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Cum ne punem în formă în timp ce trăim pe o barcă! (Ep 255)
21 thoughts on “Cum ne punem în formă în timp ce trăim pe o barcă! (Ep 255)”
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Another excellent episode. Can't wait to see what you discovered at the boat show. Hopefully see you next week!
Way to go guys! It is hard to stay in shape as we get older. You are inspiring! Thanks for sharing
Really proud of you guys for investing in your future
Yours is a journey we all wish for. Sharing such sights, and personal moments…brings us into your lives…eagerly with each post. It’s so hard to ignore the political daily news, but it is so refreshing to see your post, knowing good family values.. laughs, and what makes family’s worth fighting for. HAPPY 50TH, the best is yet to come.
Heyy! Is it ok to come and say hi?
Your in incredible shape especially the shadow boxing thats hard not as hard as a heavy bag though hmm this coming from an overweight disabled single dad.
you look great!!! Keith is a lucky Man, beautiful family!
WHAT!? YOU WANT A NASTY COMMET!?!?!?!? §$&&&(%§§§!!!!!!!
Lol…"Even leave the nasty comments…I like those".
Okay, imagine a conversation where Renee says something to the effect of "we wanted more of Glorys' creative….juices on the boat".
Everyone giggles a little, Glory looks down, and side eyes jack…. 😂😂👍👏
does jack have a crush? awwwww
Your a rock star Renee…keep shredding.
I'll be 50 Oct. 24th. Just another year for me…
Has anyone ever left Keith a really mean nasty message just to try and get a rise out of him, but then said just kidding in the end since he’s so great.
Kieth better be careful out there swimming he might get harpooned 😂
We eliminated sugars and carbs 4 months ago to lower our blood pressure. blood pressure was lowered and the plus was I lost 20 pounds.
Another great episode Renee!!! Just think if Keith had crack at what you magnificently put together it would be total “shite”!! He is as talented as a one armed bull fighter in Barcelona! He needs to partake in some formal education in Sailing and he needs to invest in a wig!! Ashley and Martin hair studios maybe able to assist. Hope this is not too harsh to gain the attention Keith Colbourn Captain from the MV Wizard!! Take care and be safe crew.
walton family….masonic…secret societies (generals, congressman, corporate ceo's, judges, senators, presidents, actors, singers, etc etc etc)….JFK assassination….RFK assassination….etc etc
Nasty Comment!
I see that Independent Skate truck 🤔