Cruiser-ul Bluewater PERFECT, ACCESIBIL, care este gata de navigare? [Full Tour] Învățarea liniilor

Cruiser-ul Bluewater PERFECT, ACCESIBIL, care este gata de navigare? [Full Tour] Învățarea liniilor

Island Packet Yachts este recunoscut ca un constructor de prim rang de iahturi de croazieră fine. Această ambarcațiune oferă tot ce este mai bun, inclusiv siguranță excepțională și menținere a mării, confort și locuibilitate de neegalat, măiestrie și materiale superbe și abilități foarte bune de navigare. Island Packet 44 au parcurs sute de mii de mile de croazieră în apă albastră plus victorii consecutive în prestigioasele curse oceanice din Caraibe 1500. Island Packet 44 au o serie de caracteristici care le deosebesc de alte modele. În primul rând, este chila exclusivă Full Foil, care unifică performanța designurilor moderne de carenă și folie cu menținerea la mare și siguranța superioară a chilei lungi tradiționale. Acest design oferă o protecție excelentă pentru prop și cârmă, pescaj moderat și stabilitate excepțională. Ea oferă o cantitate uimitoare de spațiu de locuit practic pentru un 44′. Ce crezi? Anunțați-ne în comentariile de mai jos. Doriți ajutor pentru a găsi o barcă de croazieră? Pentru a recomanda iahturi pentru tur: Pentru întrebări media/sponsorizare: –––––- ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––- Preț cerut: 164.900 USD Informații despre listare: -pachet-44-8903180/ Listat la Holland Yacht Sales din Macatawa, MI. Contactați Henry DeJong la 616-443-1435 pentru mai multe informații. ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––– Consulting Not-A-Broker: Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: /@learningthelines


34 thoughts on “Cruiser-ul Bluewater PERFECT, ACCESIBIL, care este gata de navigare? [Full Tour] Învățarea liniilor

  1. Would it be possible in future videos to break up your videos in to segments? If you look at a NautiStryles video for example, you can see that the progress bar is segmented into Exterior, Bow, Fly, Helm, Interior, Etc. I don't know how much extra work this is. But it's useful for the audience to be able to jump around and re-watch certain segments.

  2. Not cheap unless you consider how well equipped this boat is and how pristine and low milage. This boat has a genset and the boat equivalent of geothermal heating and cooling.
    You might be able to get a new boat for twice as much money if you leave out many of the expensive features, but that new boat will actually have much higher maintenance costs and downtime.
    For a couple that wants to cruise the world, this is an excellent way to go.

  3. WOW, that is one sexy boat! I keep dreaming of when I will retire and thinking if / can I sail. I absolutely love the layout of this boat and will do some more research. Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. They are real good quality made boats. Would you spend $165,000 on this 1993 model boat or buy a newer used boat ? I am not rich but am looking for the best used boat I can buy for the money.

  5. Love them but be sure to check chainplates(horrible design) and known for bad tanks, both of which require massive deconstruction to remedy.

  6. very well kept boat but no need for 2 bathrooms , remodel the forward berth and remove the bath and expand the berth size and add more closet with possible washer

  7. nice safe slow boat in pristine condition for a couple or small family – fresh water boat, updated electronics, every amenity, bow thruster, davits, swim platform for ease of entry, just needs a water maker and good survey with special attention to tankage and chain plates. If those are all good I think it's priced about right.

  8. Doesn't sound like the chainplates have been replaced. IPs prior to the late 1990s are known to have used a lower grade of stainless steel for the chainplates, which degraded. It's an expensive fix.

  9. Great video, lovely boat. I would have preferred to have the specs role up at the end though as they obscured the view of the bow to stern walk through. Otherwise excellent. Will definitely add this boat and year to my list of boats to consider.

  10. Also just a little thing, would have been nice if the sail bag was pulled out of the aft cabin, couldn’t really get any idea of the space in there which I would like to have seen, especially as the cockpit hangs down in there.
    Personally I think it was a mistake to not have the cabin full width, I think it would have been a better trade for that bit of storage in the galley.
    Many thanks for the vid.

  11. Love these boats but it would have been good to touch on the two big issues IPs are know to suffer from and that is the chainplates that were fiberglassed in and rust and the tankage that was steel and has to be cut out and replaced.
    I am not sure if this model is affected by that but both are massive jobs.
    Good video!

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