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CE FACEM AICI navigând la isla mujeres

8 thoughts on “CE FACEM AICI navigând la isla mujeres”
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I don't know why you do not have 100 times more followers. I love this. Live your dream. At least for 5😊
I love the gecko 🙂
this is one of my favorite youtube channels
Beautiful videography, Professional narration, wonderful storyline. I feel like I was on the journey with you. Bravo Sailorama, Bravo 👏🏼
That gear cable would work better with one more pulling it backwards.. with your oil leaks check (because it’s a dinosaur) that there is positive crank case pressure, (PCV) basically the engine itself is getting some vacuum, it will have some system but it’s probably blocked or someone has disconnected it for reasons unknown.. another thing with your control cables, get something straight and solid like a metal rod and hose clamp the outta insulated part so as you move the controls it won’t try to flex, the way you have it now with cable ties? That’s going to fail..
Thanks guys!
Hey there! Loved the gecko. Take care