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Ne-am dus cu RV-ul COAST la COAST! – Lazy Gecko Adventures

20 thoughts on “Ne-am dus cu RV-ul COAST la COAST! – Lazy Gecko Adventures”
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At 0:25, are those the Pitons of St Lucia?
As a viewer, this episode felt different. Combination of the tone, soundtrack, etc. – but still really good. Don't mean to sound negative, I'm not! Y'alls drone work is really fantastic, the shot chasing the Wrangler near the end is great. Thanks!
Ha, I’ve seen some scary things in my life but I think those blokes in their stars and strips budgie smugglers takes the biscuit

Oops I forgot to congratulate you both, congrats guys.
Awesome video guys!!! Congrats
see ya next time.
Congratulations on your new addition to the family
and so looking forward to joining you on your new adventure 

congratulations to you both on the new family member. Enjoy the prime of your life going forward.
Congratulations all four of you just another mouth to feed, keep making the videos
Looks like a lot of fun. Peace
congratulations to you both
Congrats on the new addition!
Awesome video!! Can't wait to see more!
Congrats Britanny n family.. i wish the best for all of your family.. God bless u..
Berkah Dalem Gusti..

Felicitaciones ya tuviste que rápido
all the cool cross country pics
can't wait for more footage 
Congratulations a girl!
Congrats on the new edition.