👉 OBȚINEȚI INSTRUMENTELE NOASTRE PREFERATE: https://www.amazon.com/shop/sailingyaba Aducerea Yabá de la epavă la vis! Episodul 142 În acest episod al restaurării bărcii noastre, vom aborda cea mai bună schimbare pe care am făcut-o pe ambarcațiune: menținerea zonei de sus conectată la parter. Ne place cât de spațioasă, proaspătă și prietenoasă a devenit Yabá de când am păstrat acea zonă deschisă! Pe langa asta, munca depusa acolo a fost frumoasa! Scândura cu margine de scoarță, coloane turnate refolosite, resturi transformate într-un spate frumos… chiar este un pachet frumos de bunătăți acolo acum! 👉 ABONAȚI-VĂ pentru a nu rata noile episoade: https://bit.ly/3dI3hBn PUTEȚI SUSȚINE PROIECTUL NOSTRU: 👉 Devenind patron – alăturați-vă pentru a debloca conținut exclusiv: https://www.patreon.com/sailingyaba 👉 Prin donații Paypal: https://bit.ly/zog.com produse: https://shopsailingyaba.com/ Suntem veșnic recunoscători tuturor celor care ne trăiesc visul cu noi ♥️ 🇧🇷 Legendas em Português em todos os episódos! 🇪🇸 Subtitluri în spaniolă în toate episoadele! 💙 Cine suntem? Suntem Ben și MP! Recent am decis să achiziționăm o goeletă din lemn cu doi catarge în Brazilia. Detaliul distractiv despre povestea noastră este că barca pe care am cumpărat-o se scufunda și se baza pe multe pompe de santină pentru a supraviețui, așa că a trebuit să o ridicăm pe uscat pentru a începe o reparație completă. Odată ce barca a fost ridicată (pentru prima dată în viața ei) ne-am dat seama că munca necesară a fost mult mai mult decât se aștepta. Între eliberarea sau acceptarea provocării, am decis să alegem a doua variantă. Urmărește-ne când îl readucem la viață pe Yabá cu ajutorul unei echipe uimitoare de constructori navali tradiționali, împărtășind fiecare fază a procesului, depășind culmile și coborâșurile și distrându-se pe parcurs. Mai multe despre noi: 👉 Despre noi + Întrebări și răspunsuri https://youtu.be/TldDlohjwTs 👉 mai multe informații despre proiect http://www.sailingyaba.com 💙 Mulțumiri masive echipei noastre uimitoare de dulgheri care nu ne-au dezamăgit niciodată și continuă să ne uimească la fiecare pas al procesului: Toninho, Zeca, Nicole, Hélio, Ne Clason, Nicole și Nicole SUNTEȚI LEGENDE!
Cea mai bună decizie pe care am luat-o în această RESTAURARE A BARCĂ — Sailing Yabá 142

27 thoughts on “Cea mai bună decizie pe care am luat-o în această RESTAURARE A BARCĂ — Sailing Yabá 142”
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I LOVE your channel. I have followed from the beginning.
Question on the counter top. Why did you flatten by hand instead of using the planer.
Thank you
I love wood working and I'm a stickler for details. You have my vote as a details personality and I love watching it all come together so nicely. Good eyes are hard to come by, but you all have it!! I anxiously watch from the Philippines, and be safe always 💞.
Fantastic job , the back of the gimbal put a couple of rubber knockers this will stop the damage to the timber , some people put medium strength springs attached to both surfaces this slows the movement and saves damage, all the best from Tasmania Australia 🇦🇺
Love you guys ❤ seeing your coffee/cocktail area I reckon you should put a little bar fridge to keep the milk and beer cold under the bench 🍺
It's really looking great 🌞
looking good but when the boat rolles how do we lock the pans in ?
Not gonna lie. I have never in my life experienced such a piece of wood as is being plained for your table. Never. The length and breadth of (those) ~ that piece of wood is just beyond the beyond. No more trees like that let me tell you. So maybe if you would teach the ship-writes how to video their work. I could see a site for the "Shipyard that built Yaba." Living on the boat? I'll just live under any of those boats. Yea. I could just come and hang out. I am trying to learn Portuguese language. Oh my good goodness! Wow! ✨🌸✨
Two more things: That "lobster trap ish" thing that is hanging over the oh so glorious counter. Needs to go guys. It's in the details. As you know. That "above counter" space is a place for more creativity. Or to just keep clear. So nice. But loose the lobster trap. ~. The other thing: The very most entertaining moment for me is when you say: "Later, when we have more time." Really an existential assertion. Deep deep philosophy for you guys. "Later, when we have more time." ~ A statement to meditate on. Whew! ✨🌸✨❤
Parabéns aos dois, eu tenho acompanhado o vosso trabalho desde a viagem que fizeram para colocar o Yaba no estaleiro e tem sido espectacular todo este trajecto. MUITOS PARABÉNS a partir de Lisboa. Beijo e abraço
you can add some storage room under the table .. with some that you can access from the kitchen and the top so you can easily fill it without going down. Duno if that would be really useful but just an idea ^^. I wonder how difficult it will be to make the gimble balanced to prevent it from spilling the cooking food from inside the oven (like if you have 3 kilos of lasagna in there 😉 …. maybe add some weight below it so it takes more force to get it moving duno xD
I’m so excited to see this boat finished
Ok the oven can swing side to side but what about front to back?
Têm em consideração o peso do barco e das coisas que colocam dentro dele ou não tem importância para vocês? Só essa "mesa" deve pesar tanto como um pequeno barco 🤣
All that wood work, but have you thought about all the mechanics needed. Like pluming, wirering, ventalation, sewage, drainage?
Hey guys, I wanted to comment about the new countertop area in the pilothouse. Speaking from years of experience, you'll never regret putting in what we used to call "the snack area." That beautiful live-edge slab would be the perfect spot. The galley can be an extremely busy place during meal prep, especially if you have paying clients on board (I believe you mentioned wanting to charter the boat). The snack area is a place where everyone can help themselves and the chef doesn't have to be bothered with pulling out drinks or handing out snacks. We had a small refrigerator stocked with drinks, a sink, the coffee/tea/hot drink area (supplies and appliances), drawers/shelves with snacks, power bars, etc., an instant hot water dispenser, and a direct feed T-ed off from the water maker to a dedicated tap. The boat was a converted World War II wooden tug, just about the size of Yaba. Your boat is looking great! Best of luck.
You should reinfoce the hinges for the stove. It will work in claim seas, but add 3 time that in weight when the boat hits a wave, the supports could break.
Another channel was saying you need 30 degrees each way on the gimbal.
Ben, why on earth would you be using Asbestos anywhere on the boat especially when the whole world knows exactly how poisonous it is to the human body? Epoxy and Asbestos mixing and without any kind of protection is just a complete idiotic thing to do. I really think that you need to do some research on your brilliant idea on using Asbestos anywhere at all on your project. It kills people who don't know what they are doing 😢
The gimbaled stove is great. You should be able to lock it into place, e.g when in harbour. Sliding door bolt is good as it won't rattle, unlike a hook and eye latch.
Love the “fan” 😂
Your upper level counter could be used for cleaning and filleting fish without messing up your nice galley.
Excellent progress!!!
The gimbal tilts port and starboard, and you did a awesome fab job, but should it also tilt for and aft?
The roof would be on the outside and the ceiling on the inside – except on a ship the roof would be the deckhouse top or the bridgedeck, and the ceiling on a ship is called the overhead or the deckhead. To make things worse, the ceiling on a ship is the lining of the inside of the hull. Kind of like the walls in a house. That's maritime jargon for you 😉
I hope it all goes well!
Wondering about the cut deck beams and planking which were supporting the corner of the dog house.
Need to be able to lock the stove gimbal. What happens when you put a heavy pot on one burner?