Abilități de navigație PUSTE LA PROBA! [EP 209]

Abilități de navigație PUSTE LA PROBA! [EP 209]

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50 thoughts on “Abilități de navigație PUSTE LA PROBA! [EP 209]

  1. 209 episodes of back to back viewing and I am now finally up to date. What an amazing story. Downside is now having to wait for episodes🤪.

    Hope you try fishing in those Fjords while at anchor……should be good fishing up there….nice juicy cod.

    Am going to have to switch to Adams other channel and go through his back catalogue😂😂

  2. Have you guys come across the method of "tripping off" your dinghy? Now you are in properly tidal areas (and as you head down the West coast of the UK… it could be of use. In essence you use a small anchor for your dinghy – then in addition to the anchor chain/cable you run a line from the anchor ashore. To trip off the boat, you rest the anchor on the bow of your dinghy with the requisite amount of anchor cable preset (and tied off) – then holding onto the line that runs to the anchor from shore, you push the boat out into deeper water. When you return to the boat, regardless of the state of tide, you can then pull the anchor, and thereby the dinghy, ashore – keep your feet dry and never maroon your boat…

  3. I was born in the hungry north of Lancashire now Qld and the best place for snow is on a bloody Xmas card gee I'm becoming an old grumpy cheers n beers guys Marty Qld

  4. Great film love being able to live vicariously – as a solo sailor I'll not be heading that way! If you get a chance ask one in 10 (just to make sure they are local) if the abundance and velocity of water in the falls you have been filming are higher than normal due to climate weirding…which I think is a better label for what we are SEAing!

  5. I love your channel, it’s very authentic!😊 I had a dream like yours, but my boyfriend turned out to be a frog. So in a few years I will start it with my daughter and my husband ( who is a musician and that is not his dream…), but it will last a few months…. Take care of yourselves an enjoy 😊

  6. Ads, you need to ask Khiara what water she splashes on her face. That seems to do the beauty trick well enough.
    That pizza at the end looked amazing. Hope you had a cold brew to wash it down with. Or perhaps something warm being so far north?!?

  7. I love the Transit Line concept! Having done adventure races for years, I’ve used the concept but never realized it had a name.

    You two are a joy to watch. Whenever I have time for just one video, I always choose yours. You take me to my happy place. ❤

  8. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie Oi,Oi,Oi. You guys are showing us how to have such great adventures so far from home, with such wonderful, natural and inspiring narrative. Epic.

  9. Navigating these shallows aside, I remember that Adam got his (RYA) Yachtmaster Offshore diploma – isn't it time to add Yachtmaster Ocean to that?

  10. A spectacularly groovy episode. So exciting, thrilling and beautiful. The waterfall was out of control. A crazy jellyfish and yummy pizza. What else could you ask for.

  11. Don't go too far north, I don't think your boat is set up for it. You lack heating and other tools. Should watch Alluring Arctic Sailing and see the measures he takes to sail through the higher latitudes.

  12. I think that waterfall is much more impressive than Niagara Falls! Stunning scenery, if only the sun would shine a little more it would be as busy as Florida!

  13. Beautiful scenery and expert boatmanship. My desire to go and check out Iceland grows. The only thing I will have to do like a normal tourist and not as exciting as yours. To top it off you made my favourite meal. I make my pizza in a wood burn oven which I guess is my utopia. Cheers. Be safe.

  14. Shouldn’t someone be diving in to make sure the hook is set???…..😂 just pull up to a cruise ship and say, “can we borrow a drop of fuel?” They go through 400L by just starting the engines.😊

  15. That waterfall is simply stunning. Damn! This is like a Lord of the Rings type waterfall. Iceland has some of the most beautiful and stunning landscapes and scenery. WOW! And isnt even close to describing it's beauty

  16. Thought you might be interested in what we are doing in Australia which is putting together a bluewater boat partnership. Click on the logo at left of screen to learn more

  17. W0W! it's krazzzy Beautiful in every direction you look! Most of the drone shots of your boat. Look like you are sailing off into a beautiful picture!! Thanx for sharing, <3 😉

  18. The videography, the musical score, and the red hair really make this channel stand out!! Also, I've done some sailing on a V-42 CC with a friend in the past, and I know the niceties of the boat.

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