Săptămâna trecută, am explorat o barcă cu pânze Mikelson 50 din 1987. Cunoscute pentru lucrările lor luxoase din lemn de tec, aceste bărci taiwaneze au o istorie bogată în lumea navigației și sunt îndrăgite de mulți. Doar 18 au fost construite în Taiwan pentru Mikelson în San Diego și am avut norocul să aflăm stând în curtea noastră. Ne-ai spus să rezistăm, să nu cumpărăm barca, pentru că era prea departe și putem face mai bine. Nu am ascultat și oricum am făcut o ofertă pe barcă. Astăzi, vă împărtășim această ofertă și rezultatul. Suntem Siren și căpitanul Hal. Suntem surferi, suntem pescari, suntem brokeri de iahturi, suntem navigatori, suntem căpitani, suntem scafandri, suntem oameni oceanici, suntem floridieni și despre asta se referă canalul nostru ! Sperăm că te vei abona și te vei urmări! ________________________________________________________________________________ Dacă vă plac videoclipurile noastre, nu ezitați să dați like acestui episod și să vă abonați la canalul nostru! Mai avem multe de urmat! Dacă doriți să ne susțineți în continuare eforturile, acum avem Patreon, o platformă pentru creatori care să colecteze sprijin și să distribuie videoclipuri și conținut din interior contra cost. LINK MAI JOS ____________________________________________________________________ Dacă vă place ceea ce am purtat, întrebați-ne ce a fost! Codurile noastre de reducere: Cremă solară biodegradabilă Stream2Sea- SIREN pentru 10% reducere la articolele de băutură Puffin (cu alcoolul PFD cu viață flotantă care fac cadouri minunate) SIREN pentru 15% reducere la Rookie Wellness- SIREN pentru 15% reducere la Juice Beauty Cosmetics and Skincare- JBSIREN15% pentru 15% Reducere la medicamente organice Forces of Nature- 20SIREN pentru 20% reducere la cupe și chiloți pentru perioada Saalt- SIREN pentru 10% reducere la Trotineta subacvatică Asiwo Manta- SIREN pentru 50 USD reducere pe Amare- utilizați #1559896 pentru 10 USD reducere la produsele noastre de frumusețe- SIRENWILLIAMS pentru 15% reducere
AM FACUT O OFERTĂ pentru Casa de pilotaj Mikelson 50 ABANDONATĂ și am primit un răspuns! | Ce urmează? Ep. 36

16 thoughts on “AM FACUT O OFERTĂ pentru Casa de pilotaj Mikelson 50 ABANDONATĂ și am primit un răspuns! | Ce urmează? Ep. 36”
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Hey guys, prices are coming down. I’d wait a little longer and let the cold weather hit. If I was in the market for a sailboat, I’d go to the northeast. They spend half their lives on the hard or indoors. The boat in the south are worn out by the sun every summer. Ask me how I know. I’ve been sick for 3 weeks.

Well, there is not much rational about sailboats. It's like love. They as they say, leaky tikis, but typically strong.
Teak? Teak decks? No thanks except in the interior. I have minimized all exterior wood. I don't want to spend my time working on wood, because it never ends.
Get a survey on any consideration, worth the money….cheers
A thoroughly unappealing couple.
Hey guys, I really don't understand the obsession we all have of owning some old William Garden designed boat out of Taiwan, I had a Formosa years ago, which is basically what the Mikelson 50 is, leaky teaky! No matter what background in DIY you have in restoring boats, building electrical or playing with epoxy and fiberglass, you must decide one very important part of your lives, and believe me this is very important, "Do you want to hang out like a load of other YouTube content makers providing videos on DIY, or would you rather spend your perfect aged time sailing the world, like Erik Aanderaa of NBJS"? I get it, it seems cool, "been there done that", but you guys are definitely around 35 going on 40 years old, get a boat around $100K, with minimum DIY, and SAIL!! There are hundreds of them out there! Forget the '80's Formosa, Vagabond, Garden designed leaky teaky's, you'll be playing with powertools rather than pulling lines down in the French Polynesians! But, if you're goal is to build up a charter business down in the Florida Keys area, which is where I use to sail back in the early '80's, then go to a bank with your deposit money and get some new inexpensive marine plywood epoxy sailing boats to charter for the sunsets. In fact, the government would fund your project with a SBA loan since all the idiot Dem's are throwing out our tax money to every Joe Blow with an idea. Put together a Business Plan with a strong executive summary and submit it, they'll provably go for it., up to $5m. Sweating over that piece of crap isn't wroth your time!
Remember me with the Hudson Force 50. I have an offer for you on my boat. If Would you be interested and your other deal falls through. She has a practically new 125 hp yanmar diesel. 10k panda suitcase generator. fuel polishing system, Replace main an head sail from quantum sails she is a ketch. New boom and boomvang by Seldon . Bow thruster upholstery is in great condition . Huge Capt, quarter. Very large forward cabin could sleep 3 or more . Has had 6 kids in it camping before. Hauled out 5 or 6 years ago holds 250 gal fuel 100 water . AC front and rear both need upgrades one works one doesn't. . Looking for some one to take over payments . Owe around 60k
I'm in Mississippi Gulfcoast
Another year or two and that boat is worth the cost of a big dumpster and the Sawzall to get it in the dumpster. 30k is generous. Bankers are not sailors. Send them a list of actual known needs with costs and a lists of what ifs. Sails and a repower 40-60k easy… hidden hull problems behind that new bottom paint? Oh well. Good luck!
Look at hurricane damaged boats a lot of people are buying hurricane damaged or damaged boats and fixing them clerical navigate.
Bankers are as close to psychopathic as you can get without being arrested… They don't have emotions or empathy… Hit them with a costed out quote including labor and liability insurance for patch up jobs that fail… They should see the financial risk they are taking and sell you the boat for 30K/// To add muscle to your offer, use the same surveyor they used to cost out the refit… They trust him…
Yes, you can get addicted to boats. Work hard for a couple of years, safe all your money, buy your tools for a restoration and after saving a 100.000 dollar come back. Never ever borrow money for a boat. Being independent from banks gives another dimension to life
Love the name "Serenity"!
ve you considered a motor-sailor beyond the Shannon?
Check craigslist in San Diego. There is a Hudson Force 50 listed for 18 grand that's on the hard.
I think the bank is going to be tough to convince (because the bank see’s $$ & not the boat how it truly is) of the realistic value of the boat given its’ systems, sails, fixtures, fittings, keel, hull, engine, generator, electrics, deck, stanchions, wheel-house, windows and lots more – are in the state they’re in – and so I think probably 1 of 2 things will happen; you’ll either (& not in order) 1) Find another boat which ticks the most if not all of your requirments boxes which is likely far closer to being “ready to go”, listed at a far more reasonable price, saving you $ and time in work over the Mickelson – or, 2) You’ll reach a somewhat comfortable/uncomfortable compromise agreement (as your heart is partly set) with the bank on the Mikelson which may be perhaps a little more than you want to pay to acquire it – which will take time, perseverance and effort in negotiations. In the long run, you’ll have a beautiful, asset of boat either way – but that’s my gut. By the way, if the boat was mine, the number one job I’d want doing – is the ridding those roaches!! Hate them!