OCEAN BOUND | Reparațiile noastre SAILBOAT vor rezista?

OCEAN BOUND |  Reparațiile noastre SAILBOAT vor rezista?

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20 thoughts on “OCEAN BOUND | Reparațiile noastre SAILBOAT vor rezista?

  1. Im sure Brandy is a Dolphin magnet ..never fails to impress me. And yes … Roller fuller next !! you won't know yourself. When you set up the roller ..fit the masthead forestay so you can keep MACDADDY and use a pole. great video guys .. Cheers from New Zealand

  2. Yes, special people ! They have a beautiful dock. They used to have metal blades on those boxes in that spot. If you wanted to use the metal blade you had to tuck it in. Lots of upgrades but that windlass is a huge one. Congrats guys, you've done it again !

  3. Brandy, try turning the roll over so that it comes up from the bottom instead of over the top. Then when you tear it, it’s ready also for the next use.

  4. When is the sailboat keto cookbook or better yet, provisioning guide going to be for sale? It would be nice to know some one else's methods. I believe folks would pay. Even a little E book thing…

  5. I have a question regarding your sewing machine. I have to do some canvas and isenglass repairs and am in the market for a good used machine. Any suggestions or what to stay away from. Thanks very much.

  6. The boat is called a derelict, commonly seen on all waters. They’re created from discouragement and lost time, the only cure is giving it to someone with a dream for free

  7. What I really appreciate about your channel is how authentic you guys are. Thanks for all your hard work with the videos. Fun to watch

  8. It looks like it may be a Yankee 38 designed by Sparman and Stevens in the early 1970s if it has tumblehome amidships and the cabin dives into the foredeck it probably is a Yankee 38 designed as an IOR, one-ton-racer. The hull mold was later used for the very successful Cataline 38 and used for the Congressional Cup, there is one directly across from me in Shoreline Marina in Long Bech, California. It is good to see you guys getting underway again, always a joy to watch you.

  9. Great to see your refurbishments completed and you back underway. Dave and Sarah were wonderful hosts. I look forward to your next adventures.
    Btw. The sailboat you questioned may be a Catalina 38.

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