MSC YACHT CLUB | Exclusivul „Navă într-o navă” la bordul MSC Cruises

MSC YACHT CLUB | Exclusivul „Navă într-o navă” la bordul MSC Cruises

MSC Yacht Club este un sanctuar exclusiv la bord… o „navă în interiorul unei nave” pentru oaspeții care doresc o experiență ridicată. Călătoria la Yacht Club include: băuturi nelimitate în toate barurile și restaurantele navei, serviciu de majordom și concierge 24 de ore pe zi, un restaurant privat cu mese all-inclusive la ore flexibile, o terasă și cabane izolate la piscină, precum și alte iahturi exclusive. Club doar zone și beneficii. Rezervați cu Go Travel pentru a primi economii și facilități exclusive. 👌 GO TRAVEL BONUS EXCLUSIV Promoție pe timp limitat… Combinabil cu ofertele curente… Rezervați până pe 14 noiembrie 2023 – Credit la bord de 100 USD pentru orice rezervare la Yacht Club (3-4 nopți de navigație) – Credit la bord de 200 USD pentru orice rezervare la Yacht Club ( Navigație 5-9 nopți) – Credit la bord de 250 USD pentru orice rezervare la Yacht Club (10+ navigație nopți) 🌍 CONECTAȚI-VĂ CU NOI Faceți clic mai jos pentru a începe călătoria dvs. de planificare a călătoriei: 📧 ABONAȚI-VĂ LA LISTA NOASTRĂ DE POȘTERI VIP VIP Faceți clic mai jos pentru a vă înscrie gratuit la buletinele noastre electronice săptămânale. În plus, veți fi înscris la tombolele noastre de călătorie! ✏️ ASIGURARE DE CĂLĂTORIE Faceți clic aici pentru a obține o cotație online gratuită și personalizată pentru asigurarea de călătorie. Dacă vă place citatul, îl puteți rezerva chiar atunci și acolo! 🙋‍♀️ ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPEI NOASTRE Căutăm consilieri de călătorii cu experiență, planificatori de călătorii corporative, precum și persoane pasionate care ar dori să înceapă în industria călătoriilor. Indiferent dacă ești un veteran al industriei sau ești nou în călătorie, ne-ar plăcea să discutăm cu tine despre a te alătura echipei noastre de designeri experți în călătorii. Faceți clic mai jos pentru a vă conecta cu noi! 📌 CAPITOLUL 00:00 – Introducere 01:50 – VIDEO: Yacht Club 03:49 – Cine este MSC Croaziere? 04:28 – Divertisment 05:22 – Privire de ansamblu asupra clubului de iaht 06:10 – Ziua îmbarcării 09:27 – Cine are permisiunea în clubul de iaht? 10:12 – Concierge și mese de specialitate 10:35 – Tipuri de cabine 11:59 – Familii și copii 12:40 – Clubul de iaht inclus 13:30 – Terasă cu piscină privată 14:10 – Acces la suita termală 14:52 – Confidențialitate și Exclusivitate 15:29 – Detalii cabine 17:06 – Restaurant dedicat 18:15 – Scara de cristal Swarovski 18:39 – Top Sail Lounge 20:40 – Piscină privată și cabane 22:14 – Excursii la mal personalizate 23:09 – Experiențe private de cumpărături 24 :58 – Itinerarii 25:32 – Rezervația marină Ocean Cay 31:03 – Tarife și oferte de grup 33:46 – Cum să rezervați #MSC #YachtClub #GoTravel


26 thoughts on “MSC YACHT CLUB | Exclusivul „Navă într-o navă” la bordul MSC Cruises

  1. Looking forward to taking my family on their first MSC Cruise and introducing them to the Yacht Club. GREAT VALUE and experience that everyone should do at least once in their life. Countdown is on.

  2. We just got back from a MSC Cruise. We were the duplex suite that was mentioned in Yacht Club. Everything that was mentioned in the interview was accurate! Yacht Club to us was definitely worth it. The next cruise we will be taking will be with MSC and we will do Yacht Club again, maybe not the duplex suite, but will also invite family and put them up in Yacht Club interior cabins.

  3. I think i am correct in saying the Seascape has the largest YC sun deck, we cancelled a sailing a year or so ago simply because we were unable to get to thee embarkation so chose a different ship as Seascape was relocating to the States. Everything in this Video is correct but with slight differences if you travel in Europe, the main one being tips are included in YC here and not everything happens exactly on thee first day, for example we have had occasions where we did not get the bottle of spirit, and others where the newspaper was not printed, these are not huge issues but just so you know, we love MSC and have one sailing this year on Seaside out of Barcelona, a YC Deluxe Balcony Cabin the second on Euribia out of Dubai January 2025, an inside YC Cabin, we have used Balcony cabins most of the 8 or so times we have sailed but the inside ones are fine for us, we are an older couple and never use the balcony anyway. If you get a chance check out the World America, we were on the World Europa and it was amazing, with 6500 guests i don’t get the idea that these are small ships but with the YC exclusivity you have a sanctuary to return to before you retire after being amongst the lively entertainment. Enjoy the family owned ships and environmentally friendly thinking.

  4. If, he really want to try MSC yacht club is the way to go. My wife, my two young children and myself was in the yacht club on the MSC seashore back in August 2019. It was amazing. Our Butler Renee took great care of us. He even made it a point for him or another Butler to take our two kids to the youth clubs, Miss Trish, who worked at concierge desk. Also make sure we were well taken care of. The executive chef in the yacht club will also do requests for appetizers and main entrées for yacht club guest. One night he made crabcakes for an appetizer just because my wife asked a night in advance.

  5. Very in formative, we are sailing on msc fort time in yacht club in May. Arethe men allowed to wear dress shorts to dinner? Also is the mini bar included?

  6. Would not spend a cent with MSC. Watched what they did to Ben and David. Disgusting. Beware if you book with them.

  7. Booked on the MSC Divina in YC in December for my birthday. First cruise so I decided to treat myself.

    I was NOT aware the cabanas on the pool deck were no additional charge!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. it seems MSC Europa does not have finger food or tapas in the Topsail lounge . Why is this the only YC ship that does not offer this feature. I am booked in YC on Europa in September and disappointed about this inconsistency.

  9. As someone who has stayed in their Owners suite a few times, I could respond to his 11:35 remark – Every cabin in the Yacht Club is treated equally, but some cabins in the Yacht club are treated more equally than others…

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