Barca noastră este încă la câteva luni până să putem pleca. Așa că am decis să facem ceva ce nu am mai făcut până acum. Închiriază o barcă. ❤ Alătură-te echipei noastre! ❤ Pentru conținut exclusiv, în culise și întrebări și răspunsuri: ☝Full Scoop On The Blog 📷 Photo & Video Equipment 📷 https://www. 📱 ACTUALIZĂRI pe Social 📱 INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: 📧Notificări prin e-mail, ca să nu ratezi niciun videoclip🍦 🎶 MUZICA pentru videoclipuri. 2 luni gratuit: Artiști – Syncro, Kick Lee, Assaf Ayalon, Skygaze, DaniHaDani, Warmkeys, Doug Kaufman 🎨 Materiale creative pentru videoclipuri (SFX, șabloane și presetări): https:// 🎽PUNEȚI SWAG-UL: 💯Modalități GRATUITE de a ne susține producțiile Ne-a fost rău de mare, dar , într-un fel de dor de casă. Ca un pește din apă, începem să ne uscăm și ne chinuim să respirăm dacă am fost plecați prea mult timp. Așadar, a spune că anul trecut ne-a lăsat uscați ar fi un eufemism. Barca noastră este încă la câteva luni până să ne putem deplasa la bord și să plecăm. Răbdarea nu a fost niciodată virtutea mea. Și, este sărbătorirea a 17-a aniversare a nunții noastre! Așa că, am decis să ne potolim setea și să facem ceva ce nu am mai făcut până acum. Închiriază o barcă. Ceea ce este amuzant pentru că primul lucru pe care îl spunem oamenilor atunci când ne solicită sfaturi despre cum să intri în navigație este: Căutați un club de navigație în apropierea dvs., faceți un curs de navigație și/sau închiriați o barcă. Dacă ne urmărești de ceva vreme, atunci știi deja că nu am făcut nimic din toate astea când am început. Am cumpărat o barcă, apoi am învățat să navigăm și ne-am alăturat abia anul trecut la prima noastră cursă de club de navigație. De asemenea, se știe că rostogolim bolovani în sus, dar nu îl sfătuim. Este serviciul nostru public, facem lucrurile pe calea grea, așa că nu trebuie. De obicei, nu recomandăm ceva ce nu am experimentat personal. Cu toate acestea, de ani de zile încurajăm oamenii să închirieze o barcă. În teorie este o idee bună, dar care este realitatea? Care este costul? Merită costul? Suntem pe cale să aflăm. Alăturați-vă nouă în Phuket, Thailanda, în timp ce pornim pentru o săptămână cu primul nostru charter. ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––– SUNTEM JASON ȘI NIKKI WYNN. Câțiva documentaristi moderni, călători perpetui și căutători de povești înalte. Ne urmărim curiozitatea în jurul lumii pe roți și chile din 2011. De ce? Pentru că curiozitatea este cheia pentru deblocarea vieții. Ne împinge în afara zonei noastre de confort, ne înmoaie presupunerile și ne ajută să îmbrățișăm marele necunoscut. Cu cât ne lăsăm mai mult curiozitatea să ne conducă, cu atât descoperim mai mult despre noi înșine și despre lumea din jurul nostru. Casa noastră este și mijlocul nostru de transport și petrecem săptămâni departe de civilizație și uneori de pământ. Încrederea în sine și un stil de viață durabil sunt o necesitate. Totul este să ne gestionăm resursele și căutăm mereu modalități noi și mai bune de a face acest lucru. Trăim în afara rețelei de peste 10 ani în orice, de la o dubiță la RV până la o barcă cu pânze. Și de-a lungul timpului am învățat multe despre energia regenerabilă, crearea apei potabile sigure și gestionarea deșeurilor noastre. Călătoria noastră este în continuă evoluție, dar misiunea rămâne aceeași: #CultivateCuriosity Marcaje temporale dacă doriți să săriți: 00:00 Navigare în Phuket Marea Andaman 03:51 Prima noastră barcă charter vreodată 06:20 Tur complet cu barca Sunsail 404 (Leopard 40) ) 11:06 Local Brew & Sundowner sau Moonupper? 11:59 Vâslă prin peșteri și Hong Koh Panak 16:58 Navigație către Paradise Koh Yao 21:36 Sfaturi pentru un charter cu barca cu pânze la prețuri accesibile 25:01 Navigație către Ko Yawa 27:43 Snorkel și scufundări în apnea Ko Yawa 29:17 Chicken Island Ko Kai 30: 36 Bărci cu coadă lungă din Thailanda (Ruea Hang Yao) 32:13 Cea mai bună parte a vieții cu barca ––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––- #BoatLife #Catamaran #TravelVlog #DigitalNomad #LifeStyle #Sailboats © Gone With the Wynns 2023
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So lovely! It must have felt so rejuvenating and fulfilling to get back out on the water in your element! We LOVE seeing you both in your "happy place". The landscape in Thailand looks sooooo epic! What an awesome experience to have and one filled with so much wonder & awe. We really enjoyed your underwater snorkeling experience… we got goosebumps watching it… not sure why or how to put it into words exactly, though whatever it was we felt exactly, it was really meaningful. Thank you for bringing us along on your life adventures and journey. Cheers to you both and very happy 17th wedding anniversary!
While I love love love all of your content, man I totally miss these kinds of episodes, explore and swim and sail. My happy place too. ❤
My girlfriend and I live in Shanghai, we were in the exact marina you chartered your boat from June 1 and headed across to Naka Island (straight across from the Marina) I have been trying to convince my GF about sailboat living for nearly a year. It would be amazing to catch up for a coffee for advice. By coincidence I used to work with Seth Hines who you know from H&H. Cheers. Most importantly Thailand is amazing as is all of Asia, so much culture, history, social experiences. It is wonderful.
Your hair. No. It’s just me. I like ladies to have long hair.
Was sitting at the Airstream Factory Service Center and out in the Terraport we met a nice woman in for Airstream service like us. Day later we find out she is your Mom. We enjoyed our days broken down in service and chatted. Seems you were at the time stuffing furniture into a hole in your boat! GASP! Mary stopped to see us in Florida on a trip such a nice lady. Anyway you pioneered the RV YouTube and now are living a Boat dream. You Tube made it happen. Glad for ya! -Hervey and Ruth
Beautiful landscape….I can see how you might want to spend some time there…have fun!
I'm a sun downer not an upper!
Oh gosh Happy 17th Anniversary Nikki and Jason! What a beautiful gift for yourselves, and thank you immensely for sharing with us! I'm so glad you chose the clear water route! Your underwater videophotography was beautiful! So many creatures I have never seen before! Delightful! The scenery is so huge and majestic there, almost the reason there is no wind: relax, take it in, enjoy the marvels of it all, it's soul candy is what it is saying!❤❤
You are so happy on the water…thank u for an awesome video … from 🇨🇦
The Wynns are back on the water! Yay! And with a working freezer! (too soon?) 😁❤
this song reminds me of your two
Thank you for sharing your adventures and Lessons. Fl
I loved this video so much! The locale and scenery was just picturesque! Happy Anniversary to you both and thank you so much for sharing your adventures with us.
Fantastic meeting you both in Phuket. I had just finished this vid as I was coming down the hill on the bike. Enjoy Thailand and we are all excited about the cat. Thank you both for making sailing a very acceptable and accessible life style with your video documentation. Take care and thank you for speaking with on the side of the road.
Well now, you are in my neck of the woods. Been in Thailand for 16 years and loving it. The food is wonderful and the people are the best. I have been all over the world but Thailand is the best.
Look forward to your trip and where you go after the 4 days are over. Are you sticking around Thailand for a while or are you off on another adventure?
Happiest 17th anniversary xx
I'm dreaming one day I will be able to buy catamaran and live a life you guys are living. Happy for you!
"Durhh, never say that to a man" is worth a like from everyone, surely?
"Wanna give it a tug?" 27:11
"What is our next spot?" "Cold Kum" 29:17
"Chicken Island" = polite version of Cock Island? 29:49
There were others
Congratulations on17yrs. My wife and I just celebrated 17yrs this past weekend.
You guys really need your new boat! The video from this one is really amazing! I forgot how good you guys are with your video. Happy 17th and many more!
lots of fish on your dive but that poor coral looked dead!!!! Man's so called progress@#$%^& : Clenching that piece of paper in your fist? i'd rather clench the throat of the one responsible but sadly, even we well wishers are contributors to this disaster!
After 17 years of marriage it must be time for some kids 😀
Just love you guys. Thank you for sharing your adventures with us. Congratulations on your 17th! Safe travels 🙂
Maybe this slow pace journey was marked by your anniversary 🥳💖🥳 a sign of your 7.5 slow pace years over the planet🦜
I am thinking back to my 1970's, and now I see my favorite young couple sailing in a Cat! Well, evidently they are buying this nice new Cat made in South Vietnam! I am happy if this young couple is happy buying this new Cat from this company! Jason and Nikki are now becoming middle age youngsters. I love that they share the travel and show us things we would never see in our lifetime! So if I tip my favorite couple a couple of bucks in their video!
As a new cruiser in our first year of boat ownership who did the courses but didn’t charter, I’m not really sure a charter would have showed us what we find hard as liveaboard cruisers – things like a lack of consistent community, the increased stress and responsibility of it being your boat (the financial stress is real especially with the ongoing boat issues boats being allergic to sun, salt and people), and sailing in heavy weather (charters at least in Australia, where we are, don’t let you sail if the wind is more than 15 knots). That being said I could see a charter as a fun way to sail in a part of the world that your boat isn’t in and you’ve got no desire to move it there (I could see us chartering in Greece eventually). There’s a place for a charter for sure, just I would not expect it to be really anything like what you’ll experience as a live aboard – good way to test out different boat layouts, brands and sizes though if you’ve got the finances to do so (we could never afford a charter).
Love it. “Worth the Cost?” Then the first thing you see in the description is a patreon request for money. I guess working is out of the question.
What a wonderful place to charter!
Those island/outcroppings always remind me of James Bond films.
I chartered in the BVI in 1989. Made to the Bitter End area. Beautiful, but this tops it.
As a resident of Wisconsin I’ll have to check out charters on the lakes.
Thanks for the tips and Happy Anniversary to you!
7 years? It seems like only yesterday we were watching your RV adventure through Alaska, how time does fly
Your passion is extremely clear, you are fun and realistic, I love watching your adventures.
With ME being this excited for the new sailboat, I just can’t imagine how excited YOU guys are. It’s so flippin schweet.
Thanks to Cruising the Cut we found your channel and it has become our routine morning-with-coffee view as a pleasant start to the day. I don't know what we will do when we run our of your back episodes. Your cinematography is brilliant and we can't wait to see you on your new boat. Question, my wife wants to know where you got the red and white striped bathing suit seen in some of your earlier episodes, she hopes it is still available.
Nikki, love the new haircut. You guys seem so happy to be on the water again.
Awesome to see you guys on the water again. Can you let us know your impressions of the leopard 40 vs your old 43. Does the newer design feel roomier? Love your stuff. Keep up the awesome work.
I believe sv nandji is in the area, I would get a kick out of seeing you guys together and they quarantined in the area so they would have all kinds of info to share on the area
Nikki's exuberance at being back out on the water really demonstrates just how strongly the sailing bug has bitten. 😄
Happy Anniversary
Thanks for posting.
Cheers SV Good Karma as Grins!
Those squirty things at low tide may be what Aussies call cunjevoi, Pyura stolonifera. The internal organs make good bait.
Beautiful people ❤. Loved this video. Back underwater too ❤. Happy Anniversary
Happy anniversary🎉, and Nikki I love your new shorter hair cut, so cute.
Congrats on your anniversary, and for getting back on the water! Excited for your future and the new boat!
Congratulations on your 17th anniversary, we just had our 16th. We wish you both many more happy years together ❤❤🎉
Congratulations on your 17th Wedding Anniversary!
If I did paddle boarding, I'd want outriggers. Yes, training wheels.
Do be careful of the macaques. They're mean and riddled with rabies. If you're bitten, DO get thyself to a local doctor and get the rabies treatment.
Remember, when you receive you're new boat, don't expect it to be perfect. It'll be very good, but you'll likely begin making a list for modifications. Hold off on making modifications for a while to see if the best modification might just be you getting used to the differences between your old boat and you're new one.
Congratulations on your anniversary ❤.Thank you for sharing your amazing adventures with us. I can hardly wait until we get ‘our’ new boat!
Happy Anniversary
If your still in Thailand, do yourself a favor and find the ,” Coffee club and have yourself a coffee and food “! I promise, you won’t regret it!!!!