De la grit la măreție! 100 m2 de hull la nisip – ep. 365 RAN Sailing

De la grit la măreție!  100 m2 de hull la nisip - ep.  365 RAN Sailing

Susține-ne producția și alătură-te echipajului RAN Sailing ~ cu transmisii live, întâlniri și contact direct cu noi: Ne șlefuim carena mare de 100 m2, vorbim despre instrumentele pe care le folosim pentru șlefuire și continuați pregătirea pentru laminat cu fibră de sticlă. Suntem o familie suedeză care a navigat prin lume din 2016 în timp ce împărtășim aventurile aici pe YouTube. În timp ce încă navigam, obiectivul nostru principal acum este construirea RAN III, o barcă cu pânze de 50 de picioare pe care o construim de la zero. Postăm un episod nou în fiecare vineri, așa că asigurați-vă că vă abonați și apăsați clopoțelul pentru a fi primii care află când există un nou episod! CONECTAȚI-VĂ CU NOI – Website: – Instagram: – Facebook: PRODUSE & CAMERA ECHIPAMENT: https:// Am colectat unele dintre produsele pe care le folosim în viața noastră de croazieră și realizarea de videoclipuri în magazinul nostru Amazon. Dacă cumpărați oricare dintre articolele din magazinul nostru, primim un mic „ka-ching” în pisicuța noastră de croazieră (fără costuri suplimentare pentru dvs.). Mulțumesc mult și mulțumesc programului Amazon Influencer. Credite muzicale: Love, Malin, Johan & Vera


22 thoughts on “De la grit la măreție! 100 m2 de hull la nisip – ep. 365 RAN Sailing

  1. Maybe you could give us novices a quick explanation of the keel pocket; how it works, why it's recessed; ;why you taped it so fiberglass wouldn't stick, etc….

  2. Hi , oh glorious sanding , results , oh glorious sailing , ? well if your passed sailing videos are any thing to go by , your magic attention to details in every thing you have done over the years . ❤👍👍👍

  3. Johan I would hope you would switch material to Carbon/ Kevlar hybrid Fiber since not as thick plus Kevlar is very Strong then Fiberglas fiber. Kevlar could be use by it self and be ten times stronger then Steel. Talk to your Marina Architect Thanks for the video

  4. Commentary and explanation of tools, techniques and requirements in English are superb and very much appreciated. Wishing I was as fluent in Svenska as you are in Engelska. Looking forward to your next offering, best regards and skåll from Canada 🍁.

  5. 15:54 that’s contaminated sanding dust, hopefully you are keeping it separate from the other perfectly usable sawdust?
    I have no idea what you can do with the epoxy contaminated dust? Possibly slowly burn it? Or maybe spread it out under the gravel where nothing is going to grow.. it’s more or less micro plastic already, not particularly useful for anything, (But the Raw sawdust is) from everything from meat smokers, to pig farms, mechanical workshops, butchers ect ect ect.. why I’m asking you to please keep them separate.. even if you can hire a Biohazard skip bin, and straight dump it..
    maybe a expense you didn’t count on, but remembering once you are glassing you are going to create a ton of non recyclable materials.. (I’m pretty sure you have considered this?) this is just a reminder to keep them separate….

  6. Trying to count the number of times your hands have touched each strip of wood, and if each strip would be placed end to end, how long it would take to walk the line – Oh Glorious Statistics! And mentioning Mads caused me to think of all the YouTube craftsmen and women I've been watching, and Johan you are one, how interesting it is to watch you work your magic. Are you keeping track of your hours working on this project? Best, Webbed USA

  7. She's going to be a truly glorious vessel when you're finished. All that work will someday be worth it when you're out there enjoying here and also talk about a retirement investment, I have no idea the amount she'll bring in the future but I'd bet it will not be insignificant.
    Take care and God Bless.

    I've been watching for awhile now and got to thinking. I mean how much would I have to hate all of you and everyone involved with the channel as well as your viewers to not share the peace and joy I've found. Below I am going to link my research that has opened my eyes to truth I'm ashamed to say I neglected for most of my life. So I ask you all to at least please read it and not dismiss it out of hand without looking into it.

    Please I beg you read this entire comment, this isn't about me but the love I have for fall of you. This just may be one of the most important things you ever read and will direct you to something much, much more important than you could ever imagine.

    It is not the ramblings of a madman or someone who is deluded but is based on sound research and brings to light truths most have never seen.

    The reason I believe in the God of the Bible, the inerrancy of Scripture and that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.

    We have a reliable collection of historical documents written by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses. They report super natural events that took place in fulfilment of specific prophecies and claim that their writings are via divine inspiration and not from men alone.

    The super natural events are important in that they show the divine nature of God.

    Jesus Christ cast out demons, healed the sick, blind, deaf, dumb and paralyzed, walked on water, fed thousands with little, and was resurrected all of which have eyewitness accounts.

    The feedings alone were witnessed by the thousands He fed on the two separate occasions that we are told of in the Gospels.

    John tells us that there were many more miracles than what are recorded in the Bible/Gospels and that it would have filled volumes of books upon books were he to have written them all down and that it would have taken more than one lifetime to do so.

    The claim that men wrote the Bible so it can not be true means that no other book ever written should be believed, no matter the topic as they're all written by man.

    The Bible is not just a book it is a collection of books which are linked together by One Divine Author. In this collection of books there are over 40 authors but only one Devine Author, (the Holy Spirit), who links them all together over a period of 1500+ years for the New Testament alone. Those authors wrote down His inspired Word given to them by God.

    66 Volumes/Books in the Bible.

    The bulk of the New Testament was written over a period of around 50 years. It was in 49 AD to 53 AD when the Scripture writings of the New Testament are thought to have begun. With the last living Apostle John dying in 100 AD.

    Over a period of around 1500 years it was preserved and passed on:

    In 3 Languages

    On 3 Continents

    There are 66,360+ source documents that have been found for the entire Bible of which there are 24,360 and counting source documents for the New Testament alone.

    5,839 in the original Greek, some 2 million pages

    18,524 translations of that Greek into other languages

    Some of the oldest sources date to 125AD which is within decades of the completion of all the books that were canonized as the New Testament.

    The New Testament cannon, (Gospels of the Apostles/writings, Epistles/letters to the early Churches, all sources and eyewitness accounts that were to be included), was decided at the Synod of Carthage in 397 AD.

    Those asking for "Scientific Proof" about the Bible are either ignorant or asking with evil intent. An intelligent person knows that the scientific method can not be applied to verify the Bible.

    Scientific Method is:

    1) Has to be observable.

    2) Has to be measurable.

    3) Has to be repeatable.

    Therefore no history can ever be proven via scientific method.

    You must use the historical method based on:

    Eyewitnesses accounts.

    Documents from the time or as close as possible.

    Make sure the story is corroborated by as many sources as possible.

    Look for anyone/anything that attempted to prove any of it false in that time period or as close to it as possible.

    Did anyone successfully prove any of it untrue?

    If they had/have why is there no record found anywhere of it ever being disproven?

    Luke = Historian

    A man of science, a physician, an educated and logical man who researched and gathered the accounts of eyewitnesses. He recorded the actual eyewitness accounts of our Lord and Savior, those who had heard Him speak and were present/saw the signs/miracles He performed. He did this because the life of those eyewitnesses were coming to an end due to age and he was inspired to write them down via the Holy Spirit before they could be lost or perverted by time.

    John = Evangelist

    John is organized around 7 specific events/signs/miracles all seen by eyewitnesses and corroborated by many. So he also provides proof of accuracy/truth.

    Mark = The shortest of the Gospels and is very direct or "Just the Facts" if you like.

    Mathew = Was written to the Jewish audience and that's one of the reasons for the extensive genealogy of Christ. There are also more references to the Old Testament in his gospel compared to the others.

    Peter = He lays out all the proof for the Bible and it's accuracy in 1 Peter Chapter 1. He makes the arguments that justify it all as truly what happened and that it all happened as recorded in the Gospel/New Testament, the entire Bible.

    All of the Apostles were eyewitnesses of Jesus and/or of the resurrected Christ. Including Paul whom Jesus came to as he was on the road traveling to Damascus to persecute more Christians. This would have been the resurrected Christ or a form of Him that came from Heaven.

    There were at least 300 eyewitnesses still alive when Corinthians was written who could have disputed it but no one did.

    Mathias became the 12th Apostles after Judas hung himself so the argument of there not being 12 Apostles comes from ignorance or evil intent.

    There have been over 25,000 archeological digs in which there has been absolutely no evidence found that proves anything in the entire Bible false but in those digs many things have been found that prove it true. This is one such video in which archeological evidence that has been found adds to the veracity of Scripture, the video is "The Archaeology of Jerusalem with Ton Meyer". We don't need finds such as these to know that the Word of God is true but out of His love for us He's preserved and allowed them to be found. This video is on the "Institute from Creation Research" channel and is just one of many they have that proves the Bible true.

    Other cultures and non believer's historical documents show or corroborate people, places, wars and many things that are in the Bible. Yet none of them prove any of it to be false, in stead they have strengthened it.

    Word for Word Translations prove just how accurate what we have is when you consider there's no way anyone could have falsified any of it, be it via intent or mistakes.

    Many church fathers in history have made extensive notes that include scripture throughout the centuries and no matter the time or place all those references to scripture corroborate each other. Which shows just how accurate translations have been throughout time and still are as long as they maintain a word for word ideology during the translation.

    To falsify any of it they would have to change every single source, do it in three languages, on three continents, over a span of thousands of years, with no one catching any of it, no one ever talking about what they'd done, leaving behind no traces that they'd done it.

    Not to mention they'd have to steal all of those sources to change them, changing them would be a massive undertaking considering they were hand written in those times and then put them back without ever being seen or caught during the entire process.

    My last statement is this:

    Simply put the Bible can defend itself like a lion just let it loose.

    (Use Scripture to defend Scripture because it is a collection of eyewitness accounts that has been proven true again and again).

    You must know that God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, that although He hates the sin, He loves the repentant sinner. If people will just come to Him and repent in their heart of hearts of all their sins, and proclaim Him as their Savior, their Lord, the Son of GOD.

    Just look around, you know time is growing short.

    So I beg you don't waste another second as we know the Rapture will occur in the twinkling of an eye.


    There's a very good movie titled "The God Who Speaks" that covers much of what I've said above. If you still have doubt I would recommend you watch it and even if you don't because it was very well made and presented.

    Take care and God Bless

  8. LOL! I'd LOVE to see Mads join you for the "Oh Glorious sanding"! I've followed Mads for at least a couple of years now– big fan! And I'm a big fan of yours, now, too– for the past 3-4 months. You've taken on a HUGE project, and you've gotten the main part of the hull now finished (No small feat: that's a major milestone!). That's a BIG BOAT! Turning over the hull will be real bear of a task– but you've proven you're more than capable. Fitting that hull with with bulkheads and "furniture" will eat A LOT of time (again: I'm confident you can do that). I look forward to your videos week after week, and I'm always happy to see a new one! Keep an attitude like Mads– he won that battle!. TC from Alabama, USA!

  9. Thank you so much for the shout out, Johan 😀 That gave me a good chuckle.
    I would absolutely love to come help with the sanding but there is a long todo list waiting for me back in Trinidad. Save some sanding for me next summer and I’ll be there with bells on 😀

  10. To help you in using those heavier sanders for long time (and other heavy hand equipment) perhaps you could use a suspension cable from the ceiling such as with a spring to counter to weight. The attachment could be to another cable that runs the length of the boat on the ceiling.. Still, perhaps it would be too inconvenient.

  11. This is just utterly captivating guys! Who would've thought that this would become this interesting? Johan & his attention to detail, Malin with her skills to the fore across not only the production side but also keeping the logistics side going, it is just so impressive to see. Thank you to your whole family for bringing us into this new "journey"! ✌️🙏

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