În acest episod am pornit de la Bequia către insula franceză Martinica! Deoarece aceasta ar fi prima navigație peste noapte a lui Cass, ne facem timp să pregătim totul, cum ar fi mâncarea și să umplem cu apă înainte de a porni. Am fost binecuvântați cu condiții uimitoare pentru această vele, adică până când vântul s-a înălțat peste noapte și mările au devenit puțin agitate în ultima parte a velei. Multumesc pentru vizionare! Acordați videoclipului cu degetul mare dacă v-a plăcut și ABONAȚI-VĂ dacă doriți să vedeți mai mult conținut. Urmăriți-ne pe Instagram: @taylorfrancis_ & @casszabielski & @kricketscreations CUMPĂRĂȚI MARFILE TAYLOR’S TRAVELS: https://taylorstravels.shop/ Dacă doriți să susțineți canalul meu și să obțineți beneficii suplimentare, cum ar fi acces anticipat la videoclipuri, produse cu reducere și conținut exclusiv, devin un Patron: https://www.patreon.com/TaylorsTravels Sau poți contribui la menținerea aventurii direct printr-o donație unică prin paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TaylorFrancis480. Mulțumesc sponsorilor mei! Consultați Precision Sails: https://www.precisionsailloft.com/ și Battleborn Batteries: https://battlebornbatteries.com/
PRIMA ei navigare peste noapte – S4EP10

42 thoughts on “PRIMA ei navigare peste noapte – S4EP10”
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Nice work. Looks like a fun trip.
There's a song we like to sing on our boat – Swing Low Sweet Chariot…
Living a dream !
Long way from the Gorge eh?
You always do the most Beautiful Videos Taylor…….. I want to sell everything and do the same…. But my Sailing days are way behind me now…… Thanks for sharing with me and making my Heart smile…. :-))) xxxxxxx
Nice episode.
Thanks for giving that aussie Jennae ( from leading the escapade )a run for her money . Poor Cass must feel left out
Thank you Taylor
Awesome video, as always, great content……
no water maker?
Always a great day when we get a notification from Taylor!!
Wow! Electrical fire is no joke, glad it didn't spread. Things happen, and you're still living your best life!
Thanks for sharing
LOVE THE CANADA FLAG, being following you since Bobby, I thnk he taught you well. Have fun and enjoy, and Canada strong
Hello Taylor fair winds….
Well done captain Taylor and crew. so good to see you teaching Cass, we all have to start somewhere and everyday is a learning day. iv spent over 35 + years at sea either commercial fishing or as now working in the offshore wind/renewables industry and still learning something new every day
.im no sailboat sailor but it looks fun, thought about buying a yacht many a time and doing what you guys are doing. i enjoy teaching people because you can see the enjoyment on there face once they have learnt something new. i was chatting to Cass the other day on insta and she said she has been doing a bit of sailing around BC Gulf islands in the summer, i said you should start documenting them and make a few videos. Anyway keep up the good work Taylor you have come a long way and are way more confident now. you guys enjoy and keep posting great videos. cheers from the UK
Taylor, time to get a water maker on board. Cool video.
Thanks for sharing. I enjoy living vicariously through y'all's awesome sailing.
Look'n good Captain

Smoke detectors are good idea. First clue, you were sleeping whilst the cable was burning! Just saying
Have to hand it to the helmsmen. He looked everywhere but at the winch operator. Not an easy task. I would definitely have life jackets on. With that wind it will take a lot to get her turned and stopped to pick up a mob
Aloha Taylor, great job to you and the crew for getting through the weather and making it to Martinique! I'm hungry for hotdogs now =) Looking forward to the next video, safe travels!
Is that your companion?
If he knows French, then ask him what Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler means. Sails up Kiddo!!
I want to do what you're doing Taylor! I've watched you from your time with Bobby on Sailing Doodles.
Great Video ,Real sailing
Ahhhh it’s you that’s got all the Campbell’s cream of chicken soup, send some here urgent!!!!!!!
Sails look amazing, but doesn’t dragging the tender slow you down, everything looking nice & trim, safe harbour
So nice to see the G-MOON under full sail!……Been awhile!
Awesome as always sweet Taylor! Blessings and much love always on your travels!!!

Bravo Kiki. A for effort. Keep at it, it's a difficult language to learn. Bon voyage.
Love the channel
Di Hawaii Honolulu Jungle

Yacht Rumah Saputra Maulana Sakit Bobok Tidur-Tidur Minum Obat 

U.S. Navy Hospital Ship USNS
Love you taylor
Taylor, always great to have you grace us with your videos! Always loved you and your being able to handle everything thrown at you! All the best!
Wow what a great video. I could feel the excitement of your first night sail. Oh no worries on duct tape good stuff. Thankful fire was a non issue. Good luck with the solar. Thanks for sharing
Beautiful and wonderful

Very together , great flow to your video…maybe one of your best ! Have fun !