In the nineties i had a 26 mtr. sailing clipper , sailing on the Ijsselmeer and Waddenzee with 30 dayguests and accomodation for 20 guest to stay overnight. If I had greater jobs to do i went to SRF in Harlingen at the Harinxma Kanaal. Not so far from Urk.They are specialists in your kind of ships and the goal you have in mind i think. They can build it from bottom up or do only interior, rigging or smaller jobs and help you with your future plan. Ask for Lex Tiggelaar. For 2 years he was still in charge .They always had reasonable prices as in that sector the earnings are not to big. For two weeks i passed by the shipyard SRF on my Lemsteraak and they have been growing since. Very nice to see. I made a picture and try to post it to you. Succes!! Dirk.
You guys are doing a great job. I always look forward to seeing a new video every week.
By the time she is a sailing boat, you'll have millions of subscribers. This is an amazing story.
Topsail Schooner. Best with the cement ballast, it'll be a huge project I'm sure, but we know you and Daniel are up to the task.
Barbara seems more comfortable with tools than Daniels 😂😂😂. Daniels, don’t forget to change your saw if you want to refit the interior of Flying Coney
Barbara, I am so proud of you. You are not afraid to tackle anything! You are both such hard workers. I too am German and my children first generation Americans. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Krystyna
What's the name of the song at 18.02
Really enjoying your music selections.
Everytime you look somewhere you find more work. They could have just poured concrete into the bottom of boat for ballast. Better check before you start removing that concrete. Good luck. Did not notice the touchup. Great job. When do you think you
Will be finished. It sounded like your batteries were drained. Put them on a trickle charger
je pense que vous n'avez pas assez de competence dans les multiples domaines pour arriver a mener a bien cette rénovation regardez les autres constructeurs de bateaux !!!
Keep on Steady n Strong *
Tear the mast down and replace it with an wooden onee. That's what I think. Much lighter if build hollow, so it wouldn't only improve sailing abilities but also seaworthyness and behavior in rolling conditions.
What a shame I love the quirky name style. So much character and uniqueness. Oh well. 🙁
Will you need to add a keel to counter the wind forces?
Question, why do you have to lower the aft deck? If the cabin top clears the boom, then I’d imagine the extra interior volume would be a bonus.
Also, obviously the concrete in the hull is ballast. I’d assume you have to replace whatever is removed for the hull repairs, but it brings up an interesting question. How do you determine the size of the rig the ship can manage? Are you consulting with a naval architect or just going back with what was originally there? Could you go over some numbers to determine sail size, estimated speed vs amount of wind and how you came up with the proposed rigging?
+1 Gaffe Rigged
Shere … She will be a beatu …. I should came and helt you … 🧓😉
About masts be sure of the depth you can ask the radar from the shipyard. Kind regards.
Will the boat have steel of wood masts and spars? Love the project by the way!
Just found your channel and love it. Please keep up the great work & videos!