(Sailing Video) ESTE NOUL NOU LOC FAV??? | Valul 79 #sailing #sailingvideos Pentru videoclipul de azi despre navigație… navigăm în frumosul Beaulieu Sur Mer… Un punct uluitor (la propriu) în sudul Franței, bine! Ne adorăm aici și suntem atât de fericiți că am navigat către această bijuterie la bordul Tela Ru! Aceasta este una dintre acele pietre prețioase ascunse care nu emană deloc atmosfera turistică… nu se vinde mărunțișuri… nimeni nu te frământă… aici în Beaulieu Sur Mer… Te simți mai mult ca un localnic în asta loc! Și este atât de aproape de Monaco și Nisa! Instagram: https://instagram.com/sailingtelaru?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@_sailingtelaru?_t=8YaKqrJY9hW&_r=1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile. php?id=100089246103498&mibextid=LQQJ4d
(Sailing Video) ESTE NOUL NOU LOC FAV??? | Valul 79
14 thoughts on “(Sailing Video) ESTE NOUL NOU LOC FAV??? | Valul 79”
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Once again another great video. Beautiful scenery, and every time you show pictures of the food you just make me hungry.
That part of France is grossly overrated, and plagued with Parisians on holiday and superyacht owners posing as important. And anyone who knows France realises that Parisians aren't really French, they are their own unique sub species, and generally loathed in most parts of France.
Why do you always dock bow in?
Most enjoyable and entertaining episode! Seems Côte d'Azur "caught" you guys hook line & sinker! 😜
Why don’t you back in the slip?
Beutiful pics🤙
Another great episode. Sean really handles that boat well in close quarters. I'd be a nervous wreck 😮
I love it. Awesome work Guys , Beautiful !! Take Care ,
Posh baby posh!
Gd luck 🌹
The dog is so adorable. What’s her name?
You know she’s like the perfect human specimen of a woman,- but I can’t help but just like who she is, you know, has nothing to do with how she looks. She’s a good person and she’s smart.
And he is just freaking cool- and he is pretty cool and likes to have a good time, so that’s what he’s doing, he’s a smart man and that’s that.
You may have addressed this elsewhere, but I am curious Sean, why you don't go stern in when in the marina.
Who Sings the song “I found my way” on this video? Great song