S2E100 Navigați singuri pe Atlanticul de Nord într-o barcă de 21 de picioare de junk rig || Partea 1

S2E100 Navigați singuri pe Atlanticul de Nord într-o barcă de 21 de picioare de junk rig ||  Partea 1

#Waverover #ForgeYourOwnAdventure În acest videoclip, Wave Rover este pregătită pentru mare și pornește pe primul ei pasaj solo de la Port Hawkesbury la Halifax. MK3 mini (autodirectie) funcționează impecabil. „Fă-ți propria aventură”

Accesați Pagina mea Patreon unde puteți contribui la realizarea acestor videoclipuri. https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=27867459


[ ROVERCOIN available via paypal (still 13 available)]

Sunt incluse Planurile de construcție digitală (DIY), inclusiv 12 pagini de desene de înaltă calitate, instrucțiuni critice și linkuri către 3 videoclipuri nelistate. Planurile pot fi achiziționate din magazinul meu Etsy, urmând linkul atașat: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1000498117/similar?ref=listings_2&from_external=1



[For up to date progress, check out my instagram posts]
https://www.instagram.com/alanbmulholland/?hl=en Dacă vă întrebați ce am făcut când nu navighez pe Wave Rover, consultați celălalt canal al meu: Rover’s Rest: https://www.youtube.com /channel/UC9k8PCCTlNyDzvYaef3Jekg Mulțumesc și vânturi bune


20 thoughts on “S2E100 Navigați singuri pe Atlanticul de Nord într-o barcă de 21 de picioare de junk rig || Partea 1

  1. Sorry to hear of your Mom's passing…
    Is it just two ropes holding your rudder on? Is there a safety line in case chafe sneaks up on you? Could you do a video about what your daily checks include, if there's a regular schedule? Thank you, fair winds!

  2. Glad you made the decision to head down the eastern seaboard. Unfortunately when we get to this stage in our lives our parents start to check out. It’s not easy but cherish the good times and be thankful she did a good job. We’ll be watching!

  3. Lots of prayers and sympathy form St Kitts , we are very sorry to hear of the passing of your mom 🙏 Bless her soul 🌹🍁🌹… Please stay strong Mr and Mrs Rover and family , the 🌎 are with you guys 🙏❤😢…. I am very happy to see that you have set your first solo sail 👍 Rover is looking great on the ocean , nice ! God bless 👍🙏

  4. Hey Alan,
    If you are heading down the East coast of North America and need any support in Maine, I live on the Maine coast and have a mooring and can help. I'd be happy to help with food, lodging, supplies, whatever you need. I can lend you a mooring in October in a nice marina if you need a stopping point as well.
    Sail on,

  5. Good afternoon You have experience sailing Bermuda sails and now sailing junks. What is your opinion regarding tacking and speed characteristics? I'm not talking about racing, but about cruising alone on a 20 foot boat in the Baltic Sea. Thanks in advance for your answer.

  6. Alan, Safe journey and sorry to hear of your loss. I live at the mouth of the Delaware River where you will likely turn and head NW up to the Chesapeake Delaware Canal and then down the Chesapeake… I'll be following your journey – let me know if I can be of any help when you get down here!!! Would like to meet you, chat about your sail rig. In 1974 I dated Karen, Thomas Colvin's daughter! I know you must know his name. I actually climbed aboard K’ung Fu-Tse in May of 1974. Rob

  7. Thank you for this post, despite all you have had to take on. Wave Rover is really moving into her own as you add the final touches and sort out cruising details. It really is an amazing design. May you keep your mom close as you move through this chapter. Grief and gratitude go hand in hand as we work to realize all they mean to us.

  8. Sorry for your loss. I didn't see any lines running to the tiller from your windvane. Is there a video on how it is set up on your boat? Mahalo

  9. Looks like Wave Rover 2 is sailing well. Sorry for your mamma. In the bulkhead You somehow have not wrote my name Arne Kvinge, but the name of the account it came from. I do not know why. But I read "Helse og ernering" in Norwegian. A nice one. Hahahaha

  10. What happened with the boat, I thought it was 22 foot long now it's 21 feet long, did you get the measurements wrong on the building process or has it shrunk since being launched

  11. Hey Alan, Great to have run into you at Garrisons the other day, and talk about your voyage and mutual friends back in Ellerslie, PEI. My condolences on the passing of your mother, I am sure she was very proud of your many adventures. Fair winds and following seas! – Mike.

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