Unul dintre cele mai bine păstrate secrete din lumea construcției de iahturi, constructorii finlandezi Baltic își aruncă cel mai recent superyacht de 111 ft prin ușile fabricii și este uluitoare. Aruncăm o privire la ceea ce se întâmplă în Barcleona, pe măsură ce echipele Cupei Americii încep să sosească la locul Cupei, plus, ajungem din urmă cu deschiderea sezonului 4 SailGP la Chicago. Vorbim cu deținătorul recordului mondial Dee Caffari și co-skipper-ul Malizia, Will Harris, despre reflecțiile lor asupra unei ediții extraordinare a The Ocean Race și auzim de la comandantul echipei 11th Hour Racing Team, Charlie Enright, despre cum se simte să poți ridica în sfârșit trofeul. Există o recenzie despre cursa încântătoare Round the Island Race de anul acesta, în timp ce Nigel Colley, de la Sea Venture, ne vorbește despre ascensiunea și ascensiunea scenei de scurtă durată și de ce francezii sunt atât de buni la asta. Și într-un reportaj special PlanetSail, obținem acces exclusiv și ne îndreptăm în larg timp de trei zile pentru a testa noul Outremer 52. 0:38 The Foiling Superyacht – Baltic 111 Raven 3:34 America’s Cup News 4:59 SailGP Season 4 Opener – Chicago 5:45 The Ocean Race climax – Dee17 C. 20:49 Ascensiunea și creșterea navigației cu echipa scurtă – Nigel Colley -Sea Ventures 29:04 O cursă puternică Round The Island 32:23 Docktalk Pt 2 36:02 Outremer 52 La testare Conținut suplimentar și linkuri Outremer 52 Testul complet, inclusiv în culise, turul fabricii și modelul site-ului web https://juttremer.52 Outremer. Solicitare 2 pachete de informații https://catamaran-outremer.com/en/catamarans/outremer-52/ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtst-YfwS2LjD2eB9ZLpHOA Facebook – @planetsail.org Site web – www.planetsail.co.uk Twitter – matthewsheahan Linkedin/- www.planetsail.com
The Foiling Superyacht – OnCourse Ep26
28 thoughts on “The Foiling Superyacht – OnCourse Ep26”
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that Baltic is going to make sushi out of a lot of unfortunate sea-life, methinks.
Re raven you might like to have a look at my foiling trailer sailer 7.5 m which should be launching this week in sportboat forum on sailing anarchy similar but much smaller called Owl .
Malizia exceeded expectation in the last leg, but underwhelmed in the Atlantic crossing which should have been suitable for them. I am not sure what that says for the Vendee Globe.
Did you say 67 TWA upwind? Was that as good as she goes upwind for max vmg against the wind?
Another great show, Matthew Sheahan – Well done.
Great show thanks .
Imoca with air conditioning and other comfort items maybe a freezer
Great job Matt!
An excellent presentation in the first half, thank you. HOWEVER, when it became an advertisment for a catamaran company throughout the second half, I was disappointed.
Fantastic episode thanks 🙏
I love this channel. Brilliant, well done!
Why a this thing has foils? Don’t stick!
That cat is a big fat WOW!!
Best boat review of a yacht on YouTube I’ve ever seen hands down!!
Nice foiling
Good! Good! That raven is sick.
Regarding the naysayers of the arms, that's just stupid.
In the human history, all of the sports introduced ideas have trickled down into the civilian , the commercial grade products afterwards. Innovations that were leading edge in the past, are common occurrence in the present.
I remember the dock-walk where some guy was talking smack about how ugly he thought Malizia was… Turns out to be a pretty sweet design doesn't it?
was this not supposed to about a yacht?
How could anyone not find in 11th Hour’s favor after Guyot, on port tack, speared the starboard tack 11th Hour? I still don’t understand how no one on Guyot was on the lookout.
It had to happen… But Soo late.
How many of the team that built it have been invited out on it ?
pretty, where can u park it though?
planetsail or plane sail, the earth is flat because water is level. how big needs a pool to be, so we get a curve or non-level water? watch eric dubay – 200 proofs earth is not a spinning ball
When this development goes on, fifty years later ships will fly into space. Get rid of water and air, slowing everything down. Today sail efficiency is the bottle neck. It is!
Matthew, you out did yourself, truly magnificent tour of the Remer, she's a real beauty. Thank you so much, your a true Master in the Sailing World.
great stuff
IT is realy interresting. …But nobody thinks of all the wales and orcas and other animals in the ocean!!!!The other big ships are doing the same but in these times we can change something!!!but they don't want!!! follow the races and love it but NO person speaks about the animals😢