Construcția de bărci! Războiul carenei, spectacolul cu barca Southampton și navigarea în jurul insulei Sheppey! Ep35

Construcția de bărci!  Războiul carenei, spectacolul cu barca Southampton și navigarea în jurul insulei Sheppey!  Ep35

EPISODUL 35 Un episod ușor diferit de data aceasta, cu ajutorul incredibil de la niște prieteni, Heron, Sean și ash, care au venit să ajute pentru a obține restul pachetului de vopsea răzuit de pe barcă, ducând coca înapoi pe ferocimentul gol. Acesta este un lucru pe care îl aștept cu nerăbdare de mult timp, așa că pot să mă uit bine la carena goală pentru orice imperfecțiune și defecte care ar putea avea nevoie de rezolvare. Nu trebuie să vă faceți griji, carcasa este frumoasă și curată și nu are probleme. Un mare pas înainte, permițând ca progresul asupra unor pași următori să aibă loc foarte curând. De asemenea, fac o excursie la expoziția nautică de la Southampton pentru a întâlni câțiva furnizori pentru a încerca să obțin sponsorizare pentru proiect. Împreună cu o croazieră la apus de soare pe vasul olandez Thalassa. Dacă doriți să aflați mai multe despre Thalassa și despre excursiile anuale pe care le pornesc, mergeți la Atunci, în sfârșit, este timpul pentru un loc de navigație pe micul nostru iaht, Anna Mac pentru o zi frumoasă navigând în jurul Insulei Sheppey pentru a o duce la noul ei acostare. Dacă v-a plăcut videoclipul, asigurați-vă că apăsați butonul de abonare și acordați-i un mie în sus, este cel mai bun mod de a ajuta canalul să se dezvolte! Și nu uitați să apăsați micul clopoțel de lângă el pentru a fi anunțat despre următoarea mea lansare! Pentru a vedea ce fac Între videoclipuri, accesați Instagram-ul meu: Pentru a sprijini acest proiect puteți: GoFundMe: https:// Deveniți un patreon: Donați niște schimburi de rezervă: Ajutați-vă cu unele dintre numeroasele elemente esențiale, My Lista de dorințe Amazon: Vă mulțumim tuturor pentru vizionare! Ne vedem data viitoare.


24 thoughts on “Construcția de bărci! Războiul carenei, spectacolul cu barca Southampton și navigarea în jurul insulei Sheppey! Ep35

  1. Finn mate I know you're English but you don't need subtitles to be understood 😉 😁 (sorry Scotsman humour, you hard coded the subs to the video in settings)
    Nice progress on the boat, with the scraping done it looks so much cleaner and sleeker 👍

  2. Jeeez!! Was beginning to get withdrawal symptoms. Great progress with the hull and good news no unexpected nasties appeared. Also a plus to get out n about and a bit of R&R to see you relax a bit. Best of luck mate!! It's all moving ahead. Mind how you go.

  3. Awww good to see you out and about on the water Finn, the big smile from the tiller says everything, soon it will be you on out on your own boat! Hats off to your great mates helping strip her back too, – hopefully they didn't send you too broke down at the pub afterwards…lol.

  4. Great vid Finn. Good to keep up with the skill from time to time. Lots o tack and jibe practice for sure that sail! Nice update on the ketch! ❤

  5. Always good to see how you’re doing.
    Great to see the hull scraped and no snags exposed, I was wondering how the other side was going to look once you could inspect it.
    I was involved in building a 60’ ferro ketch back in the 70’s, she went off to successfully circumnavigate and the owner eventually settled in the Caribbean doing charters.
    It was seriously weird to be heading out for a daysail around the Fal estuary on a mate’s gaffer and see her tucked up my local creek on a mooring.
    We dropped by her and lo and behold the builder/owner appeared in the cockpit, hadn’t seen him for over 40 years.
    She’s still sound and no rust bleeds or anything nasty yet, so on the basis that your boat is still looking sound she should remain that way for a good long time.
    I’ve seen a couple of ferros that haven’t done so well but the problems had become apparent quite early on in their lives.
    I think that it’s just a matter of how well the mixing and pushing day went, coupled with how good the plasterers were at controlling the thicknesses inside and outside of the steel armature, plus of course how well and for how long the cure was controlled.
    Yours was obviously a good’un which is fantastic news!
    Looked like a respectably breezy day for the Sheppey circumnavigation, good fun.
    Wishing you all the best.
    Cheers, R. 😎👍🍻

  6. Nice video Finn. It is always good to get out on the water to remind yourself why you are working so hard at getting your boat rebuilt. Have a great week ahead.

  7. Scrapping and making paint chips YAY!! But where were the masks?? Oh well the beers must have washed it all away! great to see you at it again Finn. yes a long project-but O' so worth it!! Cheers, Rich

  8. Finn , I have probably said this in 1 of your posts before , you have really great music in your posts . The blues is great music but in my opinion it’s tough to match with videos like yours !

  9. Good to see you getting out of the workshop Finn
    And that old sailing ship looks awesome
    You show it passing a steam ship, if I'm not mistaken was that the SS Shieldhall??
    Looked very much like it
    I remember it and it's buddy working up and down the Clyde when I was a kid.
    Shield hall is or was a sewage works on the Clyde and yrs ago ships would take the waste (treated I hope) out to sea and dump it then run back for more.
    The other ship was the
    SS gardyloo (Great name) I think she went to Edinburgh later on around the late 70s.
    (just looked it up and yes ended up in Leith and is now MV Gardyloo)
    I heard the Shieldhall got restored but wasn't sure and looks like it has,
    You can probably guess what we decided SS stood for when we were kids with the job she did lol.

  10. I have started watching Tally Ho from the start and lo and behold, there's a younger, chain smoking Finn It's been a pleasure watching you develop as a boatwright.👍👍

  11. 👍👌👏 Great to see you having fun. Great to see you having so supportive friends. Congratulations 🎉. The boating community seems to always be really helpful and nice. Congrats for being a member of this.
    Best regards, luck and especially health to all involved people and dog.

  12. To ALL those who are triggered when hearing the Tomato Tomato Potato Potato pronounciasion differences between English and American….

    Thallasa – Θάλασσα = means sea in Greek.
    Pronounciasion : " Th " is pronounces as the Th in Therapy, Thesis, Thermal, Thermometer, Threshold, Theology, Theory

    and that ( ά ) after the Th is the "stress" "accent" of the word…. THE-rapy THE-rmal THE-ater THE-ory ….. so it is THA-lassa…..

    THA – la -ssa please when you pronounce a foreign word at least pronounce it correctly….ESPECIALLY when you name your boat or work on a boat with that name…..

    SImplest thing you can do is to go and find the nearest Gyros snack bar or Greek restaurant and ASK them how they pronounce the dam word…… your welcome…

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