Am navigat 3600 de mile fără oprire până în Islanda [EP 202]

Am navigat 3600 de mile fără oprire până în Islanda [EP 202]

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30 thoughts on “Am navigat 3600 de mile fără oprire până în Islanda [EP 202]

  1. Hi Guys, As usual enjoyed the giggles. Your banter over each others heat levels was greatly entertaining. Khiara it just confirms what I have thought for some years. "You're hot stuff Missus". Well done on the voyage.

  2. Terrific passage. Well done, Millennials… Khiara must be made of fire. I'm with Adam, put on a lot of layers and sleep in them. On our passage across the North Pacific, the same time you were doing this, I only changed underwear every five days or so when I showered. Had there been any merino sheep they'd have just thought I was a cousin.

  3. A massive achievement surmounting some testing problems on route, great drone and whale footage. Iceland is a stunning place, hire a car too if you've got the time, get a 4×4 one as the dirt / gravel roads really take you into the wildeness, there are plenty of dirt roads that are easy for a small 4×4 you just need a bit of ground clearance.

  4. Wow, and what a reception! They started up their volcano to welcome you. Oh, so privileged. 🙂 You challenged yourselves and achieved it. Good job.

    Remember that the bigger the challenge, the bigger the achievement. 🙂

  5. Was worried about all the whales after seeing the news reports of whales playing with multiple yachts recently and taking out their rudders for fun.

  6. Made us tear up when you saw land.. awesome achievement! Congratulations… and some of the best filming especially the drone shots!!

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