Cele mai bune puncte de ancorare din Mediterană sunt chiar în afara Mediului?! | Ep99

Cele mai bune puncte de ancorare din Mediterană sunt chiar în afara Mediului?!  |  Ep99

Oricât de fantastică este Marea Mediterană, uneori punctele de ancorare pot deveni puțin pline. Ele sunt, de asemenea, supuse umflăturilor din Mediterană care uneori ies din senin atunci când te aștepți mai puțin. Acesta este unul dintre motivele pentru care ne plac punctele de ancorare din laguna din sudul Spaniei și Portugalia, adăugați la asta satele minunate, mâncarea excelentă și prețurile mai mici decât mediul și veți vedea că Algarve este un teren de croazieră foarte atractiv. A, și cu vântul predominant dinspre nord, de multe ori ai și navigația grozavă pe apă plată! Așa că mă bucur că vom petrece ceva timp aici și, de asemenea, alegem să ridicăm barca și să ne pregătim pentru Atlantic aici, la șantierul de bărci Sopromar din Lagos, ceea ce pare să placă tuturor. Dacă mergeți la Annapolis săptămâna viitoare, veniți și salutați, vom fi la „standul creatorilor” YT la aceste ore… Joi: 15:00-16:00 Vineri: 17:30-18:30 Duminica: 11:00 – 12:00 ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––– Vă rugăm să vă abonați – NU COSTA NIMIC ȘI NE AJUTĂ CU ALGORITMUL YOUTUBE ––––––- ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––- PATREON: Noi nu am putut realiza aceste videoclipuri fără sprijinul dvs., patronii noștri. Sunteți prima noastră linie de feedback, echipa noastră, sprijinul nostru și prietenii noștri. Suntem cu adevărat recunoscători și înseamnă că putem continua să vină videoclipurile! Dacă doriți să ni se alăture, puteți vedea (și comenta, ceea ce ne ajută cu adevărat) videoclipurile actuale fără reclame înainte de a fi lansate publicului. Există, de asemenea, o mulțime de videoclipuri suplimentare disponibile pe Patreon și ne puteți contacta direct la bord. Intreaba-ne orice! Avem sesiuni ZOOM regulate și un grup WhatsApp unde vorbim despre bărci, pasaje și viața la bord. Alăturaţi-ne! https://www.patreon.com/sailingfairisle –––––––––––––- ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––-


35 thoughts on “Cele mai bune puncte de ancorare din Mediterană sunt chiar în afara Mediului?! | Ep99

  1. So by not stamping your passport, where do officials enforcing Schengen assume you’ve been? My wife and I (from US) will be purchasing a boat in Sweden and should be in Med in July & August.

  2. Hi Again, thanks for the informative videos. I've exchanged messages on Schengen with you via Patreon before but it seems things are evolving. On your last facebook post on the topic you were checked out of Schengen in Gibraltar. Did Portugal not check you back in?

  3. I had my blue hulled Nimbus wrapped by Yacht Wraps UK three years ago and it still looks fantastic. No polishing required just a wash with car shampoo or equivalent. Much better than continually cutting and polishing. One of the best improvements I have made but if you do take this route make sure only the very best marine grade vinyls are used.

  4. After Live a Boat, you can feel refreshed from your train-plane-plane-train journey. 😂
    Oh. Steve, can you talk about monohulls and catamarans later?

  5. As always a good vlog, I learn so much from you both enjoy. From an ex Advanced SI kayaking two basic tips that may help : 1 why turning lower your arms and push your turning blade as far out as you can. The rear person has a better chance of steering the canoe; when paddling in a straight line try not to pull the blade past your hip. Doing this will stop pushing the boat forward and to to turn it. Enjoy

  6. As I mentioned earlier, I love the way your boat is setup. I’ve wondered, does the canoe stern help in heavy following seas?

  7. The quality of your video is superb! The color and resolution is spot on. Such a joy to watch.

    One of the ways to make cave kayaking sporty is to always paddle quickly under the limestone arches since they might collapse at any moment! 😂

  8. Thank you for showing my hometown Portimão ❤
    You must visit Sagres (the most southwestern point of Europe) once called the end of the world, a must!

  9. I may have missed the make and model of your friend's beautiful boat shown in this episode. Can you share the information once again? Cheers.

  10. Nice video as usual. Bit surprised with the small rope on your propshaft – you didn't make any mention of it, it obviously didn't have any effect on the balance or anything.

  11. I love the steel art! If you have some free time, google Palm Springs Public Art + Isabella. Look at some shots of her from different angles and you will be amazed how she "disappears." I think you'll like her!

  12. 11:47 The name is the alliance between Portugal and England (UK) which, if I'm not mistaken, celebrated its 600th anniversary this year! Funnily enough, it's the oldest alliance between two countries.

  13. Episode 35 now, movin' right along, dub-e-dub, dub-e-dub 🙂 I had a thought watching today. Have you thought of making a few 22 minute episodes and sending them in to the networks, PBS and other platforms? I have a feeling with your quality of content, family appeal and adventurous spirits you would be quickly picked up. Did you ever watch those Saturday morning shows like the Jack Hannah shows or Rock the Park and others? You would fit right in. Thank You again for sharing part of your lives with us, it is so enjoyable.

  14. Can’t beat a curry when one has had a surfeit of traditional Mediterranean cuisine. We cheered when you mentioned the 90 day Schengen thing wasn’t an issue. Never been to Portugal but severely tempted.

  15. With regards to the Schengen in Portugal, I’m assuming you would need to check out of Spain to go to Gibraltar then go straight to Portugal so you are checked out of the Schengen. then do Portugal not stamp your passport so you are not checked in. This is why you can stay as long as you want until you check into the canaries. Sorry just trying to work it out because if you hadn’t checked out of Spain you’d still be on the clock? Wouldn’t Portugal get into trouble doing that? If they can do it why can’t Spain? Spain have applied to the EU but have not had it cleared, or so they say. It’s all a bit confusing, just wondered if you knew why😅

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