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Salvează-ți Căsnicia! Sfaturi marți

20 thoughts on “Salvează-ți Căsnicia! Sfaturi marți”
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Geez, Captain Ken & Admiral “Z” always seem to be “ Ahead of the Curve”👍 Headsets Work 😜Continue to Stay Safe and Enjoy😎
Amazing technology Ken everyday I learn something about sailing from guys, but I didn’t understand 12 o’clock 11 o’clock 10 o’clock about the anchor 😅
Hi can you include subtitles in the video ?
That y you two r my favorite you always know best
THAT was Some of the Sexiest Anchor Lifting I have EVER Seen!!!!!!! OUTSTANDING!!
we use a pair as well. worth every penny. no more yelling when your not
I was holding my elbows in close to my sides as you anchored. That was tighter than I am comfortable with! Good advice about the "marriage savers."
good job sailor. Yes, the earpieces do come in handy. Croatia my wife and I will be there in 8 weeks, Enjoy. Thanks for the video.
all i got from this is Z's got a nice little booty and something about headphones.
Not a sailor but an RVer. I tried walkie talkies. My wife had a hard time co ordinating pushing the button an talking. I picked up a set of duplex radios (marriage savers). It is so much better. Just do not sneeze while wearing them. Keep up the good work. Love your videos.
Thanks – we save the same calm conversation style at Home, so we are still toghether ❤
We tend to use hand signals, kinda like the thought that we naturally know what to do when everything fails.
Great sailors, great sound, and video. 👏👏👏
I thought you would give a demonstration on how the headsets work.
As someone who has done this hundreds of times, I have to commend you for this video. It is very well made, and self explanatory. We actually use a different model of hands-free headphones, but yours look better. Well done.
Folks, FYI ! Cruising World has a great article on Croatia in the august issue.
Beautifly managed controlled choas. Lot's happening.Nice
Need to get a pair of these. So far I have run the boat/marriage if it does not kill it – will make it stronger. Great video. Hope to meet up later this month up north. T & T (Timmy)
Not a sailor, enjoy your trips, but why do you anchor so close to other boats, when there is plenty of clear areas else where