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Conferință de presă | Oracle LA Sail Grand Prix | Sezonul 4
6 thoughts on “Conferință de presă | Oracle LA Sail Grand Prix | Sezonul 4”
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Light wind sailing is an integral part of sailing, and needs to be part of the mix.
He needs a first place or give an American the skipper position.
I agree that the "pumping" of the boards should be not allowed. It is the same as back in my day sailing as a kid racing in my "P" class & "sculling" with the tiller to get forward momentum when the wind wasn't playing the game & in my case the tide pushing me backwards. When I eventually finished the race I was disqualified…. & justifiably so. This pumping of the boards is the same thing & I was shocked to see it was allowed. But not any more. Go Kiwi's. 🙂
Only race in windy conditions, otherwise the sport’s popularity will be in jeopardy
Go NZ and its good to see pumping had been banned.
With the angle of the foils, both Windwood and Leewood to keep the hull level what is the range +and-