Tur superyacht de 6,9 ​​milioane de euro: 2013 Sunseeker 115

Tur superyacht de 6,9 ​​milioane de euro: 2013 Sunseeker 115

O reparație subtilă și eficientă face ca acest iaht să se simtă aproape nou, Sunseeker 115. Sponsorizat de: https://www.boatsandyachtswarranty.com În asociere cu: https://setagyachts.com/ https://www.vircru.com/ https://www.garmin.com/ https://www.ultramarine-anchors.com/?utm_source=yw&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=Aquaholic_january Cu mulțumiri către: https://www.denisonyachtsales.com/ https://instagram. com/aquaholicnick https://twitter.com/BurnhamNick https://facebook.com/aquaholicnick Citiți articolele mele online pentru MBY la https://www.mby.com/author/nickburnham Vezi mai multe dintre videoclipurile mele pe YouTube MBY canal: https://www.youtube.com/user/ybwtv #aquaholic #boat #boating #yacht #yachting #vlog


30 thoughts on “Tur superyacht de 6,9 ​​milioane de euro: 2013 Sunseeker 115

  1. What a lovely yacht, so spacious and pleasantly updated interior elements are most welcome.

    The galley is quite large so catering for guests is complete

    What a dream vacation to do a 10 day cruise around the Mediterranean

    Great tour Nick thank you

  2. beautiful re-fit. Basin sinks are pretty to look at but the are not functional. The counter around them always gets wet and the water has to be 'mopped up', because the sink rim is not level to it.

  3. I wondered what they do to aging boats – so Nick, is there a target-age for a yacht, or a lifetime average, when the boat becomes too old to maintain? I know that there are still old wooden boats still in commission, but the maintenance on them is astronomically expensive, and is required to a higher degree than average.

  4. I'm amazed the actual engineering skill and work that goes into these engine rooms, to get so much into such a small space at a high level. Second it's a nice yacht with a nice layout and space. I would say you get for £6.9m. For me though their is just to much wood around in the interiors. Still a nice Yacht with everything you could want though.

  5. Nick
    Obviously, as always, a very nice bit of kit, as expected from Sunseeker
    They are very good at what they do
    But please could you answer one question,
    What was the original purchase price of this vessel back in 2013 ?

  6. Wow, great boat, youve done another one of these before and was impressed then also. I think this would be great for a world cruise and convert an area into a mini gym but everything else just great, I want it please.

  7. Where the heck do they put all the pillows and cushions from the beds that aren't needed ?. Looks like humans would just chuck them on the floor, complacent of the environment and get stuffed by a pillow in an emergency….the irony…ps …i was at sea over 20 years… landlubbers don't realise they aren't in a hotel… don't make it look like one…not your problem or fault… really enjoy watching your stuff…just not the potential death traps you visit!…

  8. Great walkthrough. For some reason I never liked dark wood interiors, even in homes. Makes the area look like a attorneys office for some reason. Lighter wood makes the area look more fun, and bigger.

  9. You weren’t wearing the aquaholic socks! 😢

    It’s okay, I still ❤ you! I’ve said it once and I will say it again; I love that you open everything because I am so curious, like how lifted up the stairs to see more storage. I would’ve continued to wonder thinking maybe a second entrance to the engine room. Thank you for being awesome! 🎉

  10. Sunseeker has never been a great brand in the states but I do know worldwide they seem to build such a high quality yacht. This one packs so much into the 115 feet available… nice nice 7 million dollar yacht!

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