Activități de navigație în Mid Atlantic pe Trimaran Dawn 056

Activități de navigație în Mid Atlantic pe Trimaran Dawn 056

Ce faci în mijlocul Oceanului Atlantic pe un trimaran ca Dawn Nu este plictisitor. Este mai des munca grea și cina relaxată. Există activități precum realizarea de cătușe moi. Cheryl învață cum să ne traseze cursul pe diagrame de hârtie. Acest lucru ar trebui făcut. Personal am fost lovit de iluminarea unui alt Trimaran și toate electronicele se vor stinge. Schimbări și reparații vele. Apus și răsărit uimitor de soare. A fost o călătorie minunată. Nu întotdeauna ușor, dar ne simțim privilegiați că o putem face. Sperăm că îi inspiră și îi motivează pe cei care ne urmăresc să urmeze visele acolo și să le vadă împlinite. Suntem Arie Baartman și Cheryl Hudson și Camino #LivingontheOcean #Trimaran #Living on a Trimaran #trimaran navigating


29 thoughts on “Activități de navigație în Mid Atlantic pe Trimaran Dawn 056

  1. You're looking so healthy and happy! I'm very glad that you're having such a wonderful adventure and can't wait to learn about your future adventures.
    Great good luck in everything!

  2. That Sun Rise at the end. 🌅
    Very interesting episode, enjoyed when Arie was talking about the boat not being a great ocean boat for the need to create space, and Cheryl showing how to chart your position on the map.
    That Sun Rise makes it all worth it.
    Greeting from Texas. 👍🏼😃

  3. But how the dog relieves itself on a boat, because it's not a cat, you can't force it using a sandbox.

  4. To see the reality of Sailing the Atlantic from Europe to the Caribbean. We think this is our best video so far. We would like to see your comments about it.

  5. Fabulous, inspiring, awesome. Looks wonderful but appreciate all the hard work that's happened and still happens in the background to get you to such an incredible journey. xx

  6. Great video! Showing us what its like to finally be living on the ocean. All your hard work is paying off in spades now.

  7. I have never sailed a trimaran, but find your videos fascinating and very educational as we follow along in your adventure. Thank you for making these videos. 😊

  8. Great to see you out there living on the ocean. You all look happier : )

    I had been thinking about the boat motion, when you were running fairly square and flopping from side to side a bit, and so it was good to hear your thoughts on that. I thought also that you might have wanted to come up a bit, and/or add sail, just to press the boat a bit more to leeward. But at the same time you don't want to get to your destination too fast right ; )
    I can understand not having too much sail up. It's more stress if you have to worry about having too much up. Balance.

    I was also wondering about what your watch keeping format is?

    It's lovely to see the footage of the swells, the ocean, the sky. Brings back memories of crossing the ocean, and I fully understand the feeling of wanting to continue on much further.

  9. Your trimaran moves smoothly and quickly. And there is plenty of space inside for two people too. She seems to be a fantastic boat with the nice plastic work you have done. I have sailed monohulls all my life but could certainly have a similar trimaran myself. You will have a lot of fun things ahead, hope the Bahamas is included

  10. Imagine your GPS not functioning and you not able to do astro navigation or dead reckoning….

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