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Wow, you guys have a floor under there. Matt, you are a BEAST!
It is hard top tell from the videos and drone shots, about how much build able land is there? Do you have room for a septic fiels? Is there water and sewer available, can you dig a well? I am worried your tools won't last long in an open storage area.
Those chickens under your RV are doing a much better job with the bugs than any spray you could put down. Let them do their job, those eggs will be fortified with extra bug flavor. LOL Just kidding, won't affect the taste. LOL
We need more videos
Matt, the roof rafters should run perpendicular to the metal panels. The metal panels will span several feet depending on thickness. Look at the existing screw/nail pattern. 2'-3' oc. Add short wall on one end and now you have low slope drainage for your roof. Keep up the hard work. Use your knowledge of pullys. Cuts half the load and energy.
We need more videos and more builds
Ol Matty getting his workout on!!
Love that you two took on a new challenge. It will add a lot more interesting videos for you in the future. I think you need to give your new old building your restoring a name like you did your sailboat, something like the rehab house or jungle crib.
Which country is this?
Doing a great job guys, bet your missing that easy Boat life though lol
it's cool that you have got this RV.
I gotta give it to you two. Your never give up, never gives up.
Put the word out and I bet you'll be covered up in carpenters.
I love the can do attitude..
Great job!! What town is it? We are from Puerto Rico, living in Florida. Blessings to you both.
That island gets a TON of storms. Hope your build holds.
Matt, Mat, Matt you are a beast with everything, It will be a mansion in a minute. there is NO stopping you……
Many people might say; hey Matt you need to go to the ladder store and buy a nice new shiny ladder but I can say that I have used hand made wooden ladders a hundred feet off the ground, ten ladders all stacked up in a silver mine. Just be sure they are built with notched rungs, safety first!
So glad you guys kept the kittens that is awesome . I"m green with envy because I was born
in the mountains in Puerto rico and have always wanted to go back .
What town are you guys in ? You guys are awesome I love to watch all your progress
I know how hard all that work is , Later and God Bless .
Inspiring work ethic 🙌🏼. Keep shining on, both of you.
Until you know what you want to do with it, I think the old house could be used as an outdoor kitchen for the time being. Could be nice.
go for a pitched roof
If y'all pressure wash the whole thing, floors and walls I'm betting that will be nice! Also should put a few of them lumber pieces on one end to give the roof a little tilt or Angle
You know when someone treats animals like y'all, that's some good damn souls right there!!!😊 also want a natural flea bug and tick remedy for the cats? Get some coconut oil and rub on hands then thru your cats and three kittens fur. Non toxic. No side effects even if they try to lick off, which they will at first. Plus softens their skin while it does that to your hands
Been a custom home builder for 30 years. That looks like a solid structure. Nothing that a pressure washer and some bleach wouldn’t clean up. You need to build a cap on those walls and build a solid roof. I’m telling you that structure cleaned up and painted inside and out would be a great place to live. GOOD LUCK GUYS ‼️‼️ Vinny 🇺🇸
Id dozer that area start fresh
Great Job 👍👍👍👍
Needs a good pressure washing and white wash and would look a lot better
You 2 guys are CRAZY that’s why I love this channel thank you!
Rican chickens are built different, they will be your first line of defense against bugs. I hope my little island becomes the home of your dreams ❤
Nice spot for Water Wheel ,4 hydro an Waterpump…
Not to be a doggy downer as I sip with my green gbu mug. Fixing up homes is what a lot has done. To get to a better home. I flip few who hasn’t ?
How many snakes have you found so far? They love hiding under those sheets of tin.
Sailing good bad and unsubscribed.
Good luck with your new venture. I’ll be sure to stay tuned. Best of luck with it all.
I think the abandoned house would make a great chicken coop. You could put up fencing to give
them a run. Chickens love to scratch the soil to look for worms, bugs and baby snakes. Good luck!
Feed the walking vultures anything they will eat it and the centipede is venomous .. a plant is poisonous animals are venomous
You can get a couple of alternators and build a water ran electrical generator it can charge your batteries etc
you two rock it i have faith yall will gitter done😅😂
your a work houres matt😅
Hello guys I been following you since you started sailing around PR. I was born in Ponce and grew up in Guaynabo. Enjoy my island. After I retired from the army I settle in Texas. I hear you saying rain forest. Which town is near by. I have not visited PR in more than 20 years.
How is bear coping out there?
You guys are really inspiring… I watched you through the sailing chapter of your life.. now this new chapter..
I’m totally loving your new adventure…