Drifting into ROCKS: cea mai proasta ancora pe o barca cu vele – Ep 160

Drifting into ROCKS: cea mai proasta ancora pe o barca cu vele - Ep 160

Continuăm să navigăm în Insulele Baleare în Marea Mediterană în timp ce ne confruntăm cu o defecțiune vitală a echipamentelor – filtrul nostru de apă. Navigam de la Mallorca la Menorca și întâlnim un pachet ciudat care plutește în larg. În timp ce așteptăm o piesă de schimb în tranzit, întâlnim o barcă cu pânze care se târăște în ancoraj, aproape că plutește în stânci în pericol iminent. Salvăm barca cu pânze înainte de a afla că are una dintre cele mai proaste și nesigure ancore (în opinia noastră) înainte de a repara aparatul nostru de apă dulce la bord. VIDEO NOI ÎN FIECARE VINERI! Vă rugăm să vă abonați și să distribuiți videoclipurile noastre – fiecare sprijin este foarte apreciat, ne continuă călătoria și conținutul să vină! CAMERA NOASTRĂ DE ACȚIUNE – Insta 360×3 de la @insta360 – Obțineți un Selfie Stick invizibil gratuit la achiziția dvs. folosind link-ul nostru: https://www.insta360.com/sal/x3?insrc=INRWX39 MÂNERELE NOASTRE DE TRILIU – The Flipper by Easysea – Utilizare codul nostru de cupon: JIBSEA10 pentru o reducere de 5%! o achiziție efectuată prin link-ul de mai jos ajută la sprijinirea călătoriei noastre fără costuri suplimentare pentru dvs. 🙂 https://easysea.org/?sca_ref=1842873.88IEFDzrSD APARATORUL NOSTRU – SeaWaterPro AC Double Membrane – o achiziție efectuată prin linkul de mai jos ajută la susține călătoria noastră fără costuri suplimentare pentru tine https://seawaterpro.com?sca_ref=1318981.ElEepUm59l Vânzele noastre – Precision Sails https://www.precisionsailloft.com VIZITĂȚI MAGAZINUL NOSTRU DE SWAG – arătați-vă sprijinul pentru canalul nostru rockin some Lucruri interesante 😎 https://www.bonfire.com/store/jibsea-swag-shop NOSTRA VEDEREA AMAZONĂ – cumpără articolele și produsele noastre preferate pe care le-am folosit pentru proiecte și reparații de ambarcațiuni https://www.amazon.com/shop/sailingjibsea DACĂ DORIȚI SĂ SUSȚINEȚI CĂLĂTORIA NOASTRA – primiți actualizări exclusive și filmări bonus https://www.patreon.com/jibsea ALTE MODALITĂȚI DE A NE SPRINI – pentru a contribui o singură dată pentru a ne susține călătoria și pentru a canaliza PayPal: https:/ /www.paypal.me/jibsea Interac E-Transfer: sailingjibsea@gmail.com VREI MAI MULT? Urmărește-ne AICI https://www.instagram.com/sailingjibsea https://www.instagram.com/steph.chung_ https://www.instagram.com/t_sexsmith https://www.facebook.com/sailingjibsea https ://linktr.ee/Jibsea #sailing #watermaker #anchoring #sailboatrescue #anchordrag


22 thoughts on “Drifting into ROCKS: cea mai proasta ancora pe o barca cu vele – Ep 160

  1. Was that an old life raft? It was hard to see from the video. If it was from 2008 then it was probably thrown over because it was cheaper to buy a new one than repacking old. Hard to make out in the video as there was only a half second clip of it at the stern. I've seen expired 25 man life rafts that were just tossed over in the shipping lanes.

  2. thanks guys i look forward to your videos, i am from Barrie Ontario so following a canadian couples sailing adventures is pretty cool!! you guys have a great life!! please continue to enjoy your adventures and i will continue to live vicariously through them LOL!!

  3. Hi guys, Rocna are definitely good anchors, though I’m a bit wary of the hoop tbh. The anchor I like is a nicely oversized genuine Lewmar Delta and why I like them is why I really don’t like Ultra anchors or the potential risk from hoops of really holding much too well. That at first glance sounds crazy right? But if the anchor holds too well it will not break out Sideways which can be all that saves your boat from Capsizing. Technically a Lewmar Delta is a Rocna without the hoop. I’ve never had a problem setting one that is on the end of all chain to the boat. In a Harbour of Refuge, my boat got hit by one heck of a powerful Tornado on the Starboard side. And the boat was pushed so hard to Port, that the VHF aerial on the top of the Mast was pushed fully under water on the Port Side, and with the port side decks under water, it was on the brink of flooding into the Cockpit. Then a shudder and the boat popped upright and the Anchor Alarm astarted screaming – just in time to save the boat, the Anchor pushed out sideways. Would an Ultra do that? No Chance ! Would a Rocna?maybe, maybe not.with an ultra, imho, I’d have lost the boat. As it was, thanks to the Anchor Alarm and having a Monohull, I was able to fly the Anchor between the boats behind me into clear water and reset the anchor which held solidly through being hit by multiple lesser strength Torpedoes. There are a lot of Fake Delta Anchors out there with poorly hardened and tempered steel, so be sure to get one from a Reputable Genuine Lewmar supplier. Sailing Teulu managed to get a nicely oversized one, and it has held well in 50 plus mph winds . Guess which Anchor I’m sticking with as Main Anchor ? And a Galvanised one, with Galvanised Chain and nothing Stainless Steel.Best Wishes. Bob.👍⛵️🌟🌟🌟❤️

  4. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice, easy going episode, guys ‼️ 🎉 I find it hard to believe (as you both did) that someone does not recognize their boat has drifted from its anchored spot. Dangerous crew. Nice you were able to rescue them. 😊 See you next time.✨ 🌊 💨 ⛵️ 🏝️ 👙 🌞 ✨

  5. My father once told me " If it ain't broke , don't fix it " . If your anchor is holding why replace it . I try to tell my wife things like that . There is a difference between when you need something and just want it . Save your money for something you NEED in the future , just like the water pump you just needed to install 😉

  6. The water maker pump is just a pressure washer pump. You could probably find a pressure washer pump much cheaper, i know people who have built water makers from low-cost store bought pressure washers

  7. Well sad to say but by your opening statement brought to you by patreons you're sadly mistaken it's brought to you by viewers likes subscriptions and comments for you to be such a young channel to come out and straight up asking for patriots you get patrons by viewers likes and comments you lost me forever because you forgot to say it's brought to you by viewers likes and comments to directly bypass that and say it's brought to you by patriots you have a lot to learn

  8. 9:32 Is "after-hours" code for using the water to wash the boat when nobody is about. 😇 Good save with the drifting yacht I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation after you left.

  9. Holy smokes. I’ve been sailing 50 years. Pretty well educated on the costs of sails, and associated equipment. Decided to look up the cost of an ultra anchor. Roughly $2500 for a 60lb stainless steel anchor is insane. Nice as it looks I’d rather spend that money on running rigging or towards an electric winch or beer.

  10. I found the rebuild ability very helpful knowledge. Still trying to plan / think ahead of when I can go someday. May I ask if you have thought of or would find it helpful to have your original high-pressure pump serviced? Just to have a backup so to speak. Not sure how practical or even cost effective this would be which is why I ask. RV water pumps simply go out over time. Of course, being on land, one is better suited to find a store and simply keep replacing. Not sure how long these boat water makers (and their pumps) last while in good use and overseas as you do.

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