Acesta a fost unul dintre cele mai dificile videoclipuri pe care am fost nevoit să le editez vreodată. Ne-am luat rămas bun de la fiica noastră de 18 ani @jadynmorse în timp ce am trimis-o de pe barca noastră cu pânze pe alta… în cea mai mare aventură a ei de până acum. Ea se va alătura lui @sailingzatara în următoarele câteva luni pe catamaranul lor Privilege, în timp ce traversează Oceanul Atlantic. Este un moment grozav să rămânem pe fază pentru a vedea dacă ne întâlnim cu ei când vor primi… indiciu. aluzie. Lăsați-ne un comentariu și spuneți-ne dacă v-a plăcut acest videoclip. Mulțumesc pentru toată dragostea și sprijinul acordat! Mai multe momente, mai multe amintiri, mai multe sâmbătă!
Brandon, Amber, Jadyn, Hudson, Brittan și micuțul Koen
Salut și bine ai venit! Suntem o familie obișnuită care a făcut câteva schimbări masive la începutul lui 2020 pentru a călători și a crea mai multe momente, mai multe amintiri și mai multe „sâmbăte”… CU copiii noștri. Am călătorit în SUA într-un RV timp de un an și apoi am solidificat IT-ALL pentru a cumpăra un catamaran cu vele pentru a călători pe mări! Trăim viața de barcă de 2 ani și ne place să te avem alături de noi pentru aventură!
Actualizări regulate pe instagram și Facebook
De ce vă mulțumim! Muzica potrivită este YUGE pentru a crea videoclipuri grozave… iar muzica fără drepturi de autor este esențială în lumea digitală de astăzi. Ne-am asociat cu site-ul de licențiere muzicală pe care îl folosim (și ne place) pentru a vă oferi conectarea –
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. Te întrebi ce camere folosim și de unde obținem toate acele gadget-uri și gadgeturi grozave pe care le folosim în videoclipuri? Totul este aici, la magazinul nostru Amazon: #sailing #sailingfamily #travel #travelfamily #boatlife
Fiica noastră Jadyn Morse ne-a părăsit pentru Sailing Zatara

28 thoughts on “Fiica noastră Jadyn Morse ne-a părăsit pentru Sailing Zatara”
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I wonder what the grandparents will think about that one…
Honestly, this is very cool. I've been watching all of these sailing channels for some time and now the universes are combining!
We also plan to start our own sailing adventure in 2025.
Sending love to the Jadyn and the Morse Family.

First one leaving the nest is the hardest, well all of them is hard, but it’s so amazingly wonderful to watch them fly and become who they are. Especially cool to see everything you’ve poured in as parents rise to the surface in a beautiful mix of them!
funny Jack
Sooo funny at 4:34 The utube sailing universe thanks you mom and dad for the epic future video content!!
So happy to have found another sailing family channel – thanks to Keith & Renee.
For the sailing family parents questioning their decision to raise their kids on a boat – just look at Jayden. Jack – that’s not funny! 

Of course… haven’t seen an EDS vid in what feels like forever and the one I watch has me balling like a baby (yet again
) especially because I’m a dad to all girls and today is my youngest’s bday (she’s 10
Very nice video, made me laugh. You are very good people

Oh man, I remember little Jadyn

Great video guys….the end had me dying
Hoping Jayden has a wonderful time
I just subscribed to your channel which I found through Zatara. I have been following the Whitakers for years now and keep adding more of their sailing friends because I find all of the videos fun and so interesting. To watch all the kids interact is fantastic. Mom, I cried during this video also as it is never easy to send your 18 year old off to college, an adventure, etc. However, I applaud both of you for setting her free to explore the world. Kudos to you both. It will be fun to keep up with Jayden on Zatara and how you all are doing in Grenada one daughter less. I sailed Windjammer out of Grenada. Beautiful place. We would sail up to St. Vincent, Mayreau, Bequia, etc. I look forward to seeing your next video now that I have subscribed. PS. I have also subscribed to Jayden's YouTube channel.
Keith is the father
Omg!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE your intro.

Omg!! Yessssss! She is a great human… they are the lucky ones

Awesome video. Hard to say goodbye.
I feel the same way with my 15th year old daughter. 
Just found yall and jaydns youtube from zatara already love the content plus my 14 year old daughter is also named jaydin and that outro was hilarious looking forward to watching more videos from yall
So hard when the "kids" spread their wings. You have the knowledge that she will be safe and cared for. Unlike so many 18 year olds running off to college. You both have done a good job.
Be happy, be safe
Watch out … the boys on Zatara are …well studs..
Who taught her the editing skills ??? For your YouTube channel?? With all the zatara sailboat YouTubers… they will be editing like crazy. I told them to not vlog the same thing. Repeat repeat. Tell a story. Share days.
Since I follow both channels I saw her arrive on Zatara two days before I saw her leave here.
Viewers are the lucky ones. I follow #SailingZatara and found this channel through Jadyn's. Firstly, the editing and quality of the filming are great. I can see that Jadyn will be a perfect fit for the ocean crossing. This looks like such an interesting sailing channel. Good luck #EverydaySaturday. You have a new subscriber for both channels.
I left for the Navy at 17 for a different kind of boat. 4 year journey! The transatlantic crossing will be quick and an amazing experience!
Zatara is quickly becoming a content house
OMG that was hilarious! "Your daughter is pregnant!" I don't think you have to worry about that with big daddy Kieth hanging around. I'm almost 100% sure your daughter's virtue will be intact next time you see her. Just sayin. I'm a big old harry Sasquatch and I wouldn't cross Keith.
The most awesome group. We will look forward to seeing your videos as well. She will be in safe hands for sure.