Blocați în diverse locuri de muncă în multe locații, atacăm pe toate fronturile acestei bărci deodată. În primul rând, încercăm să înțelegem cum să repoziționăm unitatea pilot automată, astfel încât să nu obstrucționeze viitorul nostru pat queen de dimensiuni mari pe care ne propunem să îl punem în cabina principală. Isabelle sortează toate echipamentele medicale rămase de la proprietarul anterior. Kieran se sparge pentru a șlefui anti-foul, îndepărtând furtunurile blocate, în timp ce puntea noastră începe în sfârșit, cu meseriașii din fibră de sticlă agățați în găurile de pe partea de sus a bărcii noastre. Săptămâna aceasta este vorba despre a începe în toate domeniile diferite pe care le putem. Cu doar atâtea luni înainte de a trebui să continuăm cu angajamentele de lucru înapoi în Australia, trebuie să facem ca această barcă să arate din nou grozav. Suntem bucuroși să anunțăm că catargul a fost achiziționat! Vom discuta mai multe despre asta în episoadele viitoare, dar este plăcut să avem o companie blocată care să ne ofere un catarg nou frumos pentru a ne pilota pânzele. Asumând o sarcină ca aceasta, nu știm întotdeauna ce facem. Apreciem toate comentariile pe care le-am primit, în special oamenii drăguți care își împrumută expertiza în anumite domenii de care chiar habar nu avem haha. Amel prinde încet contur și nu am putea fi mai fericiți să renovăm această barca cu pânze de salvare. Deși dorim tuturor să fie în siguranță pe marele ocean, suntem foarte fericiți că compania de asigurări a anulat această navă pentru ca noi să o luăm la un preț avantajos. Alăturați-vă echipajului Patronii noștri sunt cei care fac totul posibil și fără ei, nu am fi acolo unde suntem astăzi. Când vă înregistrați, nu numai că aveți acces la toate videoclipurile noastre cu săptămâni înainte de public, dar aveți și o linie directă cu noi și încercăm să ne cunoaștem pe toți patronii noștri. Pune-ne o întrebare, dă-ne un sfat spune-ne ce vrei să vedem, ne place să vorbim cu echipajul nostru cât de mult putem. Mărfuri, cămăși și multe altele Paypal Instagram https://www. Facebook Sponsori și colegi UK Sailmakers – Predict Wind – https://
REALITĂȚILE reconstrucției unei BARCĂ cu VELIE (locuri de muncă, locuri de muncă, locuri de muncă și mai multe locuri de muncă)

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I am enjoying your episodes and the teamwork and enthusiasm. Would like you to point out your yacht on the drone flights so I can have an idea where you are located in that huge maze.
The one band thing about the amel boats is the use of proprietary parts and systems that were made specifically for Amel. Many of those parts are not available anymore and extremely expensive to have reproduced locally.
An 3m adhesive remover wheel for a drill works great on gel coat. Use a wet da sander with sanding film discs from 800 grit to 2500 grit and they use a polisher to make the gelcoat look better than new.
You need Ospho for those rusty metal bits. It turns iron oxide aka rust into iron phosphate. You can then paint the parts. The US Navy uses it on their ships and I use it on all my stuff with rusty bits. A spray bottle with it does wonders.
Ya it is a brainier. You stated the hoses were cracking when you bent them. There God only knows how old they are, save yourself the head and heart aches and by new hose….
Syringes are GOLD–I use them for accurate measurements of catalysts etc for small batches of resins. I also uses them as containers for some chemicals. The best mould treatment is benzalkonium chloride solution–sold as "Wet and Forget" and a topical would sterilant. There are also and a few other brands. It is SAFE unlike chlorine products, and it has a residual effect–so I used to spray it on and wipe off the mould–and when finished, spray again then blot off any excess and let it dry. I found that one treatment lasted at least six months in the humid wet tropics. Mould initially forms on DUST particles, then spreads–so a clean hull produces less mould–and to that end–an air filtration dust removal system in a vessel's ducted ventilation is worth having. I made my own using a screen and paper filters, with a solar powered and rechargeable battery augmented fan drawing the air through,. It circulated the equivalent of the entire vessels' interior volume two or three times a day and used about six watts of power. A parallel system ventilated the forecastle, bilges and lazarette, and discharged the unfiltered stale air therefrom out through small dorade box outlets in the aft cabin walls.
Easy Off oven cleaner is great for sticker residue if you have to do a similar project again.
You both are awesome! Two very genuine personalities. I enjoy watching your videos each week, and I can't wait to see your boat back on the water.
Do you have an address to send supplies to.
Looks like you have more through hulls than the Amel 54 came out of the factory with.
They had a manifold in the engine room with all hoses running to it and with only one through hull.
Great job guys, that is a lot of work! I'll be watching all of it!
Another great episode you 2 are getting things done! Just some suggestions from a guy thats been in the yacht systems business for 30 years. ALWAYS wear gloves when dealing with Acetone. It will go through your skin and damage your liver. That electro-mechanical ram unit for the autopilot looks like it is quite under sized for the force it needs to produce. There are some electro-hydraulic units that would be a better match. Or just change the steering system to all hydraulic to eliminate the push cables.
Lovely vid, you two lovely people! Sending some extra courage and strength and resilience from 15,000 km west of you, as you tackle all these jobs! Kieran, encourage you to wear gloves whilst using acetone; it may be okay for Merreweather's gel coat, but definitely not so good for human health!
Awesome to see y’all tackling all these jobs on your own. Tally ho!
I've done 4 sailboats, two power. I've made every mistake conceivable. Tuition into the school. The secret is break the boat into sections. Topside deck, cockpit. Lower saloon., Head, engine compartment ect. Then on paper list want needs done. Estimate the cost. Add 25% overrun. Then go. If you save on parts awesome. Your under budget. Next section you may be over. But 10 to 25% overrun will keep you on track
What do the thru hulls look like when you sand off the green oxidation? If it’s pinkish you should replace them. The previous owners lack of proper maintenance would lead me to be suspicious of their condition.
Why don't you invest in a small shed to place under the boat to put all your crap in? I just can't understand why you would work around all of that. Also, why not stick to a task and finish it before moving on to something else?
Hello sir, im one of ur subs now and im one of pangkor marina staff
The steering yoke in the main bed needs to be sanded and repainted to make it look good don't you think?
The lining in the passageway is known to attract condensation behind. A lot of Amel owners have rectified this with dynamat (lead insulated sheeting, often used in car audio or to dampen noise).