Navigare spre Gibraltar. Maimuțe și birocrație

Navigare spre Gibraltar.  Maimuțe și birocrație

Navigand spre Gibralter, găsesc o cârmă de rău augur plutind de la activitatea recentă a balenei ucigașe. Explorez insula și găsesc câteva peșteri și maimuțe sălbatice. Dacă vă plac videoclipurile și ați dori să-mi cumpărați o băutură sau să mă ajutați în sprijinul călătoriei, link-urile pentru venmo, patreon sau paypal sunt mai jos:$Samlingq.Holme1. snagqat94tcu6tr40zcj504njlzqq2hg39c Urmărește-mă pe instagram @SamHolmesSailing


48 thoughts on “Navigare spre Gibraltar. Maimuțe și birocrație

  1. Floated upon your channel. You make sailing across the Atlantic seem effortless. But I think it strange if you havent been touring the coast of Norway and Sweden, then Denmark and possible take the kanal across the European continent towards the Med. Tell me if you heading my way, I tell you where to park in Kristiansand, Norway. Farvel

  2. Nice video Sam. I have to mention, as you're getting older, you actually are getting better looking. Sounds funny, but it's true! LOL

  3. Enjoyed this video Sam.
    I’ve never climbed the rock as it’s a bit much.
    Think the Orcas were on vacation when you were in their area?

  4. Sam, our insurance would not let us renew due to the age of our SV. Try Progressive. Easy peasy and No, I do not work for them.
    Love your channel!

  5. I have had similar problems with "officials" in different parts of the world. One guy makes it impossible, and the next guy says that there is no problem..
    There are stupid people everywhere. 🙂

  6. Who is your insurance agent? I am trying to purchase a sailing vessel and they have special criteria. No boats over 30 years old, you must have had title to the boat you used to gain experience! Maybe you could expound upon this? This is my dilemma! I have 800 hours of piloting aircraft with college courses in meteorology etc…and probably more than 800 days of sailing!

  7. It's called the "Schengen Shuffle", working around the 90 days in 180 day rule.
    Getting harder as more countries join the Schengen agreement

  8. Sam is good at just about everything … he has the spirit of adventure and he pushes for doing it with the right state of mind … high IQ … very smart …😊😊😊😊😊😊

  9. The orcas are mostly juvenile and playful, so I always wondered what would happen if you drag a colorful fender behind the boat, so they have something to play with.

  10. You seem to be in moaning and intolerant mood about immigration into the UK/Gibraltar. I would take a look at your own country and their processes which rank as the worst in my book. Perhaps you should have spent less time looking at a few monkeys?

  11. hey Sam, those caves were Amazing! loved this video as always. I am super stoked at how regularly you are posting videos. keep up the great work

  12. Nice spinnaker run there Sam.
    Trolling for Orcas with… slightly used rudder as bait. Epic.
    Meh… just dolphins, we're ok.
    I AM… Sam Holmes, the most Famous Man in the World after all- How dare those marina's turn me away.

    I'm in an anchorage, that's not really an anchorage according to the lady in the office, but there are other boats anchored here.
    Just a casual stroll across an airport runway. Why did Sam cross the runway? To see the monkey's on the other side of coarse.
    Nice view from the top of the Big Rock- stunning in fact.
    IT is way easier to just cross the border illegally, so much simpler… than the official way when checking in or out.

    Ahhh just a thought here Sam- the Stars & Stripes are.. looking a bit ragged there just say'n.
    Stay safe in the Med Sam- now that you are there officially.

  13. So you intentionally lie to marinas about being insured? What if you damage someone’s boat? Or a dock etc? What if your boat catches fire and takes the marina with it? Why would you do that?

  14. Maritime insurance is the least logical insurance industry.

    Won’t insure a small old boat sailed by a super experienced sailor. A boat whose total loss value is low.

    Meanwhile a new sailor can say they have lots of experience… it won’t be checked and they can buy an insure a brand new Beneteau.

  15. Hey Sam. You're our huge inspiration to try to sail around the world. Hopefully we're setting off soon. Fingers crossed our paths cross out there 🤞💙

  16. I was wondering how you were getting insurance in Europe as a US citizen… for us it was a nightmare, I was rejected by at least 12 insurance companies.. with a perfect sailing record with no insurance claims, no financial issues etc…

  17. I can't believe you found that rudder! What are the odds? Before watching the last few videos I really thought the orca attacks were largely exaggerated and overblown. Now I realize they really are a credible threat to that area! Pretty amazing example of just how smart they are, hopefully they don't continue to educate all of their friends 😀 Keep up the awesome travels and videos!

  18. I made that trip last summer with my friend. We didn't stop in Gibralter but went straight on to Ibiza. Be ready when you make the turn north – the wind changed and hit us really hard. We made the mistake of not reefing early and paid the price.

  19. And this is why Sam is the best sailing channel. Well, up there with Beau and Brandy anyway. "Well this episode could have been sponsored by this drink, but I tried it and it's terrible." Love you Sam. Sorry, you lost out on the money but you gotta mean what you say. May your tribe prosper!

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