Începând cu 1925, Fastnet Race este unul dintre marile evenimente ale navigației. Cea de-a 28-a cursă Fastnet, desfășurată în august 1979, a început ca oricare alta, dar această cursă s-a încheiat cu dezastru și tragedie, deoarece 303 iahturi de curse au navigat fără să știe într-una dintre cele mai mari furtuni care au lovit vreodată Marea Celtică… Dacă ați dori să susțineți acest canal – https://buymeacoffee.com/TheRavensEye Credite foto: Michael Olney, Royal Navy, BoatUS, Ambrose Greenway, Matthew Sheahan, Rolex, BBC, Getty Images, yacht-archiv, Dave Rogers, Paul Wyeth , Sandra Carter, Wikimedia Commons https://www.cornwalllive.com/news/local-news/gallery/royal-navy-archive-photos-1979-3162096 https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-30943018 .html https://www.yachtingworld.com/features/fastnet-79-matthew-sheahan-122220 https://www.southernstar.ie/news/flashback-recalling-the-1979-fastnet-race-tragedy-4177983 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-hampshire-49269145 Deși axat în primul rând pe dezastre, acest canal este despre interesant, ciudat, nerezolvat, tragic. Lumea noastră are o istorie variată, plină de tragedii teribile, povești bizare, evenimente inexplicabile și oameni extravaganți. Sper să vă placă unele dintre poveștile fascinante pe care le avem aici. #Istorie #Dezastre
Racing In Disaster – The Fastnet Sailing Tragedy (1979)

29 thoughts on “Racing In Disaster – The Fastnet Sailing Tragedy (1979)”
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I've always put this disaster on the sailers, because I've never seen the horrifying weather situation explained as well as in this video. It's a question of scale, and understanding how horribly out of scale those conditions were.
0:16 The Robert Redford film All is Lost
Im going to stick with cold showers ty
Jeez, they should start racing submarines instead of sailing boats.
I was only 15 days old when this tragedy occured, so memories of it are rather vague, but I have in more recent years heard more about it. I knew the death toll was high, but 21 is horrendous. And it's great to see a new video from The Raven's Eye
i have never enjoyed cold showers all that much and i am catagoricly apposed to tearing up money !:-)
Love your narrations and the disasters you choose to cover. I've never heard of this one!
Turner bloke!
yes keep up the good work
really enjoy your content!!
1:03 – So this is “LITERALLY” the “24 HOURS OF LE MANS” but for yachts….

And about 100X MORE DANGEROUS i recon…..
Thanks. 'And the mouth of the South did swallow up the storm, and behold! – it spittith out a trophy'. tavi.
Great work sir, I really like your videos.
Back in 1979 the Shipping Forecast at sea was neither picked up on FM (VHF) nor AM (MW) but on Long Wave from BBC Radio 4.
Those who returned over the finishing line were roundly condemned by public and media as disrespecting the dead.
Reminds me of the 1998 Sydney to Hobart race. A low pressure system there caused utter carnage out on the sea
That was insane. So many yachts are damaged and sunk. That was very unfortunate because of the insane worst weather.
Is this phenomenon what they call a "Bomb Cyclone" today? (The cold air dropping out of the sky like a bomb?)
Ted Turner. He's a loser.
Bit like the Sydney to Hobart race…
Sounds like some weather modification shenanigans. That's the only thing that makes sense.
Originally lived in the south west of England, family did and still do lots of stuff in the sea. Me its surfing mainly, but Fastnet along with a few others is one of those stories to explain to kids why you are never in total control at sea.
One lesson learned from the race was the crew should only step into the lifeboat as the boat is about to sink below the surface. The reason was that several boats were still afloat without crew. The inquiry found that those who had left the ship probably died as their lifeboat succumbed to the towering waves.
Welcome back, good video as Always
Terribly sad but Brilliant well researched.
I was waiting for the story of someone who they or their parents were in said issue. Found it already. It's weird that all videos have this even from events in the 1300s
Four thousand people rescue effort? That's amazing. You really have to admire the kind of people who willingly get in a boat or plane to go out in those kinds of conditions to rescue a bunch of morons.
My father was a fleet airarm helicopter pilot. Although by the time of the Fastnet race disaster he was flying a desk, he flew air sea rescue from Yeovilton, Portland and Deadalus during 60's.
The crowded England Channel, and the ferocity of the Atlantic storms to the west kept the crews busy.
Wait… when did the 'Celtic Sea' become a thing?
I'm 61 and have never ever heard of this, I thought it was always called the Irish Sea?
Mandela effect?
Great content!